Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2408: Take the depths

From the torture just now, Chu Yan had already learned that the Hai Clan's attack was divided into three groups.

One route is controlled by one-eyed ecstasy.

The main thing in this way is to use the magical powers of the one-eyed ecstasy to introduce the disciples of Shenwuzong who came to help into the trap, and then be surrounded and killed by the sea clan.

In the spirit trap, what is imaginary is not true, what you see is not true.

If it weren't for Chu Yan to have a more powerful spirit, I'm afraid that he would be the only one to get up with Yin Luo and Tachibana, and he would have been recruited.

But at this time, as the one-eyed ecstasy was beheaded, the various spirit traps scattered in the mysterious turtle sea area lost their effectiveness one by one.

The disciples of Shen Wuzong who were originally in crisis, or might encounter a crisis, no longer have any worries.

It can be said that this route was broken by Chu Yan alone.

If it weren't for the one-eyed ecstasy, and met Chu Yan, I am afraid that more Shenwuzong disciples would have died under his supernatural powers than imagined.

The other two roads are respectively led by Fang Tian Painter and Wuying.

But how they did it separately, the one-eyed ecstasy was not clear, so Chu Yan could not torture him from his soul.

But beyond that, Chu Yan also learned an extremely important thing.

That is Zhe Renxian is responsible for the central support.

The current position of this guy should be in the ocean, waiting with the Sea Clan Demon King this time.

From the one-eyed ecstatic spirit, Chu Yan already knew the location of these sea clan monster kings.

According to Chu Yan's speculation, these Sea Clan Demon Kings had no idea that someone had already made their idea.

If Chu Yan were to go directly now, he would definitely be caught off guard by hitting these Demon Kings.

So Chu Yan decided to act separately from Yin Luo and Tachibana at this moment.

Without the one-eyed ecstasy, it is almost impossible for Yin Luo and Tachibana to encounter danger.

Chu Yan himself planned to hit the door directly.

The people gathered there are all the elite of the sea clan, and their strength is amazing. Yin Luo and Tachibana are definitely not opponents. Taking them with them will only increase their risk.

After speaking out her proposal, the second daughter agreed without hesitation.

After just seeing the mysterious and unpredictable magical powers of the one-eyed ecstasy, they also have lingering fears, knowing that they are following Chu Yan, and the help they can bring to him is limited.

And if Chu Yan went alone, it would be easier for him to get away alone if he encountered any danger.

"Then Brother Chu, you have to be careful."

Yin Luo exhorted carefully.

Tachibana Yui also looked at Chu Yan, although he did not speak, but his expression of concern was beyond words.

"Don't worry."

Chu Yan nodded, "The Feihai City we saw just now is an illusion, but the real Feihai City is not far ahead.

You are now rushing to help Feihai City, and after you get rid of the Kraken there, wait for me in the city.

When I kill the group of Krakens, I will come back to Feihai City to join you. "

After the three agreed, Chu Yan's figure turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky.

Yin Luo and Tachibana looked at Chu Yan's leaving figure, and when the other party disappeared from sight, they could also turn around and set off to rush to the real Feihai City.

Chu Yan followed the memory of one-eyed ecstasy and flew all the way south.

Soon after, sea level appeared on the far horizon.

At the same time, a penetrating cold came from all around.

Suddenly, the void exploded.

A great axe for opening the sky suddenly appeared, curling up the turbulent waves, and slashing towards Chu Yan.

At this moment, it seemed as if the Tianhe was rolling, billions of billions of dollars of sea water poured towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan sneered in his heart, raised his blood spear and shot it, instantly piercing the sea.

The blood spear was like boiling magma, and the burning sun, in an instant, it burned the billowing sea into steam.

Behind a piece of hot steam, the burly figure of the sea monster was looming.

"Want to escape?"

Chu Yan sneered again and again, his body shape resembling a meteor, and in the blink of an eye, he walked in front of the opponent.

It was a sea monster with a crab-like head and eight arms.

The giant axe just swung is his pair of big ao.

"Human monk, go to death!"

Seeing Chu Yan, the sea monster roared again and again, swinging two giant axes, hitting the Tianhe River collapse, the stars exploded, rolling up the boundless storm, and engulfing Chu Yan in it.

"Only you?"

With a sneer, the sword light swept across.

The sea monster's axe-shaped big ao was broken by the roots.

Jian Mang flashed again.

The Kraken's body was split in half from the middle.

But the sea monster's wound immediately gushed out sticky flesh and blood, as if the lotus root was broken, and the body that had been divided into two halves was about to be glued back together immediately.


Chu Yan burst out with a loud shout and punched out.

The force like a burning meteor blasted out, directly blasting the two halves of this monster beast into fragments.

The fire light carried the whole meat in, and in an instant, it was burnt out.

A demon core flew out from the flames, Chu Yan raised his hand to grasp it, held it in his palm, and then crushed it.

The blood of the monster beast turned into a stream of heat and poured into Chu Yan's body.

Hovering in the air, Chu Yan's spiritual consciousness spread.

There are still a million miles away from the sea ahead, but at this time Chu Yan's spiritual sense can clearly feel that on the way, various powerful monsters are about to move.

The strength of these monsters is almost the same as that of the cultivators of the fifth and sixth levels of True Wonderland.

"This is really sent on the initiative."

Chu Yan snorted.

His divine consciousness, even the Ninth Layer of True Wonderland can be crushed directly now, these monster beasts don't need to look at it at all.

When Chu Yan had known the movements of these monsters a long time ago, these monsters hadn't even noticed it.

In a flash, Chu Yan has appeared hundreds of thousands of miles away.

He waved his arm, as fast as thunder and as fast as lightning, and slammed into the depths of the void.

Suddenly, the sound of the mountain falling and the ground cracking appeared.

A large area of ​​space exploded deeply and collapsed, turning into a black hole.

In this space, a sea monster was originally dormant.

But this sea monster didn't have time to react, and was smashed into dregs by Chu Yan.

When Chu Yan withdrew his arm, a demon core appeared in his palm.

Absorb the demon core, and then move on.

One after another monster beast was mercilessly beheaded by him.

These monsters are the main force in the subsequent attacks of the Sea-Monster.

Now let the ordinary sea monsters attack the city with the advantage of large forces and numbers.

After the disciples of Shen Wuzong rushed to help, it was the turn of these great monsters to take action.

According to the Sea-Monster's original plan, the number and strength of these great monsters were enough to contend with the disciples of the Shen Wuzong who rushed to help them, and behind the Sea Clan, there was the support of the Emperor's Blood Sect.

But what they never expected was that a figure like Chu Yan appeared among the disciples of Shen Wuzong.

Killing them is easier than squeezing the ants.

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