Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2423: You can't protect him

"It's you!"

Seeing Chu Yan, the cultivator who had flown in for a while, suddenly exclaimed.

"Do you know me?"

Chu Yan looked at the other party.

As his mind turned smoothly, Chu Yan was convinced that the other party had no intersection with himself.

Seeing the other party's expression calmed down, Chu Yan was about to ask the opponent about the current situation in Feihai City, but the monk's expression changed again.

"This guy was transformed by the siren, take him down!"

Before the words were over, the monk shot directly.

He raised his hand and grabbed it forward, and suddenly the shadow of the galaxy moved, the mountains swayed, and countless planets, like a storm, poured down toward Chu Yan.

This change was so sudden that it was too late for people to react.

"You are crazy!"

Chu Yan didn't wrinkle, inhaled, and then opened his mouth to blow out.

Huh! Immediately, the wind swept across.

All the planets were blown to disintegrate at once, bang bang bang bang in the sky, all of them were blown to pieces.

The cultivator who shot was also blown away a thousand miles, and committed dozens of somersaults in the air, only then barely stabilized his figure.

At this time, other monks also rushed there.

For a while, they all looked at Chu Yan with suspicion, and they didn't understand what had happened.

And the cultivator just now, clutching his chest, said: "This guy is transformed by the sea monster. Don't give him a chance, take him immediately!"


Chu Yan stopped immediately.

He wrinkled and looked at each other: "Why do you say that?"

The monk was speechless.

Seeing the other's eyes flickering, Chu Yan's heart brightened, and he instantly understood.

His face was suddenly full of murderous intent, and he said grimly: "Because I am Chu Yan?

I see, you want Zao Wou-ki's inheritance! "

At this moment, Chu Yan had determined that the other party wanted to kill someone with a knife.

After recognizing himself, the other party immediately framed him.

When he thought of this, Chu Yan raised his hand, his palm collapsed in the void, forming a black hole, and grabbed it towards the other party.


"Stop it!"

"It's not your turn to be presumptuous here!"

Those monks who had just arrived, the anger ceased at this moment.

Not only that, but they also displayed their supernatural powers and attacked and killed Chu Yan together.

"The Qiankun Dingling Sword!"

"Frozen Spirit Fight!"

"Wan Chong Building in Surabaya!"

...In an instant, between the heaven and the earth, the light is shining.

The ground, water, fire and wind, torrent of flames, dragons and tigers roar, turned into a catastrophe, a great kill, and overturned the sky and slammed it towards Chu Yan.

"You are all in the same group?"

At this time, Chu Yan also completely lost his face.

These guys don't give themselves a chance to explain at all, it's really hateful! With a palm of his hand, he smashed the black hole that had just been condensed, and Chu Yan burst into a terrifying killing intent.

"Five swords!"

Buzzing buzzing-the whole world was immediately enveloped by the breath of killing.

It seems that all the vitality has been cut off, and as far as the eye can see, it is all covered in silver.

Huh! Crackling! Countless explosions sounded.

In an instant, it seemed as if a million violent thunder exploded in mid-air.

The countless collapses almost blasted the night sky into chaos and powder.

Chao Chuyan's magical powers were all swept away.

These monks were completely unable to withstand Chu Yan's blow. The protective body was like thin paper, and it was torn in an instant. The body was cut with a hundred blood stains, and the blood spurted from the mouth, like cooking dumplings, and fell from mid-air. , Smashed the ground to tremble again and again.

This series of movements also completely attracted Feihaicheng's attention at this moment.

Immediately, there was a stream of light, soaring into the sky from the city.

The city was first enveloped by a giant formation.

Immediately afterwards, a strong breath, directly turned into a pillar of light, rising straight up.

Powerful spirits swept from all directions and enveloped Chu Yan.

Chu Yan hovered in the air, standing with his hand held in his hand, still motionless.

A pair of eyes were as deep as an ancient well, and the power of one person overwhelmed the entire Feihai City.

Swish Swish! As monks flew up from the city, the dark night sky was immediately illuminated like daylight.

Dozens of monks wearing the robes of Shenwu Sect disciples took the lead in flying towards Chu Yan.

Thousands of people gathered behind them.

These thousands of people are obviously monks from various families in Feihai City.

Although they serve differently, each of them is in the real fairyland triple level, which can be regarded as a powerful combat force.

After a while, these thousands of people confronted Chu Yan in the air.

The headed one is the Sixth Level of True Wonderland, but his aura is like a jet of flame, and his aura is stronger than the Seventh Level of True Wonderland.

His eyes were like electricity, and he swept away Chu's words: "Are you a disciple of my Shen Wuzong?

Why do you have to hurt the same door seriously when you come here? "

Hearing what the other party said, Chu Yan frowned immediately: "If you can't speak, just get out of here!"

"What are you talking about?"

The headed monk shouted angrily.

Chu Yan looked at each other, and the look of impatience in his eyes became more and more obvious.

At this time, those Shen Wuzong disciples who had been beaten off by Chu Yan flew here with the support of others.

The leading monk pointed to the disciple who spoke first, and said, "You said, what's the matter?"

After seeing Chu Yan's powerful strength, the disciple who spoke first did not dare to look directly at Chu Yan at this moment.

He lowered his head and bit his scalp and said: "After this senior arrived, I asked about it routinely, but he didn't say anything and shot me directly, so I suspected that he was changed by the monster beast."

The headed monk sneered and looked at Chu Yan: "What do you have to say?"

"There is only one thing I want to say."

Chu Yan swept away his eyes, "That's why I didn't kill you just now.

Now you die to me! "

Boom-boom! The void suddenly exploded, the blood spear whizzed out, and the thoughts of countless gods and demons surrounded it, drew a sea of ​​blood, and shot straight at this disciple.


"Dare to commit a crime!"

"Take him!"

The monks all around were in an uproar, and they all shouted angrily.

The monk who was headed even shouted, "Tiangang Scepter!"

A reckless breath descended with the cyan light.

A scepter, condensed from the blue light, showing a peerless style.

Surrounded by countless Taikoo mountains and rivers, heroic spirits emerged, supporting the eternity, turning them into a barrier, blocking them in front of everyone.

Chu Yan hummed coldly, "Who can protect the person I want to kill!"

Boom! Blood gas broke out.

The blood spear instantly rolled up the waves.

Countless gods and demons soared into the sky, and the Primordial Inscriptions carried the aura of destruction that swept everything, and instantly shattered the barrier.

The shock of horror devastated it, and shook the magic scepter that day like firecrackers.

All the rays of light from the surroundings were also swept clean.

The next moment, the blood spear pierced his chest in the disciple's horrified gaze.

The blood spear was twisted again and again with a bang, and the disciple was shattered into a slurry of flesh and blood in front of the headed monk.

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