Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2426: Elder Murder

Inside Feihai City, a lot of divine consciousness, all staying at Luo's house at this moment.

The faces of the masters of these gods were all surprised and frightened on their faces.

Because as far as any family is concerned, being robbed of the treasure house is undoubtedly a catastrophe of looting the family.

But Chu Yan, who is now bringing disaster to the Luo family, faced the look of the treasure house, giving people the feeling that he was familiar with the road and came easily, and he was extremely frightened.

All the members of the Luo family shivered and shivered.

The other families in the distance did not dare to breathe out.

At this moment, they finally understood what kind of character the Luo family had provoked.

Among the group of cultivators in the sky, the Luo family member who had released the messenger talisman before was slumped to the ground at this moment, his eyes staring in the direction of the family blankly.

Originally thought that the release of Fulu can fight for the supreme glory for the family.

It now seems that the family is going to be driven directly into the dust.

Chu Yan didn't care what these people thought.

From the beginning of the Luo family member outside Blackforge City trying to kill someone to win the treasure, the Luo family's ending was doomed.

He raised his hand and grabbed it.

With a bang, the treasure house collapsed instantly.

Among them, he kept taking away all kinds of natural treasures.

From this moment on, it also meant that the Luo Family of Feihai City would completely fall into a small family that did not enter the stream.

Even if they are still the same, it is useless.

Because any family is compared to history and inheritance.

Chu Yan's current approach is to directly cut off the roots of the Luo family and dig away all the inheritance of his family through generations.

Taking away all the treasures, Chu Yan turned around and was about to leave. Suddenly, various visions came over Feihai City.

Large groups of clouds gathered quickly.

An arrogant breath gathered violently.

Above the sky, there are thousands of rays of sunshine, and in an instant, the darkness is torn apart and a road to the sky is erected.

A holy light, like a saint's decree, fell from the sky at this moment, covering the entire Feihai City.

A majestic voice came from it.

"Shen Wu Zong Chu Yan, return to the sect and accept the inquiry."

A word is shocking, although there is no word in the eyes, but at this moment, it gives people a shock that cannot be disputed and can only be obediently obedient.

Chu Yan looked up at the sky, his eyes faint.

Yin Luo and Tachibana flew over in a hurry.

Yin Luo looked nervous: "Brother Chu, the sect is going to punish you?"

"Don't panic, see what tricks they play."

Chu Yan looked at the second daughter, "You want to go back with me?"


Tachibana nodded without hesitation.

Yin Luo also hurriedly said: "Although we can't help much, we have all seen things today. If anyone dares to frame you, we will definitely stand up as soon as possible."

"Okay, then let's go back and see, who is playing the mystery this time."

Chu Yan sneered, and flew towards the light first.

Seeing Chu Yan and others leave, many monks in Feihai City felt relieved.

It was like a sharp sword that was originally suspended above the head, but it was finally removed at this moment.

And the Luo family member who used the Fulu to send messages to the Shen Wuzong elder at this time seemed to have grasped the life-saving straw, knelt down in the sky with a thump, and repeatedly kowtow to the Xiaguang: "Please also ask the elder to be the master of my Luo family!"

"If you didn't speak, I almost forgot you."

This Luo family member did not wait for the response from the elder of Shen Wuzong, but he heard the voice from Chu Yan.

The next moment, a sharp light burst through the air.

With a sneer, the Luo family member was cut in half in the middle.

His two eyes were still with a look of horror, as if he couldn't believe it, the elders of Shen Wuzong came forward, and Chu Yan even dared to kill him.

After beheading the instigator, Chu Yan's eyes were cold, and he flew into the glow.

Passing through the sunlight, the surrounding sea of ​​clouds steamed, and immediately, Chu Yan and others returned to a platform of Shenwuzong.

Obviously, this is an elder who used great supernatural powers to directly open up a void channel.

"For a mere Luo family, so much fanfare?"

Chu Yan's eyes flashed slightly, and his heart sneered again and again.

Looking up, on the platform, several figures stood proudly.

One of them is the owner of the voice just now.

This Shen Wuzong elder cast a glance at Chu Yan at this moment, and immediately released waves of coercion all over his body.

The tiger stalked the dragon plate, the atmosphere of the cloud and rain, instantly enveloped the spot.


Yin Luo and Tachibana felt scalp numb together.

Chu Yan remained silent, took a step forward, stood in front of the second woman, and stopped the elder's coercion.

The elder's face had no sorrow or joy, his eyes were deep, and he said: "Shen Wuzong disciple Chu Yan, a family has told you to use your status to bully the Xiuxian family and grab wealth. Is there such a thing?"


Chu Yan said.


Next to the elder, a middle-aged cultivator immediately stood up, pointed his fingers and sternly shouted: "Just now, countless pairs of eyes are in the eyes. Do you dare to quibble?"

"who are you?"

Chu Yan looked at the middle-aged monk.

The middle-aged monk raised his chin and said proudly: "I am--" "Is it worthy to speak to me loudly?"

At this time, the second half of Chu Yan's sentence came.

The voice is extremely cold.

The middle-aged monk was taken aback, and just about to be furious, he immediately felt a sharp pain in his head, as if someone had pried the sky spirit cover open and poured boiling oil into it.


With a scream, the middle-aged cultivator immediately planted from mid-air and fell on the platform, holding his head and howling frantically.

"Chu Yan, you are presumptuous!"

The elder was furious.

"He framed me, why should I be polite to him."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes and looked at the elder.

"Is it right? I know the situation."

The elder's expression gradually became gloomy, "You not only bullied the weak and robbed the family wealth, but you also blatantly defied the patriarchal decrees and deserved to be sentenced to death!"

"and many more!"

"The elder is a little slower!"

Yin Luo and Tachibana spoke in a hurry.

But the elder ignored him, waving his long sleeves, and in an instant, a golden light turned into a huge guillotine, as if to cut off the mountains and rivers, and directly cut down towards Chu Yan.

The billowing killing intent, like a scourge, fiercely impacted, and immediately shook Yin Luo and Tachibana Yui, their complexions pale.

The pressure of Nirvana is far from what they can resist.

"Want to kill me?"

Chu Yan frowned, and for a moment, it seemed as if the endless galaxy exploded in his eyes.

The spear of bones, condensed, six reincarnation discs buzzing and spinning behind it, as if reversing time and space, distorting the future, and slamming forward.

The golden guillotine stopped in midair for an instant.

One after another cracks appeared on it.

The entire sky trembled violently at this moment, and with the bang of the guillotine, the sky was suddenly penetrated, and the originally clear sky instantly seemed like the end of chaos.

Countless origins poured out in a collapsed manner.

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