Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2418: Bone Spear

At this time, the black lightning formed a big ball, enveloping Zhe Renxian.

The electric ball is still expanding at this moment, just like a throbbing planet, constantly expanding.

The surrounding sea water evaporates instantly.

The submarine gullies have collapsed again and again.

In the electric ball, Zhe Renxian's wild voice came out.

"Yang Feng, I have the blood of various beasts in my body, and now I stimulate all my potential and kill you, you can be considered dead!"

"Haha, nonsense."

Chu Yan sneered.

Zhe Renxian was completely enraged and shouted fiercely.

The black electric ball exploded all at once.

Countless black lightning, like hundreds of billions of pythons, madly and mightily, violently impact.

All the sea water was broken up.

The entire sea was completely swallowed and turned into a swallowed black hole.

All force fields, directions, and light rays have no effect here.

Chu Yan's figure was also swallowed in an instant and disappeared.

At this time, Zhe Renxian took a step forward.

His every foot left a flame mark on the ground.

His body was covered with a layer of golden armor.

The breath of the beast king rose up vigorously, as if all living beings must surrender to him.

"I was crushed. I didn't expect it."

Zhe Renxian's divine consciousness spread, enveloped the surroundings, and no trace of Chu Yan was found.

On his face, there is no regret, only resentment.

"It's so cheap to kill you like this! It's bad for me to inherit the Emperor's blood sect's plan, and break my big business. You should have been refined into a seat under my feet, and you will be enslaved by me for life!"

Although he said that, Zhe Renxian was not completely relieved.

His divine consciousness swept back and forth hundreds of times around, confirming that Chu Yan had been crushed into dregs and disappeared into the void, and he was relieved.

"Hmph, you can be considered a talent of Shenwu Sect if you can die under my faculty."

As soon as Zhe Renxian's voice fell, suddenly, in the darkness, he saw a little light.

The bright light is like a star suddenly shining in the night sky, which is extremely dazzling and extremely attractive.

Suddenly, Chu Yan's breath reappeared.

"How can this be!"

Zhe Renxian's heart trembled.

He could clearly feel that Chu Yan's breath hadn't diminished in the slightest.

"Did I just hit empty?

But, but how is this possible! "

Zhe Renxian exclaimed.

Oh oh oh! The dark void suddenly collapsed, as if a spatial passage appeared.

Chu Yan's figure immediately stepped out from inside.

Not to mention the injury, he didn't even have a mess of his hair.

Looking lightly at Zhe Renxian: "Do you have the strength of Nirvana?"

Zhe Renxian didn't expect that after Chu Yan appeared, he didn't immediately attack himself, but instead asked himself a question.

So after he was stunned, he reacted.

Immediately afterwards, Zhe Renxian's face became pale.

The other party's remarks made it obvious.

You don't have the strength of Nirvana, how could you hurt me.

Zherenxian certainly does not have the strength of Nirvana.

"I, I..." Zheren stepped back, trembling all over.


Chu Yan took a sudden step, shrank his ground to an inch, and instantly came to Zhe Renxian, spread his five fingers, and grabbed the opponent's head.

The armor on Zhe Renxian's body immediately shattered into pieces.

Chu Yan's five fingers pressed slightly, and Zhe Renxian's head cracked, and blood continuously poured out from the cracks.

"I am a direct disciple of Sect Master Cheng Huang's Blood Sect. If you kill me like this, my master will definitely not let you go!"

He tried his best and wailed, and the blood in his mouth kept gushing.

"Oh, if you don't tell me, I forgot."

Chu Yan said.

Hearing Chu Yan's words, Zhe Renxian felt that he saw vitality.

But immediately, he heard Chu Yan continue to say: "Your body, I have to take it back to receive a reward."

Huh! Two fingers pierced into the back of Zhe Renxian's head at once, and when they came out again, Chu Yan's fingertips had already sandwiched a blood-red demon core.

Zhe Renxian's eyes were wide, full of panic, and gradually lost his vitality.

At the same time, a phantom almost identical to Zhe Renxian floated out of his body, glaring at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan squinted at the phantom: "I just said that if you die, it will be more painful than living."

The phantom trembled abruptly, no longer dared to pretend to be fierce, and hurried to flee.

But Chu Yan reached out and grabbed it.

The Yin Cao Ling Ling fell from the sky, and immediately included the spirit of Zhe Renxian.

Zhe Renxian's spirit still wanted to resist, but he couldn't help it after entering the Yin Cao's Soul Resurrection Bell.

After a while, Yin Cao Shen Ling Ling became quiet again.

Chu Yan's divine knowledge penetrated into it and saw the divine soul of Zhe Renxian, the divine soul of Fang Tian's painter, and the divine souls of the two human monks before, all being imprisoned.

At this moment, they all looked at Chu Yan with extremely horrified eyes.

"I'll come to torture you later."

Chu Yan snorted slightly and his figure shook. After a while, he appeared on the sea hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Although it has also been affected here, it has been far from the center of the fighting method.

Chu Yan came to this sea area, his thoughts revolved, and he opened his eyes again, and he came to the Guixu Pagoda.

This time he was promoted to the Sixth Level of True Wonderland, and he could naturally go to the Guixu Tower to go up one more level.

Push open the heavy door.

This time, Chu Yan felt an unprecedented quaint atmosphere.

The heavy aura, as if it were millions or tens of millions of years, was suddenly oppressed, causing Chu Yan's breathing to stagnate, and his whole body's energy and blood were oppressed.

Even if he reacted immediately and wanted to resist, he still stepped back a few steps.

After a while, Chu Yan calmed down.

He stabilized his mind, this time he was prepared, and moved forward again.

But even so, Chu Yan still felt that the air in this layer had become extremely solid, making it difficult for him to breathe.

Every step he takes, he has to exert much more effort than before.

On the level of Guixu Tower, hovering in the air is a long spear.

But this spear is obviously different from what you can usually see.

This spear is forged from bones! And that heavy, profound historical breath comes from the spear! At this moment, he was close to the spear, and in Chu Yan's ears, he could hear light chanting.

This light chanting is full of sacred and noble taste, like a devout believer, worshiping the gods.

The closer to the spear, the louder the chanting.

When Chu Yan walked up to the spear under the pressure, he seemed to be facing the chanting of millions or tens of millions.

The voice of praise reaches the firmament and crosses the heavens and realms, like a god, coming to the world.

A round of golden text, as thin as grains of rice, revolves around the spear, as if reincarnation.

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