Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2410: Look down on who

The deep sea, which was originally undercurrent, suddenly rolled up a huge wave.

In an instant, the waves condensed into iron plates, imprisoning those giant sharks to death.

There was a look of horror in the eyes of the giant shark.

They want to struggle, but the water flow doesn't move at all.

Their bodies can be turned upside down by swinging them casually, but now they are immobile.

The next moment, Chu Yan's figure appeared in front of them.

"Extremely angry sword intent, Fenghua Dance!"

In the sea water, the sword light swept across and cut.

The solidified sea water was cut neatly like tofu.

The giant sharks imprisoned in the sea were also cut into pieces of meat, and all died in an instant.

Demon cores appeared one after another.

Every drop of blood is like a complete giant shark, condensing in the sea without dispersing.

Chu Yan raised his hand, flexed his five fingers, and sucked the demon core into his palm.

In the demon core, blood surging, revealing a turbulent surging force.

Chu Yan was planning to absorb it, but at this moment, his spiritual sense jumped sharply.

Between the electric light and flint, the demon nuclei exploded together.

The intense blood water, like erupting volcanic magma, instantly engulfed Chu Yan.

Chu Yan frowned.

At the moment when the demon core exploded, his protective body was suddenly stretched, and the blood did not touch him at all.

But at this moment, the waves of monsters and strange auras made him feel uneasy.


At this moment, a slight sting came.

Chu Yan looked down and found that a few purple-black spots appeared on the palm of the Demon Core just now.

These spots did not appear on his skin, but corroded his body guard.

Although the body protector's true gang is condensed from the spiritual energy in the body, the true gang of Chu Yan is definitely a hundred times stronger than the average monk.

In other words, if I change to another monk now, I am afraid that the palm of his hand has been corroded cleanly.

"There is a problem with this demon core!"

Immediately, Chu Yan reacted.

At almost the same moment, his divine consciousness spread violently, as if it were a huge wave, instantly covering tens of thousands of miles in a radius, and he would not let any change happen.

Soon, he found a strong breath, swiftly approaching from a distance.

"That was a trap just now!"

Rumble! The nearby sea water suddenly stirred up, forming a huge whirlpool.

This whirlpool, covering thousands of miles around it, is deeply sunken and dark, as if even the sun and the moon can be swallowed.

A face with blurred facial features gradually emerged from the whirlpool.

"Human monk, you are so bold that you dare to break into here alone.

So it seems that you are the one who killed the one-eyed ecstasy? "

The mouth of his face flicked, and the sound of speaking came out as the waves beat.

It's just a single word, and every blow is like thunder, almost rupturing a person's eardrums.

Chu Yan looked at the eyes of this face.

The eyes of the face were also two whirlpools, deeply sunken, which seemed to contain mystery and bloodthirsty aura. Staring for a moment, Chu Yan's ears unexpectedly heard whispers.

And this voice, in a short moment, became like a million people shouting in unison.

That voice, even the stars in the sky, can shake down.

"I didn't expect it!"

The face's mouth opened again, and he laughed triumphantly.

"One-eyed ecstasy is less than one-tenth of mine.

Even if you can kill him, you are not my opponent.

Although I have no time to deal with you as a clone, I have already left a mark on you. "

Upon hearing this, Chu Yan looked down at his palm.

The purple-black spots that had just corroded the true ganglion of his body protector had left shallow marks on his palm at this time.

Although this spot did not have any effect on Chu Yan, let alone pain, the ability to leave a mark on his body is enough to show that this spot is extremely unusual.

"With this mark, even if you escape to the end of the world, you will be beheaded! At this moment, the master of my blood sect has already gone to find you! Just wait for death! Hahahahahahahaha!"

With the sound of his face laughing wildly, the sea in the distance suddenly seemed to set off a dust storm.

The huge black billowing waves, tumbling over the rivers and seas, rushed forward.

The whole sea seemed to be boiled and boiled.

But Chu Yan's face did not show the slightest fear.

Looking at the wildly laughing face, he hummed softly, "Are you Zherenxian?"

The expression on his face was taken aback, and his two huge eye sockets looked at Chu Yan deeply: "You actually know who I am?"

"As if it's rare."

Chu Yan smiled disdainfully, "Remember, my name is Yang Feng, I'm going to kill you now.

If you have the ability, you can kill me, the disciple of Shen Wuzong, Yang Feng. "

"it is good!"

Faced with Chu Yan's arrogance, Zhe Renxian seemed to be irritated.

He let out a loud roar, and then sternly said: "The disciple of the Blood Sect of Chenghuang obeyed the order and pursued and killed the disciple of Shenwu Sect Yang Feng with all his strength! After discovering it, he would smash his body into thousands of pieces and blow his bones into ashes!

The sea water in all directions suddenly burst into big bubbles, as if there were countless monsters, responding in unison.

"You can wait to die now."

Chu Yan sneered.

After sending back what Zhe Renxian had just said, Chu Yan no longer gave the other party a chance to speak, raised his hand with a blood spear, and instantly pierced the condensed face of the sea, and then squeezed violently.

Boom boom boom! A series of explosions suddenly occurred.

The entire face was shattered by the explosion and turned into turbulent sea water, pouring towards the surroundings.

Zhe Renxian's last voice also became vague and disappeared.

At the same time, the blue rays of light, mixed in the water like the black tide, approached Chu Yan.

A great demon in the light showed peerless ferocity, countless souls revolving around them, as if full of evil, attacking and killing Chu Yan.

"One, two, three, four--" Chu Yan laughed out loud with a glimpse of the divine consciousness: "There are only twelve here, so who do you look down on!"

When the voice fell, his face sank, and he seemed to be filled with wind and snow covering the sky.

The originally tumbling sea water instantly condensed into ice.

Chu Yan's figure disappeared in the ice in an instant.

The next moment, he appeared in front of a big demon, and slapped it with a palm of the big demon's horrified gaze.

boom! The big demon's head exploded to pieces in an instant.

The blood and water mixed with ice water and spewed out like ink.

Chu Yan hooked his finger, took out the demon core, and twisted his body, as if it were lightning flashing in the water, swish swish swish, meteors flickered, and the four big demons didn't even have time to react, so they were cut into pieces by Chu Yan. Two paragraphs.

They opened their eyes wide and couldn't believe what was happening before them. They watched from below their waist and slowly sank into the deep sea.

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