Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2424: Luo Family Patriarch

"Chu Yan! You are presumptuous!"

The monk headed by his eyes cracked and roared. He didn't know if it was because Chu Yan killed people face to face or because Chu Yan destroyed his magic weapon.

Chu Yan's gaze condensed, like a knife's throat, and coldly said: "You know me."

"I..." The headed monk was speechless.

Soon he became angry and shouted: "How about knowing you, you just..." Boom! Before he finished speaking, he was horrified to find that Chu Yan grabbed it with a palm, condensing him and the people with a void.

At this moment, no matter how he used his aura, how he struggled, his body seemed to be sealed into a steel plate, and he couldn't move at all.

Chu Yan sucked the headed monk in front of him, and said sternly: "Since you recognize me, why do you want to wrong me? What is your purpose!"

With a loud shout and creaking, the condensed void suddenly heard a cracking sound.

Even the monk headed inside, his body seemed torn apart.

A series of blood stains and cracks appeared all over his body.

The monk headed by him suddenly wailed incomparably tragic.

The surrounding group of monks who came from Feihai City, although there were a large number of them, saw this scene, one by one was so frightened that their hands and feet were cold, their scalp numb, and they did not dare to show up.

"Say! Who instructed you to do this!"

In Chu Yan's eyes, killing intent was hesitant.

But the monk headed by him was still stiff at the moment.

"Chu Yan...you...you have thought about the consequences...you will...for this...pay the price..." It's okay for the monk headed to say nothing. At this time, he stammered and finished speaking because of severe pain. Chu Yan didn't hesitate, and shook his palm.

The void instantly exploded, collapsed, and turned into a black hole.

The monk headed inside was also blown into plasma and disappeared into the black hole.

"I hate that someone learns from others to stammer."

Chu Yan snorted and glanced at the other monks.

All of these monks in midair turned pale.

"Brother Chu!"

At this moment, a clear shout came from a distance.

Chu Yan turned his head and looked around, and saw Tachibana Wei and Yin Luo, who were flying towards here at this moment.

It was Yin Luo who had just spoken out.


Chu Yan nodded towards the second woman.

When they were separated before, he asked the two daughters to come to Feihai City to wait.

At this time, they should also be aware of the movement in mid-air, so they came quickly.

"What's the matter with these guys?"

Chu Yan pointed to the group of Divine Wuzong disciples in front of him, and turned to ask Yin Luo.

Yin Luo looked at both sides suspiciously, shook her head and said, "I don't know, why did you collide with Brother Chu?

"These words made Chu Yan very satisfied.

Listen, Yin Luo used collision.

And it was the fault of these monks.

The vast majority of monks present at this time also felt very innocent.

Most of them are children of various families in Feihai City, and they don't know the specific situation at all.

They saw the disciples of Shen Wuzong coming, so they followed them.

Since the disciples of Shenwuzong said that Chu Yan was a fake, there was no fake.

As for the careful thoughts of these Shenwu Sect disciples, these family disciples in Feihai City naturally have no way of knowing.

Yin Luo also saw that there was a problem at this time. She looked at one of the Shenwuzong disciples: "What's the matter?"

This Shen Wuzong disciple was shocked by Chu Yan's strength just now, and naturally he couldn't say a word at this time.

But among the crowd, a monk stepped out suddenly.

Looking at his dress, he was a child of a certain family in Feihai City.

Without saying anything, he first set off a talisman in his hand.

Immediately, Fulu turned into a flow of fire and disappeared in his hands.


What are you doing! "

Yin Luo raised her hand and pointed, her expression gloomy.

The monk said at this time: "I don't know what happened just now, but I only said what I saw with my eyes."

Facing Chu Yan, the monk was neither humble nor overbearing, and said: "What I saw was the disciple of Shen Wuzong who pointed out that this person was in doubt, but this person not only did not cooperate, but violently murdered."

Hearing this, Chu Yan couldn't help but laughed out: "Here is another one who is not afraid of death. "

Feeling Chu Yan's killing intent, the cultivator's face turned pale, but he still insisted: "You'd better think clearly before you shoot at me. I'm a child of the Luo family in Feihai City. I just set off the rune, and even invite the elder of Shen Wuzong. Shot."

"Feihai City?

Luo family? "

Chu Yan's eyes blinked.

When he came this time, there was one thing he had to do, which was to settle accounts with Luo's house in Feihai City.

Chu Yan looked at Yin Luo and asked, "How many Luo families are there in Feihai City?"

Without Yin Luo's answer, a thunderous roar came from the sky in the distance: "There is only one Luo family in Feihai City. Although you are a disciple of Shenwu Sect, it would be too presumptuous to ask."

When the first word of these words sounded, no one was seen.

By the time the last word was reached, an old man with a gray beard had already set off a shock and shot from Feihai City.

Seeing this person, the monks present all exclaimed in exclamation.

"It's the ancestor of the Luo family!"

"It turned out to be the ancestor of the Luo family!"

"The ancestor of the Luo family hasn't shown up for at least 800 years!"

"Feihai City was besieged by the Sea Monster before, and he didn't even take action. At this moment, he has revealed his true body for the Luo family members!"

"Two or three hundred years ago, the ancestors of the Luo family were already the Ninth Level of True Wonderland. Although they are getting older and declining, but after more than two hundred years of meditation, it is definitely not too much to say a half-step Nirvana!"

As soon as these people's voices fell, the Luo family ancestor who flew over, his whole body suddenly swelled violently.

Boom boom boom! The sea of ​​clouds all around exploded in an instant.

His body shape is like a pillar supporting the sky and the earth. At this moment, the sky is lifted up and the sky is wide.

"Half-step Nirvana!"

"Luo Family Ancestor, half-step Nirvana!"

The monk present broke out again with a deafening exclamation.

In Feihai City in the distance, many monks were very surprised to see this scene.

No one thought that the ancestor of the Luo family, who had been in retreat for nearly a thousand years, not only did not pass away, but was even more powerful than hundreds of years ago.

The ancestors of the Luo family showed their strength at this time, and I am afraid they also had the idea of ​​taking this opportunity to make the entire Luo family further.

At this time, after experiencing the Sea-Monster Rebellion, all families in Feihai City have suffered losses. At this time, the appearance of a powerful ancestor of the Luo Family may even make the Luo Family directly enter the ranks of Feihai City's first-class families.

Feeling the shocked gaze from all directions, the ancestors of the Luo family became more popular, galloping all the way, condescending: "The disciple of Shenwuzong, do you want to attack the innocent children of my Luo family?"

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