Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2415: He found us

"True Wonderland Triple is inevitably fake, and the control over the formation is far beyond my expectation."

The monk turned around and looked at Zhe Renxian whose brows were gradually stretched out, "Among the disciples of Shenwuzong's internal and external sects, there shouldn't be such a character. Have you heard similar news before?"


Zhe Renxian also calmed down at this moment.

He has realized that Chu Yan is very likely, but only a variable in this plan.

However, such a careful plan has changed, which shows that it is definitely not a simple matter and must be treated with caution.

Recall carefully, Zherenxian said: "If there is such a character, Wuying will surely tell me, this guy..." Zherenxian gritted his teeth and creaked as he looked at the appearance of Chu Yan on the jade plate. sound.

He had already realized at this time that his plan was likely to be destroyed by this guy in front of him.

Even if it is not destroyed, the other party will bring himself a lot of trouble.

At this moment, the sea monsters in the secret realm exclaimed again.

In the jade plate, Chu Yan flipped his palm and shot down.

In an instant, the heavy array pattern densely covered with the sky, with the pressure of the ancient blue sky, directly fell.

Boom boom boom! The sea was smashed into a deep sink.

The remaining three sea generals had no room to fight back. They couldn't even escape, and they were smashed into meatloaf in an instant.

And all of their demon cores fell into the hands of Chu Yan.

"This monk has absorbed so much blood, if it is not certain that he is a human monk, I will definitely think that he is an ancient giant monster."

A sea monster in the secret realm tremblingly said.

"What does he want so much blood for?"

Another Kraken said.

For a while, the Kraken looked at each other.

Including Zhe Renxian and the two human monks, it was not clear at this time.

In their view, absorbing blood energy is nothing more than condensing and strengthening the Dao body.

But Chu Yan's shots were all supernatural powers.

Supernatural powers are triggered by spiritual energy, and have nothing to do with the absorbed blood energy.

It is impossible for these sea monsters to know that what Chu Yan has learned is the Proud God Art that transforms spiritual energy and blood energy into each other.

At this time, the remaining three demon cores were completely absorbed, and Chu Yan felt that his body was like a burning furnace. At this moment, a large amount of firewood and coal was added. The accumulated power was one heavier than the other. Can't be suppressed anymore.

As soon as his body moved, all the surrounding void suddenly shattered.

The sea is evaporated by countless seawater.

The force fields around Chu Yan were completely distorted, as if they were superimposed on each other.

In this distorted force field, Chu Yan's breath continued to rise.

The light shining on it was blocked.

These sea monsters in the secret realm, even if they couldn't feel the horror of Chu Yan's promotion at this time, but just seeing this scene was particularly shocking.

The entire secret realm fell into deathly quiet, and only the heart-pounding voice of the sea monsters could be heard.

After a while, a sea monster approached Zhe Renxian and said with difficulty: "Should you call Fangtian Painter and Wuying back?"

Zhe Renxian looked at Chu Yan in the jade plate, and the flame in his eyes wished to swallow it.

He glared his eyes and gritted his teeth and said: "Wuying continues to lurch, let Fang Tianhuan return, the current situation..." Even if he was reluctant to admit it, Zhe Renxian had to say something that irritated him at this moment: "Already It's almost out of control."

As soon as the voice fell, in the secret realm, there was another exclamation.

All the sea monsters stared out at this moment.

Even the two human monks, their cheeks turned pale at this moment.

In the picture displayed in the jade plate, a straight beam of light rises above the entire sea.

This beam of light instantly expanded, and it soon became so thick that it seemed to encompass the entire ocean.

At this time, the jade plate can no longer show all the pictures, only the dazzling brilliance.

This brilliance is bright, rich, and reveals an incomparably sacred taste.

At this moment, just looking at it like this, the sea monsters in the secret realm felt soft and trembling constantly, and they wanted to kneel down and kowtow fiercely.

"This, this..." Zhe Renxian didn't know what to say for a while.

The two monks glanced at each other, and they saw a deep panic in each other's eyes.

"Even the Seventh Layer and Eighth Layer of True Wonderland, it is impossible to have such a strong beam of light..." one of them murmured.

"But how can there be magical powers that can hide a person's realm so much..." the other said.

The guesses in their hearts at this time were very close to the truth of the matter.

That is, although Chu Yan hides part of the realm, he also has the strength far beyond the realm.

Judging from the beam of light at the time of promotion, although he will only be shown to the outside world after being promoted, his realm is definitely not like this, and his real strength will only be better than his real realm. Even higher! These two human monks saw the answer in the eyes of each other at this moment: I am afraid that they can kill the strength of True Wonderland eightfold or even above.

No wonder the six sea generals are like dried shrimps in front of him.

It's no wonder that the large array set up was used by him when he grabbed it with his five fingers.

The two human monks in the secret realm felt that their hearts were about to jump out of their throats at this time.

Such a character is definitely not something they can afford.

Just when their hearts were beating like a drum, and the desire to escape was already in their minds, the jade pan shook abruptly.

"what happened?"


"This is..." When the sea monsters were extremely puzzled, they heard a crisp sound, which was uploaded from the jade plate.

In the next moment, they saw a crack appeared on the jade plate.

And that dazzling light, also at this moment, was torn apart by a pair of big hands.

A purple flame was burning all over Chu Yan, and countless gods and demons roared under his feet and appeared in front of the sea monsters.

With his appearance, the jade plate cracked more and more, and it trembled more severely, as if it was about to collapse in the next moment.

At this moment, Zhe Renxian seemed to realize something, and hurriedly shouted: "Smash it!"

While speaking, he slapped out a palm, as if hitting a jade plate with a violent hammer.

But at this time, it was still too late.

The sea monsters clearly saw Chu Yan in the jade plate, and stretched out their hands.

And this finger makes them feel that the other party has seen them, and this finger is pointing at them.

But before they could come back to their senses, the jade pan banged and exploded to pieces.

Zhe Renxian slapped his palm, only patted the fried jade pan into powder.

His face was full of anger and despair at this moment: "He found us!"

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