Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2409: deep sea

At a distance of a million miles, Chu Yan beheaded all the way.

Blood flows into a river.

No siren could stop him from a blow.

The blood gas inhaled in the body is also growing crazily.

Under the continuous operation of the Proud God Jue, blood and aura circulate with each other, and the aura of Chu Yan becomes more solid and heavier, like an ancient **** of war, tearing the gate of time at this moment, and descending on this world.

Wherever he passed, the emptiness seemed to be unable to carry it, and it would not break or crumble.

A power that destroys the earth spontaneously arises.

When Chu Yan arrived near the sea, behind him was a blood red.

The blood is evaporating, and even the sky is infiltrated.

Looking around, the sky and the ground are dazzlingly red, like **** descending.

Boom! At this moment, an ear-splitting roar came from the sea.

The billowing water separates like a curtain.

A huge octopus slowly rose from it.

The tentacles of this octopus are constantly entwining, covering the sky and the sun.

The body of an octopus surpasses hundreds of islands.

In front of it, Chu Yan was as small as a sesame seed.


With a sneer, Chu Yan shot directly.

"Extremely angry sword intent·Fenghua Flurry!"

Sword Qi cuts vertically and horizontally, like a bleak autumn breeze, like a lingering winter snow.

In an instant, the octopus's tentacles were cut into countless segments, as if rain fell from the sky.

The octopus wailed in pain, and the blood poured out wildly.

The sea water of more than 100,000 miles was dyed black at this moment.

"It's vulnerable."

Chu Yan raised his hand and dropped his sword.

The sword light tore through the sky, like lightning, and suddenly pierced the octopus's head, drove it into the deep sea, and directly nailed it to death in the trench.

This octopus, with its powerful body alone, possesses the strength comparable to the six-fold cultivator of True Wonderland.

But in front of Chu Yan, it didn't even have time to make the least resistance, so it was directly beheaded by Chu Yan.

Looking at the sea like black ink in front of him, Chu Yan spread his five fingers and grabbed it downward.

Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, sharply concentrated.

Within a few moments, the octopus carcass in the deep sea was drained and turned into a dry carcass, as if it were dried fish sun-dried by fishermen.

All the blood water condensed into a blood crystal and was sucked into the body by Chu Yan together with the demon core.

The moment the blood energy entered Chu Yan's body, it was quickly transformed into spiritual energy.

Aura is constantly surging in Chu Yan's body.

But at this moment, Chu Yan suddenly discovered that these auras seemed to have been drawn by some kind of traction, and they had been converging towards his Dantian Consciousness Sea.

In the next moment, this mighty spiritual energy was actually absorbed by the Fate Soul Seed.

All the seeds of life and soul, at this moment, a brilliant light appeared.

But for these countless seeds of life and soul, these auras are just a drop in the bucket.

The light only flickered for a while, and there was no movement.

Seeing this scene, I couldn't help but sigh helplessly.

The lives and souls of others begin to show up when they are in Nirvana.

He is only the fifth level of the real fairyland now, and he has the seed of life and soul.

There is only one life soul for others, so it can be fully cultivated.

And his life and soul, as many as the stars in the sky.

In Chu Yan's view, these are the fate and soul, they are clearly mouths waiting to be fed.

"I need a lot more aura than others to get promoted.

Now there are more of these life souls that need spiritual energy.

It is also fortunate to have cultivated the Proud God Jue, which can transform blood energy into spiritual energy.

Otherwise, the appearance of these fate souls will only make my eyes dark. "

Chu Yan even suspected at this time that his mother had long expected that he would have so many life souls.

Otherwise, why would she arrange the Proud God Jue early in the Guixu Pagoda, and then there is also the stone tablet used to comprehend the soul of life.

"If all this is expected by my mother, it would be too unbelievable."

Chu Yan himself felt doubtful.

However, various signs have shown that this speculation is very likely to be true.

"It seems that all mysteries and questions can only be answered by my mother when she meets her."

Thinking of meeting his mother in the future, Chu Yan's heart was suddenly full of fighting spirit.

Looking at the deep sea in front of him, he fell directly like a thunder light, and in a flash, he sank into the deep sea.

The sea in the mysterious turtle sea area is obviously different from the sea that Chu Yan had seen before.

In the past, the sea that Chu Yan saw was blue like a wash, rolling and rolling, endless.

When the sun is shining, it makes people feel beautiful and refreshed.

The sea breeze between the breaths, although it will also have a wet, salty and salty taste, but it is also a kind of emotion that is high in the sky and the ocean.

But the seawater in the Xuantuo Sea is dark blue at the shallowest point.

A little deeper into the sea level, the sea water immediately turned into a pitch black ink color.

Not only that, the sea water also reveals a chill that goes straight to the bones.

If a full-blooded man is thrown into the sea, he may be soaked in a few breaths, the man will be frozen to death, and when he is caught, he will be like a popsicle.

"It is said that the Sea Clan is extremely vicious, soaking in such sea water all day long, even people with normal temperament will go crazy."

Chu Yan said in his heart.

However, Chu Yan's spiritual consciousness at this time has completely spread.

Entering the sea, that means completely stepping into the territory of the sea clan.

Although a lot of important information has been tortured from the one-eyed ecstasy, but the carelessness of any situation may still cause the ship to capsize in the gutter.

All the way towards the depths of the sea.

There are turbulent undercurrents surging around from time to time.

Lots of sunken ships, parked in the trench, mottled and rotten on the surface, covered with seaweed, revealing an extremely eerie and terrifying smell.

Going forward for a while, Chu Yan's consciousness suddenly moved.

He lurked into the trench at a very fast speed.

Converging his breath, it is impossible for anyone to discover his existence on the seabed like the night.

After a while, several huge figures swam past Chu Yan's head.

Those are several sharks.

These sharks are not the same as ordinary ones.

They are monsters, but appear in the image of the body at this moment.

The most obvious proof, in addition to their fierce aura, is the heavy armor covering them.

Every shark swims like an amazing battleship.

"Unexpectedly, I met the monster so soon."

Chu Yan originally thought that he would have to go a little deeper before there would be any movement. He didn't expect to encounter a wandering Kraken so early.

His divine consciousness quietly fell on these sharks.

"Almost the strength of the five layers of True Wonderland is similar to those on the shore before.

But because they are in the sea, their power will be greater than on the shore.

But no matter how big it is, it can't reach the sixth level of True Wonderland.

It's still just-ants. "

With this thought, Chu Yan's spiritual knowledge suddenly expanded, his figure burst out from the bottom of the sea, and he blatantly shot at these sharks and sea monsters.

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