Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2419: Reincarnation

"This feeling..." Chu Yan stared at the bone spear.

At the very beginning, what he felt was extremely deep and heavy.

But now that he was approaching the spear, he felt a familiar breath from above.

This breath represents reincarnation and rebirth.

"What's going on!"

Chu Yan's heart moved.

His body seemed to be pulled violently by an invisible force.

The next moment, he seemed to have entered the passage of time and space.

There are countless ancient inscriptions around, constantly rotating.

All kinds of obscure and profound truths wrapped him in it.

Through this passage, he saw the boundless sea.

Above the sea, there are countless boats floating at the moment.

These boats, neatly and uniformly, float in the same direction with the flow of the sea.

And on each boat, there was a creature sitting on its back.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan felt his heart pounding uncontrollably.

Vaguely, an extremely bold idea emerged in his mind.

He took a deep breath, turned around suddenly, and looked towards the end of the passage.

At the end of the passage, through the rotating inscription, he saw the end of these boats.

The end-the golden light wheel, slowly spinning in the air.

Under the shroud of smooth wheels, all the small boats sailing into the golden light-shrouded area, disappeared instantly as if the ice and snow melted.

However, Chu Yan knew that the boat did not disappear, but the spirit carried on it entered the cycle of reincarnation and died again.

And that golden light wheel is the six reincarnation discs! The moment Chu Yan realized this, Chu Yan's body lightened.

The scene in front of me suddenly became chaotic, but the clarity was restored immediately.

The passage is missing, the inscription pattern is missing, and he is still in the Guixu Pagoda.

In front of him, there was still the bone spear.

"I understand!"

Chu Yan didn't hesitate at the moment, his eyes filled with excitement, and he grabbed his palm.

The six reincarnation disc appeared in the hand.

The golden light shone on the bone spear, and suddenly, a strange scene appeared.

The bone spear, unexpectedly floated towards the six reincarnations.

The tail of the gun, as if being towed, automatically stopped at the center of the six reincarnation discs.

There is a round hole in the center of the six reincarnation discs.

This round hole is as if it had been polished for the bone spear long ago.

The bone spear penetrated in, closely fitting.

At this moment, Chu Yan actually felt the complete taste from the six reincarnation plates and the bone spear.

"Could it be that this bone spear was originally one with the six reincarnation discs?"

For the six reincarnation discs, Chu Yan only knew in the past that it shattered into five pieces.

He didn't know where this magic weapon came from, let alone knowing that the six reincarnation disc itself was only a part of a certain magic weapon.

Looking at it carefully at this time, the six reincarnation discs are connected to the bone spear, and there is a small hole on the bone spear. It seems that that position should also be connected to a magic weapon.

"The two of them are still incomplete."

Chu Yan's heart moved.

He reached out and grabbed it.

The six reincarnation discs and the white bone spears were completely fused at this time, and the two became one, turning into a white golden light, submerged in Chu Yan's palm.

At the same time, a series of inscriptions full of ancient aura appeared around Chu Yan.

These inscriptions are shining with bronze light, and every stroke and stroke is painted with iron and silver hooks, weighing ten thousand dollars.

Any word can crush a nine-fold true wonderland.

And this kind of power can be manipulated by Chu Yan at will.

With this brand new magic weapon, Chu Yan stepped out of Guixu Pagoda.

The surrounding sea water has restored calm at this moment.

After a moment of hesitation, Chu Yan raised his hand to call out the Yin Cao Shen Ling Ling.

The Sea Clan's sudden trouble this time was full of all kinds of unreasonableness.

Zhe Renxian and the two human monks seemed to know many secrets.

Chu Yan intends to torture their spirits directly and ask for secrets.

Divine Sense entered the Yin Cao's soul-catching bell, and Zhe Renxian and others who were tied to the torture instrument suddenly shivered.

As the master of Yin Cao Dehun Ling, even if Chu Yan breathed out at this moment, they could feel the pain of Ling Chi.

And even if their consciousness didn't want them to tell the secret, in the Yin Cao's Resurrection Bell, all the spirits were controlled by Chu Yan.

As long as Chu Yan is willing, they can even hollow out their memories and let them confess all the bedwetting when they were young.

For these guys Zhe Renxian, Chu Yan naturally did not have the slightest pity for him.

The human race and the monster race were originally an endlessly opposite relationship.

And the two human monks colluded with the demon race, they were "human rapes", and their sins were unforgivable.

Chu Yan directly tortured their souls at any cost.

After the guys like Zhe Renxian confessed everything, their spirits also dissipated completely because they couldn't stand the torture of Chu Yan, and they reached the real soul annihilation, and they didn't even have a chance to enter the cycle of reincarnation.

After he moved his attention away from the Yin Cao Jing Ling Ling, Chu Yan hovered deep in the sea, frowning tightly.

The current situation is somewhat different from what he had previously expected.

Unexpectedly, Zhe Renxian, as the person behind the invasion of the Sea Clan, knew very little about all the plans and conspiracies of the Emperor's Blood Sect.

To be precise, his master, the sect master of the Emperor's Blood Sect, a bat demon, only arranged for him to control the sea clan behind his back.

As for other things, Zhe Renxian also knows very little.

However, the ultimate goal of this plan is to crush the human race, destroy the ancient kingdom of Shenwu, and allow the monster race to re-occupy the holy land of cultivation.

Although Chu Yan didn't get much useful information from Zhe Renxian regarding the overall plan of Emperor Chenghuang's Blood Sect, Chu Yan knew more about the current power of the monster race.

Emperor Cheng Huang's blood sect can only be regarded as a medium-sized sect among the monster clan.

Those who really have the right to speak are the six demon sects that Zhe Renxian said before.

Emperor Cheng Huang's blood sect is just a **** of the six great monster sects.

"The conspiracy of Emperor Cheng Huang's blood sect this time is almost certain to come from a demon sect among the six great demon sects.

It's just that the Sect Master of Emperor Chenghuang's Blood Sect was too cautious. He didn't tell too much about his disciple, he just arranged the tasks he needed to complete. "

Chu Yan carefully recalled the details of the torture.

And those two human races are two casual cultivators.

In wars between nations, there will be no shortage of traitors who are collaborating with the enemy.

These two races can be regarded as traitors of the human race in the war between the human race and the monster race.

For their own self-interest, they taught the human race's cultivation techniques, as well as the knowledge of formations and inscriptions, to the monster race.

The most worrying thing is that the human traitors who do this are far more than the two of them.

Behind these two people, there is even an astonishingly large organization.

But these things are not what Chu Yan needs to care about now.

He currently has another thing that needs to be done immediately.

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