Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2421: Not a level

When the voice fell, the Demon King's body shook, and he took a sudden step forward.

Suddenly, the sea water poured in, and the wind around the body was surging, and the evil spirit was overwhelming, turning the yin and yang upside down, and disturbing the universe.

With a grasp of five fingers, in the sea water, a large handprint immediately condensed, covering tens of thousands of miles, dripping with blood, in which endless evil spirits were crying, and cuckoo cuckoo cried blood, crying blood, and violently pouring toward Chu Yan.

In an instant, all the sea monsters killed by Chu Yan seemed to be resurrected, surrounded by Chu Yan, screaming and wailing, to put him to death.

"Extremely angry sword intent, Fenghua Dance!"

Chu Yan was expressionless, holding Zhan Yan, and slashing with a sword.

The sword light was like a scorching sun, expanding continuously, and infinite sword energy, instantly flooding the surrounding seas.

Tens of thousands of sword auras and hundreds of thousands of sword auras spread rapidly, and finally swallowed that big hand in it, and suddenly exploded, and in an instant, it was completely shredded.

boom! boom! Thousands of miles of water exploded violently.

Numerous shock waves appeared immediately, spreading in circles.

The entire sea seemed to be in the center of a tornado storm.

The storm is devastating, destroying everything.

The siren waving the flag and shouting, all the flags in his hand were torn to pieces, and all the flagpoles were broken.

The trench was uprooted.

The continuous palaces in the sea were completely overthrown and all collapsed.

Countless sea monsters, wailing and crying, were torn apart by the storm, swept into the sky, violently collided, and smashed into meatloaf.

The Demon King's face changed, and he backed back again and again, his eyes were full of anger: "It can stop me from a blow!"

"Far more."

Chu Yan glanced at each other sideways, and Jian Feng pointed at him, "You just said that I am a monk in a real fairyland?"

The Demon King's face was gloomy: "Say, so what?"

Chu Yan sneered: "Have you seen such a real wonderland?"

When the voice fell, Chu Yan raised his hand and grabbed it.

woo woo woo woo! The void in the palm of the hand is constantly collapsing.

A radiant light shot out from all around his body, piercing through all things and exterminating the world.

At this moment, Chu Yan's whole person is like mountains and rivers, with the sky above his head, showing the everlasting vicissitudes of life.

The Demon King felt the momentum of shaking the galaxy, and his breathing couldn't help but stagnate.

The muscles and muscles on his face were twisted again and again, and he was about to make a move with a loud roar.

At this time, Chu Yan was one step ahead of him and patted his palm.

Huh! A bone spear like a straight mountain burst out of the collapsed void.

The countless ancient inscriptions on it turned, shining bright rays of light, piercing through all things, and exterminating the world.

All the evil spirits around were suppressed.

At this moment, the body of the Demon King seemed to be continuously added with mountains.

At the beginning, he could still persist, but in just a few moments, it seemed that there were millions or tens of millions of mountains pressing on his shoulders.

The Demon King burst out with a painful roar, his whole body split open, and his body smashed into the bottom of the sea.

"what is this!"

The Demon King tried his best, raised his head and looked at the bone spear.

At this time, all the bone spears protruded out of the void.

Tens of thousands of feet long, countless ancient inscriptions, rotating in circles, soaring fortune, breaking through the limit, surpassing time and space, and entering eternity.

An emperor-like majesty rose from the body of Chu Yan behind the white spear. The sky was majestic and upright, and all the evil spirits would be swept away in front of him.

The Demon King prides itself on being the overlord of the Sea Clan, and his masters are tens of millions, and the total number of Sea Monsters under his command is hundreds of millions.

But he, the Demon King, was like a beggar begging in the countryside compared to Chu Yan's temperament at this time.

"what is this!"

The Demon King was surprised and angry, and looked up.

The golden light poured down.

All of a sudden, millions of miles of seawater were evaporated.

The whole sea seemed to suddenly become a rolling desert.

When the wind blows, countless tornadoes are suddenly stirred up.

Losing the sea, the Demon King suddenly felt that his strength had dropped a lot.

"Asshole! You are nothing but a real wonderland!"

The Demon King shouted angrily, and repeatedly grabbed his hands in front of him.

He was extremely fast, and in an instant, the void was completely beaten to collapse.

In every broken void, there is a column of water rolling in.

The body of the Demon King suddenly swelled at this moment, becoming hundreds of times larger than before, like a terrifying giant, with burning eyes, looking towards Chu Yan.

In the midair, Chu Yan stood proudly.

The wind was raging all around, but his hair was not messy at all.

"A real wonderland?

Then you die in a real fairyland, isn't it very embarrassing? "

Chu Yan sneered.

"Damn it's you!"

The Demon King screamed fiercely, and eight arms grew out of his back, shaking constantly in the air, looking like a huge crab.

He had ten arms in total, and in an instant, he punched tens of millions of punches at Chu Yan.

Fist Shadow wrapped the mighty torrent, all rushing towards Chu Yan.

Layers of space were completely washed down, collapsed again and again, and collapsed severely.

Looking around, everything between the world and the earth was washed away and became muddy, as if they had fallen into the chaos of the early days of Hongmeng.

"At this point, you can't stand up to the table, and you dare to scream in front of me?

Die to me! "

A sharp light flashed in Chu Yan's eyes.

He activated the bone spear.

Buzzing! The bone spear and the six reincarnation plates trembled together.

Suddenly, countless groups of light gathered in all directions.

In every light group, you can see the spirit of a sea monster, struggling desperately, but to no avail.

These sea monsters were all beheaded by Chu Yan before.

At this moment, the white bone spear revolved with the Primordial Inscription Pattern on it, and they all gathered immediately, and in the blink of an eye, it condensed into a thick wall in front of Chu Yan.

Crackling! The shadow of the demon king's fist hit the wall, and suddenly there was a loud roar of steel explosion.

It seemed that the sound of countless air thunders bursting and exploding was produced.

However, this city wall remained unmoved, no matter how the Demon King attacked it, it was of no avail.

The demon king fought more and more frightened.

He can be sure that Chu Yan's realm is definitely the Sixth Level of True Wonderland.

But the strength that Chu Yan showed was far superior to himself.

The Demon King even felt that facing Chu Yan now he was like an egg, facing a mountain, completely crushed by the opponent.

His mind turned sharply, he screamed wildly, bursting out bursts of noise all over his body, his body was like a shadow, and he quickly retreated.

"Want to go?"

Chu Yan saw the other party's purpose, and Hadi laughed out loud. With a wave of his arm, the bone spear suddenly pushed forward.

Rumble! A whole piece of emptiness immediately solidified.

Countless lights and shadows collapsed inward, and were crushed by the bone spear, all collapsed and exploded.

With a radius of 100,000 li, 200,000 li, 500,000 li, 800,000 li, and 1 million li, the explosion continued to spread, and the sky seemed to collapse, and countless souls were completely annihilated at this moment.

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