Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2416: Into the Secret Realm



"What's the matter with that guy!"

"That glorious light just now!"

In the secret realm, chaos turned into a pot of porridge at this moment.

Whether it was the sea monster or the two human monks, their hearts were full of panic and fear.

And at the moment Zhe Renxian's voice fell, the space where the jade plate was just now collapsed suddenly.

The roar of the steel being pried came.

The earth moved and the mountains shook, the void broke, and in an instant, a tortuous space channel appeared in front of everyone.

The next moment, Chu Yan's figure stepped out of it.

The sacred light enveloped his whole body.

But under his feet, there was a sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain, purple-black flames, like boiling water and lava, among which countless souls floated up and down, wailing and roaring.

He is like a **** and demon coming to the world, directly trying to break the universe and destroy the yin and yang.


"His realm!"

"How could this guy come here!"

In the secret realm, there was a continuous roar suddenly.

Zhe Renxian also froze in place, his eyes full of incredible, staring at Chu Yan.

The realm of Chu Yan, revealed at this time, is the Sixth Layer of True Wonderland.

"This, this is his true state..." the human monk on the side murmured.

Another human monk, his face was earthy, and his voice was almost inaudible: "This aura, even the nine layers of True Wonderland, can be easily crushed."

But at this moment, Chu Yan suddenly seemed to realize something and stopped.

Immediately afterwards, his breath began to converge.

With all eyes in full view, the original Sixth Level of True Wonderland slowly descended to the fifth level of True Wonderland, and then continued to descend until it became the fourth level before stopping.

In the eyes of the sea monsters, Chu Yan explained: "I'm sorry, I just got promoted, and I forgot to hide the realm."

This is obviously to rub the IQ of the sea monsters on the ground.


"Human monk, don't be arrogant!"

"kill him!"

Immediately, there was a sea monster violent, the whole body of the sea was rolling, and the five fingers grabbed the power of the whole world and attacked and killed Chu Yan.


With a sneer, Chu Yan waved his arm.

The boiling sea water was immediately cut open like the most tender tofu.

The bodies of the few sea monsters that shot were also cut into countless pieces in an instant, and they were sprinkled on the ground.

"It's too crowded here."

Chu Yan said lightly again, stamping his feet.

Bang! There was a loud roar, and then, this secret realm collapsed directly.

The space splits like porcelain, and the mighty sea water immediately rushes in.

All around Chu Yan suddenly enlightened.

After the mystery collapsed, he was in the depths of the sea.

There is a dark sea all around, vast and boundless.

At the moment when the secret realm was exploded, the Kraken who had stayed inside was all scattered around at the moment, looking at Chu Yan in shock.

Zhe Renxian hovered in the sea, surrounded by water and fire, constantly rotating around him, revealing an extremely mysterious and profound aura.

Looking towards Chu Yan, he sneered: "Although your strength is amazing, but here you are isolated and helpless, see what else you can do."

"What do I do, you don't need to worry about it."

Chu Yan glanced at the other side indifferently, "But you are the most valuable in our Shenwu Sect's reward this time!"

The moment the last word "money" fell, the piece of sea where Chu Yan was in, all of a sudden exploded, and the white foam instantly flooded all directions.

A strong force spreads at the same time, as if all the sea water, the entire space, at this moment has condensed into an iron plate.

A group of sea monsters were trapped in it, no matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't move.

The next moment, a sword light suddenly lit up.

All the bubbles are reflected crystal clear, reflecting a colorful light in the depths of the dark sea.

"Five swords!"

Jianguang seemed to connect all the stars in series and swept across suddenly.

Crackling! One by one sea monsters immediately exploded in the sea, and their bodies were exploded into pieces of meat from head to tail.

Zhe Renxian's pupils shrank into a pinhole in an instant.

"The Great Emperor's Talent Sea Art!"

He waved his arms violently.

The surrounding sea water turned into a wall, blocking him.

The sword light came in an instant, and it touched the wall of water, and all of this wall was pierced and exploded.

At a glance, the entire sea is like a row of tall city walls, constantly being pierced and cut.

Zhe Renxian's face became more and more ugly.

He backed away quickly, shouting loudly: "You guys don't take action yet!"

Hum! Hum! In the silt of the deep sea, two groups of dark red lights suddenly rose up, like hidden behemoths, and suddenly opened their blood-colored eyes.

A dangerous breath spread instantly.

The next moment, the sea water swayed away, and two red rays of light shot straight towards Chu Yan.

Wherever it passed, all the spaces were turned into silt, successively sunken.

Chu Yan's figure flashed in the air.

Almost in an instant, show the way of space.

Those two red rays of light passed through from where he had just stayed, and in the blink of an eye, the entire void turned into mud.

Chu Yan's body shape immediately appeared thousands of miles away.

His divine consciousness spread, swept violently, and instantly found the two human monks who had just attacked him.

"As a human race, but colluding with monsters, the sin is unforgivable!"

Chu Yan condensed his gaze, and his divine consciousness was like boiling mercury, which instantly poured into the brains of the two cultivators.

The two human monks did not make any resistance at all. They rolled their eyes, and a string of bubbles appeared in their mouths, like dead fish, with their belly facing upwards, floating up to the surface of the sea.

But Chu Yan didn't kill them.

The fact that the monster beast and the human monk colluded has aroused Chu Yan's vigilance.

At this moment, he stunned these two human monks and caught them into the world of Xiao Qiankun.

When he turned around and looked around, he and Zhe Renxian were the only two left in this deep ocean.

Zhe Renxian, as the No. 1 Monster Race in the Shenwu Sect's reward list, had an extremely ugly face at the moment.

The expressions of anger, panic, and doubt were repeated in his eyes.

"True Wonderland Sixth Layer...It's impossible..." He was still muttering to himself at the moment.

"Nothing is impossible, die!"

Chu Yan hit the blood spear and exploded the sea, heading towards Zhe Renxian.

After the blood spear, Chu Yan's voice came coldly: "If I were you, I would choose to explode my soul now, otherwise, death will be more painful than life."

At the same time, Yin Cao Shenhunling showed a faint shadow on Chu Yan's chest.

Burst the flesh, grab the soul.

Chu Yan wants to know the secret of the collusion between Emperor Chenghuang's blood sect and the human monks from Zherenxian's mouth! But at this moment, a grinning smile suddenly appeared on Zhe Renxian's face.

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