Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2406: This is a fact

"What do you call me?"

The voice that had been far away seemed to stop suddenly at this moment, and it became sharp and sharp.

"I said you, local chicken."

Chu Yan sneered, "Isn't it because ordinary magical powers can't hurt you, only the magical powers of souls can affect you."

"It turned out to be so."

Yin Luo muttered to herself, with a clear look in her eyes.

Gradually, her eyes got brighter and brighter, so that she excitedly hugged Tachibana Yui beside her.

"Senior Brother Chu is amazing! He not only discovered the trap of one-eyed ecstasy, but also found a way to deal with the opponent.

Senior Brother Chu is indeed a genius that even Senior Sister Mo would respect! "

Yin Luo's words spread far away, arousing one-eyed ecstatic dissatisfaction.

The cold voice was full of ridicule at this time.

"Hehe, even if you know the way to deal with me, what can you do?

Is it possible that you feel that you have the power to counter my soul in the triple realm of your true fairyland?

Stop dreaming! I have long understood clearly that among the inner and outer disciples of Shen Wuzong, there is no such person at all! In other words, as long as the elite disciples are not dispatched, there is only one dead end for you! And when Shen Wuzong sensed something was wrong and sent a higher-level disciple, we had already completed the task and retreated to the deep sea, hahahahahaha! "

The one-eyed and sharp laughter seemed very strange in the night, making people stand upright.

But after speaking, the one-eyed ecstasy found it a little strange.

Because Chu Yan showed the slightest look of horror as expected.

Even Yin Luo and Tachibana Yui showed no signs of fear.

On the contrary, the three of them looked at themselves with idiotic eyes.

Suddenly, the one-eyed ecstasy felt that he was greatly humiliated.

"You are looking for a dead end!"

With a sharp shout, the black hole suddenly opened, and eyeballs as big as the moon appeared in the sky again.

In the void around it, a twisted force field appeared.

The blood-stained tentacles appeared from various places, attacking Chu Yan and the others fiercely.

Crackling! The sky was beaten to cracks again and again.

The cobweb-like cracks are constantly layering and spreading, making people feel shaky.

The attacks of these tentacles, real or false, are very difficult to deal with.

And because the attack was launched directly from the Divine Soul, it was not like a magical array, as long as you found the eye of the array, it could be broken.

To get rid of such a dilemma, the only way to have a spirit is stronger than one-eyed ecstasy.

With the power of divine consciousness, completely overwhelmed him.

This is also the strength of the one-eyed ecstasy.

"Haha, naive."

Chu Yan sneered in response to the one-eyed ecstasy.

He closed his eyes, and immediately a terrifying force of divine consciousness shook outwards violently.

In an instant, it was like in the dark, there were millions of thick and long iron chains, being pulled by Qi Qi, bursting out a shock that shook the universe.

Crackling! The tentacles in the void immediately broke and exploded, and blood sprayed.

In an instant, most of it was cleaned up.

The hovering eyeballs in mid-air also seemed to have been severely punched by a giant. As soon as they shook in the air, shocking blood spots appeared immediately.

Thick blood converged in that eyeball and flowed out.

Inside the eyeball, there is also emotion at this time.

And this feeling is shock and anger.

"How come! How can your spirit be so strong! This is impossible!"

One-eyed ecstatic roared anxiously.

"I can break your trap and kill you, what's impossible, local chicken."

Chu Yan responded coldly.

His spiritual consciousness is like a turbulent river, wave after wave, endless, violently impacting and washing away.

All the emptiness, even where it was as thin as a cicada's wings, and as thin as a hair, was swept away by his divine sense.

The one-eyed ecstasy has nowhere to hide.

Shit! The sky was like a piece of paper at the moment, torn apart.

In the center of the crack is the one-eyed eye.

At this moment, the river of blood, as if it had broken the embankment, surging out from the crack.

At this time, the eyeballs trembled violently with a sharp hiss.

The sound seemed like a huge wave, and instantly shattered all the surrounding space.

Layers of ripples suddenly appeared.

"Don't get out yet!"

Chu Yan screamed, spread his five fingers, and grabbed his eyeball volley.

Click! Click! The sky suddenly split.

The eyeball was dug out by him.

The **** water is like a river bursting its dyke, surging and surging.

Where the eyeball connects with the void, the blood-colored tentacles squirming like blood vessels are entangled together. At this moment, they continue to use force, trying to pull the eyeball back.


Chu Yan snorted and raised his hand.

The purple **** thunder condensed into a sharp blade in the sky, tearing the sky, falling from the sky, cutting off all the entangled tentacles.


The one-eyed ecstasy uttered a heart-piercing scream.

The eyeball that came out kept cracking, and blood gurgled from its surface.

The wailing sound, as if hundreds of thousands of dead souls were roaring in unison.

This voice turned into a shock of divine consciousness, sweeping everything around in an instant.

Yin Luo's face suddenly turned a hundred.

But Tachibana responded very quickly.

She held her hands and fingers together, a fire-flame blade, once again entrenched beside the two of them, like a high tower, protecting them in it.

But at this moment, the shock of the divine consciousness from the one-eyed ecstasy was stronger than once.

Just like an erupting volcano, there is a smell of destruction.

Countless planets are all exploded into dust in the impact at this moment.

Under this impact, the flame blade is like a ship's plank in a huge wave, and it will be overturned at any time, being photographed torn apart.

Tachibana Yui's expression changed again and again, and his magical powers were displayed to the extreme.

The flame blade expanded continuously, was impacted, expanded again, and was being dissipated.

At this time, if you slack a little and are rushed by the one-eyed and ecstatic divine consciousness attack, the divine souls of the two of them will absolutely not be able to stand it.

At that point, I am afraid that I will become an idiot, and it will be the best result.

"Dare to be arrogant?"

Chu Yan's eyes condensed, and an angry expression appeared in his eyes.

His arm slammed forward, like a dragon exploring the sea.

That eyeball, together with the surrounding void, was directly dug down by him.

Large swathes of void, turned into mud, collapsed again and again.

The eyeballs kept trembling and shaking, trying to break free, the endless violent mental consciousness impact, and went crazy toward Chu Yan.

But these divine consciousness impacted in front of Chu Yan, like a spring breeze blowing on his face, without feeling at all.

Seeing Chu Yan's calm and composed appearance, the one-eyed ecstasy finally understood at this time, what is Chu Yan's confidence to call himself a local chicken.

"I do not believe!"

In the eyeballs, he heard a sharp roar.

"But this is the truth."

Chu Yan has five fingers and one song.

Boom! The entire void suddenly condensed.

The huge eyeballs comparable to the moon were blown up by him all at once.

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