Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2414: The formation is useless

This sound, without the slightest emotion, was cold to the bone.

The surrounding sea water is obviously still rushing, but at this moment, it gives people a feeling of being frozen.

A feeling of fear, the plague spread in all directions.

Time seemed to freeze.

The next moment, Chu Yan shot.

The light blooms, and the sharpness is extraordinary.

The shackles of space and time were instantly broken.

"the second!"

As the words fell, Chu Yan was shaped like a sword, cutting out hundreds of thousands of miles of radiance, and violently splitting a curtain of water.

A bloodstain of thousands of miles long appeared in the sky out of thin air.

It was as if the ink was smeared, and the blood stains spread out instantly.

Then, a whole piece of space shattered.

Countless pieces of corpses, wrapped in thick blood, rolled down.

The head of a monster like a small mountain, without squinting its eyes, fell down under the black pressure.

Chu Yan raised his hand and grabbed it, and with a hook, the monster's head suddenly opened a big hole.

The demon core in the cave was shining brightly, and was immediately crushed by Chu Yan.

In the blink of an eye, two of the five sailors who came were killed.

The six great generals were even beheaded in half.

And looking at this situation, the remaining three sea generals are afraid that they will not be able to deal with Chu Yan if they join forces.

The remaining three sailors obviously realized this at this time.

They no longer hide themselves.

The violent sea water slowly fell, and the world suddenly became clear.

The storm turned into a beautiful wind in the blink of an eye.

Three sea generals hovering in the air in human form, with murderous eyes, staring at Chu Yan.

"Human monk, I have to admit that you have strength far beyond ours."

"True Wonderland Triple, I'm afraid it's not your true state."

"Our offensive is so powerful that even if the disciples of Shen Wuzong come, it is only to delay our advancement, but you, almost let us give up all our previous efforts."

At this moment, in Chu Yan's eyes, where are these three sea generals, but three rippling demon cores.

As for what they said, Chu Yan didn't care at all.

"Kill the three of you, I won't be the Triple True Wonderland."

According to Chu Yan's estimation, it is not difficult to absorb the demon cores of the remaining three sea generals and attack the Sixth Layer of True Wonderland.


"Idiot talk about dreams!"

"Do you really think we can't stop you!"

Upon hearing the words, the three sea generals roared immediately.

The three phantoms suddenly pulled apart.

Between the sky and the earth, it seemed to form a triangular formation in an instant.

The sky is high, the sea is wide, and the sun is shining, but at this time, in the void, there seems to be an extremely powerful energy, billions of gunpowder barrels, ignited all together, are about to explode.


Chu Yan realized it instantly.

If you change to another monk, you will be absolutely shocked at this time.

Because the monster beast should have no idea about the formation.

However, he had the previous experience, and Chu Yan had long been wary of his heart, so at this time the formation was first revealed, he opened the way of wisdom, and at the same time, the divine consciousness directly penetrated into the void, filtering layer by layer.

In an instant, countless formation patterns appeared in his field of vision like a star chart.

The great formation that cuts off the world, the power of the fallen stars, and the roar of thousands of sea beasts, all concentrated here at this moment, turning into a terrifying death, blowing Chu Yan into ashes.

"Hehe, after learning a little fur, I dare to be presumptuous in front of me."

Chu Yan sneered, then raised his hand and blasted out.

The blood spear rose into the sky.

Under the blood spear, the sea of ​​anger hit, and countless dead souls violently spewed out, instantly blasting the void into a molten hole.

At the same time, the surrounding violent shaking.

Countless array patterns, like huge twisting tadpoles, emerged in the air, each weighing ten thousand pounds.

The sky didn't seem to support their weight, and cracks appeared densely.

An aura of heaven and earth sprang up spontaneously, but all living creatures felt extremely fear in their hearts at this moment.

"what happened!"

"What a terrible power!"

"The natural disaster has come!"

"Go back! Go back!"

"This guy knocked the sky down!"

"Run for your life!"

The sea monsters in the distance all felt that disaster was imminent, and they were no longer arrogant and domineering before, all holding their heads.

The remaining three sea generals also turned pale and at a loss.

"How can this formation be out of control!"

"The formation is ruined!"

"What did this monk just do? The formation seems to be about to collapse!"

Their gazes were startled and angry, and they all looked at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan's expression was still faint, but a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Be smart."

When the voice fell, Chu Yan opened his five fingers and swiped in the air.

Buzzing buzzing—all the patterns in the sky turned into shining gold, and then turned into bronze again, revealing bursts of wild and ancient aura.

This breath, almost instantly, was connected to Chu Yan's breath.

The sky and the formations seemed to be moving one by one with Chu Yan's breathing.

"This... how is this possible!"

Even if the Sea-Monster didn't know anything about the formation, they could see that the formation originally laid down by them to deal with Chu Yan was actually controlled by Chu Yan at this time.

At this moment, the faces of the three sea generals were filled with panic.

Deep in the sea, in that secret realm, Zhe Renxian also stood up, pushing all the sea monsters in front of him to one side, a pair of tiger eyes, like fire breathing, staring at the Chu shown on the jade plate. Language image.

In the secret realm, the crows are silent.

After a while, Zhe Renxian turned around and strode to the two monks.

"What is going on, give me an explanation."

Zhe Renxian's tone is still calm, but under the pressure, he has shown his murderous intent.

However, these two monks didn't seem to care about Zhe Renxian's anger.

They looked at the figure of Chu Yan on the jade plate with interest, and one of them even slapped his mouth twice.

"Shen Wuzong's Yang Feng, such a guy, shouldn't be the unnamed generation."

"I ask you to give me an explanation!"

Seeing that the other party didn't even pay attention to him, Zhe Renxian suddenly roared.

The pressure poured out, the entire secret realm was crumbling, and the surrounding void collapsed like a shortbread.

On the bodies of the two cultivators, the body protector immediately appeared.

But the two of them didn't back down either.

One of them looked at Zhe Renxian, shook his head and said: "There is no problem with the formation, the problem lies with this person."

Zhe Renxian frowned, obviously dissatisfied with this explanation.

The other person raised his hand and pointed to the jade plate, with a sneer from the corner of his mouth: "I would like to meet this guy. Let's see how well he really is in this false realm."

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