Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2422: Shattered Soul

The figure of the Demon King was continuously elongated in the collapsed void.

The sound of breaking apart like a rubber band appeared one after another.

Accompanied by the demon king's wailing again and again.

In the shattered void, a large swath of blood oozes out, and a large stream of water flows out.

The bone spear swept again.

Winding up a strong air current out of thin air is enough to blow up hundreds of thousands of islands in an instant.

Bang! The space was completely blown up.

Even if it is a star field, it will explode directly at this moment.

In the shattered void, the Demon King was full of blood, flying out.

He had recovered to his original size at this time, and his whole body was covered with cracks.

Bleeding blood, like no money, constantly sprayed from the wound, blinking, he became a blood man.

And the eight arms that grew out of his back, at this moment, only two are left.

The other arms all seemed to be broken by life, and the broken bone **** could be clearly seen in the wound.

"This, this is absolutely impossible!"

The Demon King looked into the sky, only horror was left in his eyes.

Seeing Chu Yan flying towards him, he backed back again and again, and Seli Neil roared: "If you kill me, the Emperor Blood Sect will definitely not let you go!"

"I didn't intend to let them go."

Chu Yan snorted coldly, spread his five fingers, and grabbed it down.

The head of the Demon King suddenly looked like a watermelon, and he picked it off.

However, this level of injury would not cause the Demon King to die.

Although Chu Yan's head was grasped by Chu Yan, the body of the Demon King got up, struggling to fly away.

Chu Yan cast his eyes.

Hum! There was a shock.

The next moment, a golden blade of light descended from the sky and landed on the body of the Demon King, cutting the tall body into sludge in an instant.

The head of the Demon King looked at this scene, and his eyeballs were about to pop out of his eye sockets.

"You seem to know a lot."

Chu Yan looked at the head in his hand and said.

But every time the other party asked for mercy, he continued: "But I'm not interested in knowing."

About the Emperor Cheng Huang's blood sect, Zhe Renxian knew much more than this Demon King.

To Zhe Renxian, to Emperor Cheng Huang's blood sect, this Demon King and his subordinates were just like thugs, and had no value at all.

So this Demon King is destined to know only a little bit.

So Chu Yan didn't bother to talk nonsense with the other party at this moment, and squeezed the other's head with a bang with his five fingers.

In the blood and water, a demon core larger than a fist flew out.

Chu Yan grabbed it, and the bright red light in his palm swallowed, and instantly absorbed the blood and evil energy in the demon core.

After beheading the Demon King, Chu Yan did not leave.

He waved a series of auras at the bone spear.

After blasting the Demon King, the white bone spear hovering quietly in the air, turned again at this moment.

The dense inscriptions on the surface form a round of light wheels, which rotate rapidly, full of a kind of distortion and weird beauty.

With the rotation of the circle of inscriptions, the sound of chanting came from all directions, as if it were the singing of a god.

Accompanied by the singing, light groups carrying the spirits of the sea monster appeared one by one.

These light clusters, like the gathering of stars, flew towards the bone spear, and instantly all rivers merged into the sea, turning from light spots into flowing strips of light, and then gathered towards the six reincarnation discs.

Chu Yan watched this scene.

At this time, he could feel that the bone spear and the six reincarnation discs seemed to be refining these spirits.

In all directions, between heaven and earth, the singing voice became louder and louder.

The sea water is at this moment, and with the singing, countless drops of water oscillate. At a glance, they look like large beads and small beads falling on a jade plate, ding ding dong dong, crisp and sweet.

At this time, Chu Yan also felt the slightest tranquility from the chanting voice.

He felt his soul, at this moment, as if quiet from a frantic state, as deep and endless as the sea.

After a while, Chu Yan's heart moved.

He looked towards his sea of ​​consciousness.

The densely packed seeds of life and soul were shining at this time, just like the stars in the night sky.

"Sea-Monster Divine Soul, Fate Soul Seed..." Chu Yan's eyes condensed, and he understood in an instant.

The bone spear and the six reincarnation plates refining the souls of these sea monsters were originally used for the seeds of life souls! At the moment he thought about it clearly, a white light, sacred and clean, suddenly illuminated his sea of ​​consciousness.

All the seeds of life and soul seemed to be alive at this moment, like flower seedlings shining on by the sun.

A kind of vitality is revealed at this moment.

"It turns out it can be like this."

Chu Yan couldn't help muttering.

Before he was still sighing that he needed a lot of aura for his promotion, but now that he has so many seeds of life and soul, he needs to divide his aura.

But judging from the current situation, my conclusion was too early.

To let the seed of life and soul grow, it can also be through the sake of refining the soul.

Therefore, in Chu Yan's eyes, the monster beast is not only the flesh and the monster core, but the soul is also very useful.

And as the realm continues to improve, the help that flesh and blood and the demon core can bring will become smaller and smaller, and the role played by the soul will become greater and greater.

"It seems that it is necessary to kill more monsters."

Chu Yan made a decision in his heart.

However, the monster he was going to kill was no longer in this mysterious turtle sea area.

As he had just breached the sea-monster's base camp and beheaded the six sea generals and the demon king, the main force of the sea-mon attack this time was almost completely wiped out in his own hands.

The monster beasts remaining in the mysterious turtle sea area are some of the low realm, and they don't even have the ability to transform into human forms.

Chu Yan's goal had already been set in the places where the demon sects lined up behind the neutral area.

As for the power distribution of the Demon Sect in those areas, Chu Yan had a general understanding of the spirit of Zhe Renxian.

"This time the Kraken's invasion can almost come to an end.

What is left is a few fish that slipped through the net, and a little bit of grievances from before to be resolved. "

At this moment, Chu Yan felt full of comfort in his heart.

He raised his head and let out a long roar, his eyes burning, and with a wave of his arm, the void in front of him was immediately torn apart, revealing the crooked space channel inside.

Chu Yan stepped in.

Before long, in a distant place, a piece of sky was torn apart, and the exit of the space channel was pierced out.

Chu Yan flew out from it and looked down.

Below him, Feihai City was already bright as daylight.

This is the real Feihai City, not an illusion that was condensed by one-eyed ecstasy using the power of the soul.


At the moment Chu Yan descended, a loud shout came from a distance.

The next moment, aura fluctuated, and several figures flew from a distance at an extremely fast speed.

The one rushing to the front is impressively the five layers of True Wonderland.

But when this true fairyland fifth layer saw Chu Yan, it was directly stunned.

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