Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2407: Yaozu Project


A heart-piercing roar came from the mud of the explosion.

The entire void collapsed suddenly.

The exploding eyeballs were as if the swamp was overturned.

Billowing filthy, rushing out wildly.

The void of tens of thousands of miles was immediately polluted, and it instantly corroded into a swamp, constantly sinking.

Amidst the explosion of chaos, a gray figure disappeared in a flash, escaping quickly towards the depths of the void.

"Want to go?"

Chu Yan sneered again and again, "You can't even stop me, where is the confidence that you can run away?"

When the voice fell, Chu Yan gathered his spiritual consciousness and slammed straight towards the gray shadow.

boom! The figure immediately fell out of the void and hit the ground heavily, curling up into a ball, constantly convulsing and convulsing.

"Is this solved?"

Yin Luo still felt dizzy at this time.

The one-eyed ecstasy attack is invincible.

And this is the famous master of Shen Wuzong's reward task list this time.

As a result, after being met by a few of them, Chu Yan's tricks were easily recognized by Chu Yan.

When fighting again, he was completely crushed by Chu Yan.

At this moment, Chu Yan turned into a stream of light and came to the one-eyed ecstasy.

The one-eyed ecstasy at this time is no longer the same as before, hidden in the depths of the void, and looks particularly mysterious. Instead, the armor of the whole body is split and curled up like a prawn. The body is constantly trembling, and there is constantly blood from the cracks in the armor. Seep out.

It seems that he has completely lost the ability to resist.

Just as Chu Yan looked down at the opponent, his one-eyed seductive body suddenly straightened.

With almost no reaction time, he turned around abruptly, revealing his true face.

Under the cover of a long hair, it is an eyeball! At this moment, this eyeball was full of resentment and hatred, with an extremely strong impact of consciousness, staring at Chu Yan.

In the surrounding void, roars were heard at this moment.

Such a terrifying impact, I am afraid that a complete planet will be directly shocked into powder.

But after the impact, Chu Yan, standing in front of the one-eyed ecstasy, remained motionless and safe.

The look in the eyeball of the one-eyed ecstasy suddenly changed from anger and ecstasy to surprise, fear and disbelief.

"What, what's going on?"

It should be the position of the mouth, and there was a stuttering question.

On the neck of the one-eyed ecstasy, there was an eyeball as big as a head, and Chu Yan didn't know where his voice came from.

But at this moment, the tone-shifted voice expresses the anger and doubt in the one-eyed ecstasy.

It's nothing more than being crushed by the opponent frontally, and the sneak attack that is now bound to be won has no effect at all?

Feeling the contempt in Chu Yan's eyes, the one-eyed eyeballs gradually filled with blood red.

He suddenly understood.

The other party is not too late to respond.

But it doesn't bother to deal with it at all! The other party recognized his sneak attack and couldn't hurt him at all! "You **** human monk!"

The one-eyed ecstasy was ashamed to the extreme.

He felt that he had been humiliated like never before.

"The **** thing is you."

Chu Yan snorted coldly.

This sound seemed to detonate a gas thunder, and directly exploded the arm that had just been raised by the one-eyed ecstasy.

With a bang, the one-eyed ecstatic arm burst open every inch, like firecrackers, blood and water mixed with pieces of meat and armor, sprayed out toward the surroundings.

Chu Yan stepped forward suddenly.

The void was pressed by his body to stack up, as if it were solidified chips.

As soon as the one-eyed ecstasy was about to move, he was horrified to find that his body was actually condensed in the void, unable to move, even breathing.

Chu Yan opened his five fingers, and his palm hummed, and the sound entered the ears of the one-eyed ecstasy, as if it were magical sounds.

In an instant, the huge eyeballs of the one-eyed ecstasy became hollow.

Chu Yan caught and fished.

It seems that the one-eyed ecstasy has not suffered any harm, but in fact, from this moment on, his soul has been imprisoned by the Yin Cao's dementing bell, and the original body has become a walking dead.

Once Divine Soul enters Yin Cao's Respiratory Bell, then no matter how hard the mouth is, there is no way to resist Chu Yan's torture.

Before long, the information that Chu Yan wanted to know would be fully revealed by the one-eyed ecstasy.

Yin Luo and Tachibana also came to Chu Yan's side at this time.

"Brother Chu, what are you doing?"

Yin Luo asked cautiously, and together with Tachibana, curiously looked at the one-eyed ecstasy.

They could feel that the one-eyed ecstasy was different from just now, as if it had become a piece of dead wood, without the slightest anger.

But the one-eyed ecstasy did not die.

This situation can only happen when the soul is destroyed and the Taoist body is still there.

"This time the situation seems to be worse than expected."

Chu Yan pondered for a moment, then spoke.


The two women looked at him together.

Chu Yan then gave a brief account of the results he had just tortured.

In fact, there is not much information that one-eyed ecstasy has.

It's like a whole plan, and what he is responsible for and understanding is only one part of it.

He is not responsible for the other parts, so he doesn't know.

One-eyed Ecstasy's mission this time is to use his unique magical powers to twist the disciples of the Shen Wuzong who descended on the mysterious turtle sea area, and introduce them into the pre-arranged traps to kill them.

In addition to the power of the one-eyed ecstatic spirit, because he also masters an ancient magical power, he can still manipulate the changes in several areas at the same time even if they are separated by a million miles.

This magical power was naturally tortured by Chu Yan at this time.

In addition, Chu Yan also learned the general situation of the alliance between Emperor Chenghuang's Blood Sect and the Sea Clan from the mouth of one-eyed ecstasy.

The sea clan attacks the coastal cities with an army of sea monsters.

The Emperor's Blood Sect took the opportunity to create chaos in it.

And the one-eyed ecstasy is responsible for one of the chaos.

In addition, there are two monsters from Fangtian Painting Envoy and Wuying, who are also responsible for creating chaos.

It's just what Fang Tian's painter and Wuying did specifically, and now the one-eyed ecstasy doesn't know where the people are.

This practice of everyone doing different things and not communicating with each other is to prevent someone from being captured and thus expose the entire plan.

This method was proposed by Zhe Renxian.

"This Zherenxian is quite prepared."

Chu Yan sneered.

"Brother, what are you talking about?"

Yin Luo didn't hear clearly, and asked in confusion.

Chu Yan pondered for a moment, and said, "Now I have an idea and we need to act separately."

Yin Luo and Tachibana saw that Chu Yan looked serious, so they hurriedly said, "Brother, please speak."

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