Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2413: Killing one is not enough

Bleeding blood, like a tsunami, surged in all directions.

The blood wave is soaring, at this moment, it seems that the entire sky will be overturned and completely rolled down.

In the depths of the sea, in the secret realm, several pairs of eyes, all shining with extremely shocked light, through a jade plate, watching the scene of Chu Yan killing the turbid Kun.

Most of these people are sea clan, but there are two human monks among them.

The two monks looked at Chu Yan with interest at this time.

One of the men with narrow eyes touched his chin: "Shen Wuzong Yang Feng?

Where did you seem to hear this name? "

The other monk was a bald old man.

He opened his mouth, revealing the incomplete teeth inside, and smiled: "If you can make an impression, I am afraid that you have reached Nirvana, right?"


The man with narrow eyes nodded, "But it doesn't matter. Anyway, this guy will die today. Why should I remember a dead person."

As he spoke, the monk looked towards a demon race surrounded by him.

This monster race had no trace of the sea monster on his body.

On the contrary, his blond hair and the textures on his arms make people feel domineering and exposed, like a tiger roaring in the mountains and forests, and he can't help but feel frightened when he sees it.

At this moment, this monster clan was closing his eyes, as if sitting in meditation.

But he seemed to feel the eyes of the people around him, and he opened his eyes suddenly.

In an instant, the air in this secret territory seemed to freeze.

The surroundings sucked in cold air, and the whispering sounds stopped abruptly.

"The remaining five seas will all come out and bring this human monk back."

Looking at Chu Yan on the jade plate, the monster clan spoke.

However, among the surrounding sea clan, a demon clan full of noble aura came out, frowning and said: "Our sea clan has already lost a sea general. If the five seas will all come out, and there will be losses, what should we do? "

"I'm Zherenxian, why should I explain to you."

The domineering and revealing Yaozu's gaze condensed, and the talking Yaozu suddenly felt tight in his chest, and stepped back a few steps.

When he stood still, the corners of his mouth were bleeding.

But no one around dared to speak up for him, to stand up for him.

Zhe Renxian coldly glanced at the panic-stricken Kraken, and said, "This time, isn't your Sea Clan being used as cannon fodder?"

In the words, full of disdain.

However, even if they were so humiliated by Zhe Renxian, these sea races still did not dare to resist at all, or even dare to argue.

Zhe Renxian's gaze returned to Chu Yan on the Yupan, with a smile but a smile: "Yang Feng?

You have the courage to break my magical powers, but I want to see how many catties you have. "

Above the sea, Chu Yan stretched out his hand and dug.

Zhuo Kun's demon core, stained with blood, was sandwiched between his fingers.

The full blood in the demon core was reflected like a small sun.

At this moment, Chu Yan could feel countless horrified gazes cast towards him from the ocean.

Among the marine clan who invaded this time, the six generals were close to the most powerful existence.

Zhuo Kun is not the strongest among the six generals, but for these monster races in the sea, it is also an existence that is completely unattainable.

However, such a powerful and turbulent Kun was actually shot to death by Chu Yan with one move.

Yaozu's proud and powerful body was even more directly beaten to pieces.

In the entire sea, there are broken pieces of muddy meat floating at this moment.

Feeling these gazes, Chu Yan sneered and pinched his fingers.


The demon core suddenly shattered, and the blood came out vigorously with a red light.

The streamer seemed to be a flood, and was quickly sucked into the body by Chu Yan.

The mighty blood qi gave Chu Yan a feeling that the blood qi possessed by this turbid Kun was worth more than half a million ordinary sea monsters.

"If I can kill all the remaining five, I can even try to hit the Sixth Realm of Wonderland."

Chu Yan secretly said in his heart.

At the moment when he had just thought about it, the sound of turbulent waves hitting the shore came from the surrounding sea.

One by one, bottomless whirlpools appeared.

The original army of sea monsters all quickly retreated far away.

At a glance, it was like leaving the battlefield out.

Chu Yan hovered in the air and swept away his spiritual consciousness.

At this moment, with him as the center, five black hole-like vortices suddenly appeared in the surrounding sea.

In every whirlpool, there is an extremely powerful aura gushing out, as if there are thousands of volcanoes hidden inside.

And now, these volcanoes wake up together and are about to erupt at the same time.

"Speaking of it, it's really here."

Chu Yan's heart moved.

boom! Boom boom boom boom! As the first water column soared into the sky, there were four more water columns, directly breaking through the nine heavens.

In the water column, five tall and burly figures appeared.

The remaining five of the six generals all shot together at this moment.

"Human monk! Suffer to death!"

The five big seas will shout in unison.

In an instant, the world collapsed and the sea water poured in.

As if the voices of tens of thousands of dragons singing together.

The surrounding voids are all twisted into terrifying shackles, each of them can shatter thousands of stars and attack and kill Chu Yan together.

All time and space will be crushed, shattered, and completely annihilated.

The heavy rain is pouring down. At this moment, it is even unclear whether it is rain falling from the sky or the sea is shaking towards the sky.

The rain, mist, roar, and impact have turned the whole world into chaos.

In the chaos, the indescribable huge sea beast, looming, can shatter the universe and shake the galaxy every time.

Chu Yan's figure appeared extremely small in this attack, as if it was about to be wiped out in the next moment, and disappeared from then on.

"Your spirit is very powerful and fierce."

At this moment, Chu Yan spoke suddenly.

The surrounding sounds are clearly like thunder, enough to smash a living person directly, but Chu Yan’s voice is still very clear in every word, even like a twilight drum and morning bell, making the originally violent and chaotic scene give people A feeling of tranquility and tranquility.

"I just need your souls to improve my magic weapon.

So you all die! "

Chu Yan stretched out his hand and grabbed it.

"The Kingdom of Gods and Demons!"

The golden light is like the essence, suddenly swelling, propping up the ancient blue sky.

All rain, shocks, and explosions were blocked.

Chu Yan grabbed it in the air, the flames were raging, blood boiled, and he held Zhan Yan: "Extremely angry sword intent·Feng Hua Wu Zhan!"

With a sword cut out, the huge storm light group formed by the sword light flashed and disappeared in place.

But the next moment, it appeared one hundred thousand miles away.

Jianguang swallowed the rain, and then strangled and exploded! boom! Countless rays of light poured out like a meteor shower.

Bloody water and large stumps of limbs, accompanied by screams, followed closely behind, rushing in.


In the distance, Chu Yan spoke lightly.

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