Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2425: Trembling

The Luo family ancestor's voice was thunderous and shocking.

With a radius of tens of thousands of miles, it was quiet in an instant, only his voice could be heard.

Seeing this, the ancestors of the Luo family felt even more proud, and even couldn't help smiling at the corners of their mouths.

Chu Yan glanced at the other side sideways.


The voice fell, and a divine consciousness attack smashed over.

boom! The ancestor of the Luo family raised his head and spouted a mouthful of blood, and his body fell straight down from the air.

In the stunned expressions of everyone, Chu Yan took a step forward and returned instantly.

When he returned to his position, he was holding the white-bearded ancestor of the Luo family in his hand.

The ancestor of the Luo family, who was half-stepped in Nirvana, was bleeding from his stoma, rolled his eyes, like a dead dog, and was held in his hand by Chu Yan.

The scene was only quiet before, but at this moment, it was plunged into deathly silence.

Everyone looked at Chu Yan with monster-like eyes.

Even some people were so surprised that their chins almost hit the feet.

In the face of these shocked gazes, Chu Yan had long been surprised: "The Luo family is innocent?

Haha, you guys are afraid that there are too many robberies, and you all think this is a normal thing. "

Chu Yan was annoyed by the Luo family ancestor's act of pretending just now. He raised a finger, his spiritual energy was like a sword, and suddenly penetrated the opponent's Dantian Qi.

The ancestor of the Luo family was already in a coma, but at this moment, the severe pain suddenly caused him to wake up, and then he let out a terrible scream.

The Dantian Qihai was broken, and the Luo family ancestor's cultivation was instantly annihilated.

He was like a deflated leather ball, his body wilting at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in a short while, he became an old man with gray hair, age spots all over his body, and face folds that almost covered his facial features.

A sound of inhaling cold breath suddenly sounded all around.

Not only the surrounding area, but also Feihai City in the distance, at this time, a clear sound of inhaling cold breath can also be heard.

A monk who surpassed the nine levels of true fairyland and reached half a step of Nirvana was so easy that he was completely abolished by Chu Yan, the sixth level of true fairyland.

There were still people who were dissatisfied before, but at this moment, all the monks were silent, and no one dared to speak loudly anymore.

Especially the cultivators who had just shot Chu Yan and expressed their support for the Luo family were all faceless and trembling, for fear that it would be their turn next.

"Hmph, Luo family kid, once attacked me outside Blackforge City in an attempt to **** my Sacred Heart tree.

Now you, an old thing, are still ranting here, provoking me.


Just allow you to crush me by the Nine True Wonderland, and not allow me to be strong enough to crush you? "

The ancestor of the Luo family at this time, how dare to say a word to Chu Yan.

Even Chu Yan just released a little coercion, and shook the Luo family ancestor to a faint.

"Do it yourself."

Chu Yan snorted again and threw the other party to the ground.

The Luo family members saw their ancestor collapsed to the ground, unable to move, and looked very embarrassed, but no one dared to come forward and help.

Upon seeing this, Chu Yan flew directly into Feihai City.

Although it was night at this time, Feihai City, which had just experienced the war, was still bright as day.

After Chu Yan swept away his spiritual knowledge, he immediately found the Luo family's direction.

He descended directly over Luo's house.

The Luo family members gathered together at this moment, looking at Chu Yan in shock.

In their eyes, Chu Yan, who had just severely injured their ancestor, was an evil demon.

But Chu Yan didn't care about their opinions.

"I'm here in person, the head of the Luo family won't come out to greet him?

underestimate me? "

Chu Yan raised his hand and took a picture.

boom! The large defensive formation covering the Luo family exploded like a big bubble in an instant.

He even brought a piece of the house below, bang bang bang, all were shaken and collapsed.

Suddenly, smoke and dust billowed, crying again and again.

Among the crowd, a member of the Luo family roared: "We are not as strong as you, why are you oppressing us!"

Chu Yan retorted and ridiculed: "Just allow your ancestors to oppress me with a high realm, and not allow my strength to oppress you?"

While speaking, Chu Yan raised his hand and pointed.

The Luo family member who had just spoken thought he was hiding in the crowd and shouting in the chaos, and would not be discovered by Chu Yan.

As a result, Chu Yan was aware of Qiuhao and exploded his head with a single finger.

Watching this scene, the Luo family members were shocked and angry.

"What hate does our Luo family have with you, you unexpectedly..." Bang! Before this person had finished speaking, he was instructed by Chu Yan: "I don't want to repeat it a second time."

"Even if our Luo family members want to **** your Sacred Heart Treasure Tree, it's because he doesn't know that you are so powerful."

boom! Another head exploded into fireworks.

Chu Yan's expression was faint: "I admire you for speaking of bullying and bullying so arrogantly."

Seeing that Chu Yan started killing people, he had no scruples at all, and no one in the Luo family dared to shout.

Some children even wanted to cry, but their mouths were covered by adults.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan became more and more impatient.

"The Luo family members haven't come out yet?

underestimate me? "

Kaka Kaka—The ground under Chu Yan's feet began to shatter again and again.

That terrifying crack, like an abyss, continued to spread toward the Luo Family.

"Hey--" Finally, when the crack was about to swallow the outermost periphery of the Luo family, he sighed. Among the Luo family, a middle-aged man with no anger and prestige stepped out.

But Chu Yan did not stop. In the middle-aged man's angry expression, he continuously swallowed large tracts of land in the Luo family before raising his eyes to the middle-aged man.

"Why are you so deceiving?

I have already stood up, you are still aggressive! "

The middle-aged man said angrily.

"Are you teaching me to do things?"

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes.

The middle-aged man immediately felt a trace of murderous aura.

He hurriedly used the magic weapon, turned into a light wheel, and stood in front of him.

But after a few bangs, without seeing Chu Yan's hands, all the light wheels exploded, and the middle-aged man spurted blood from his mouth and fell far back into the crowd.

"At this time, I still can't put myself in the right position. I can see how your Luo family's self-righteous way of doing things is in the same line."

Chu Yan stepped towards the Luo family, "If you want to seize my treasure, you have to pay a price."

"But my family didn't really grab it!"

There are also Luo family members fighting **** reason.

Chu Yan stopped immediately and looked over coldly: "Do you want to really grab it?"

This Luo family member suddenly wanted to be frozen for a while, his face paled suddenly, and he didn't dare to move.


Chu Yan waved his hand, and this tribe was directly broken into pieces of meat.

After a while, Chu Yan came to the treasure house of the Luo family.

Chu Yan hasn't robbed the family's treasure house for a long time.

At this moment, he still has a feeling of nostalgia.

When the Luo family members saw his expression, they hugged in horror, shivering.

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