Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2412: Come to me for revenge

Boom! Boom! Boom! Giant beasts all rushed towards Chu Yan at this time.

The tumbling sea water was completely washed away by them.

The sea water in a radius of one million miles, at this moment, all seemed to boil.

Millions of sea monsters roared in unison, their demonic energy soared into the sky, rolling up a horrible tornado, connecting the sea and the sky, as if the end of the world had come.

"That's it?"

Chu Yan sneered, burst out of the waves, and rose into the air.

There are tornadoes as thick as Tianzhu all around, and Chu Yan's figure is so small that it is almost invisible.

At this moment, Chu Yan's energy and blood exploded, and golden light emerged vigorously from his palm.

The surrounding water column was immediately exploded.

The billowing sea was also deeply sunken, as if being stomped by a giant spirit god.

"The Kingdom of Gods and Demons!"

Chu Yan made one move with one hand.

The golden light is like a blazing sun, chants descend, gods and demons dance wildly.

All the sea water was evaporated in an instant.

The muddy trench suddenly turned into a desert.

Looking at it from a high altitude, it was like a vast ocean, and a piece of it was suddenly hollowed out.

Countless gods and demons display peerless magical powers.

Meteor fire rain, thunderbolt lightning, ground water, fire and wind, thunderstorm, the changing seasons, instantly enveloped the spot.

Chu Yan is in it, like a peerless god, in control of everything.

The behemoth that rushed head-to-head was cut and disintegrated in the blink of an eye, exploding from head to top.

The roaring siren was drawn into it, just like a piece of fleshy flesh, stuffed into the grinding disc, constantly grinding, and soon turned into a thick fleshy mud.

"Die to me!"

Chu Yan's five fingers spread out, and his magical powers like the ancient blue sky are oppressing fiercely.

Boom boom boom boom! Thousands of sea monsters were completely crushed, and there was no place to bury them.


Chu Yan's hand and sword pointed, and immediately, in the tossing sea, countless demon cores flew out like hail, crackling, colliding fiercely, and flew towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan's spiritual consciousness swept violently, like a river washing rice, over and over again.

Among these demon cores, he found the inscription pattern-like restriction.

At this moment, Chu Yan's spiritual consciousness suddenly rose to the extreme, as if lightning flashed directly across.

Boom boom boom boom! The sound of pouring rain on the ground appeared.

All the demon cores exploded at this moment.

The restrictions in the depths of the demon core were all exploded into powder.

The smashed demon core, at this time, all turned into an indescribable rich blood.

The blood is full of blood, almost turned into a kingdom of blood.

The blood was rolling, and the sky was dyed red.

The mixed demon spirit in it was still roaring and roaring at this moment, as if unwilling to be killed like this, and wanted to launch a final blow to Chu Yan.

"Idiot talk about dreams."

Chu Yan sneered, his eyes flashed with brilliance.

The kingdom of gods and demons was suddenly shaken, and it was as bright as the sun, and it was brilliant.

The billowing blood cloud was illuminated by the golden light, and suddenly thunderous cry and roar came from it.

The kingdom of gods and demons is like a whirlpool, a black hole, swallowing all blood clouds in it quickly.

The original golden kingdom of gods and demons was also **** at this time, revealing a sacred and **** surprise.

In just this short time, this hidden army of sea monsters in the deep sea was wiped out by Chu Yan by nearly one-third.

All kinds of anger, resentment, and hatred, among the remaining sea monster army, continued to rub and swell, and erupted to the extreme.

"Human monk, take your life!"

"Dare to kill my Hai Clan Erlang, you will be crushed to pieces today!"

Amidst the roars, a tall body that resembled a human, not a human, or a fish, rushed into the sky, and confronted Chu Yan from a distance.

This figure looks like a human figure, but it retains some of the characteristics of a fish.

For example, he has cheeks on both sides of his cheeks, and his body also has unfading scales, his palms and toes, and his nails are four to five inches long, cold and shining like sharp daggers.

The billowing sea continued to circulate around him, majestic and arrogant.

"Chuo Kun, one of the six sea generals of the Sea Clan!"

The big demon roared and reported his name, "I think you are among the human monks, and you are not an ordinary person, let you know who killed you, and you can die clearly."


Chu Yan nodded faintly, "My name is Yang Feng. If you have a family member, come to Shen Wuzong to find me Yang Feng for revenge.

I, Yang Feng, vowed today to eradicate the eighteenth generation of your sea clan, so that your sea clan will have no place to bury. "

"Yang Feng! How dare you speak wild words!"

With a roar, Zhuo Kun interrupted Chu Yan's words.

He gritted his teeth with anger, and a bloodthirsty frenzy broke out in his eyes: "Today you are doomed!"

"I, Yang Feng, are not afraid of you."

Chu Yan said.

"Come on then! Angry Shark!"

Zhuo Kun let out a wild roar, his body shook, and in an instant, hundreds of thousands of miles of sea water burst into the sky with a bang.

In the sea, sharks as huge as battleships suddenly appeared, rushing towards Chu Yan.

These sharks have copper skin and iron bones, and their teeth are larger than the door panels. They are mighty and powerful. They are connected to each other by blood, and it is easy to destroy a city in an instant.


Chu Yan sneered in response to the voiceless Kun.

Immediately, his hands and swords pointed together, and his brows flickered sharply.

"Five swords!"

boom! The billowing sword lights, gathered into a group of storms, a planet, a lucky, violent impact, and collided with a group of sharks in the sky.

In an instant, it seemed as if the galaxy was rushing and the avenue was destroyed.

The infinite burst occurred at this moment.

All the mad sharks were swept away in general.

The billowing sword glow, like a hurricane, rotates violently, and when the mad shark touches it, the flesh and bones separate and fall apart.


Zhuo Kun's body shook, and his face was full of anger, "How is this possible!"

"Too weak."

Chu Yan raised his hand and waved down again.

The kingdom of gods and demons is like a mountain, falling from the nine heavens.

Layers of emptiness are shattered at this moment.

The stars in the sky are shaking wildly.

The sky is like being pierced, and the earth, water, fire and wind are all pouring down.

"Don't want to underestimate me!"

Zhuo Kun let out a loud roar, suddenly rain and mist filled his body, and his body became a million times bigger in an instant! Those wild sharks just now, compared with him, are like a loach meeting a whale, so small that they can hardly be seen.

The muddy kun that showed its body shook, and the entire sea seemed to be overturned. The tail curled up again, picking the stars and taking the moon, and the galaxy's shadow moved.

"Still too weak."

Chu Yan's eyes didn't fluctuate at all, his expression was so indifferent as if nothing happened in front of him.

"I, Yang Feng, haven't seen any strong winds and waves. If I want revenge, I come to my Shen Wuzong Yang Feng."

As the voice fell, Chu Yan waved his arm downward.

The kingdom of the gods and demons was like a heavy hammer, smashing Zhuo Kun's head fiercely, and immediately smashing its head into the trench, causing an indescribable terrifying earthquake.

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