Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2427: Have merit

Boom! The sky collapsed and the sky fell.

In an instant, the galaxy exploded continuously, causing thousands of star fields to rise and fall, like a ship in a storm.

The elder who shot, looked at Chu Yan who was safe and sound at the moment, his face was full of anger.

He was dignified in Nirvana, but he didn't even have the ability to hold a true fairyland six-fold disciple.

Shame, shame severely.

But this is not what he is most worried about.

At this moment, as the explosion occurred, the elder's consciousness swept away in all directions.

Seeing a stream of light, the wind was swiftly flying, and his heart suddenly sank halfway.

His original idea was to impose criminal law on Chu Yan as quickly as possible.

As long as the time is short enough, no one will notice what is happening.

Even if someone investigates afterwards and the uncooked rice has been cooked into cooked rice, there is no way.

But now, Chu Yan not only blocked his blow, but the roar also attracted other disciples in the sect.

Swish Swish! Streaming light, arriving quickly.

A series of powerful auras traverse the ages, intertwined into a big net, covering this place.

In the beginning, these flying disciples didn't know what happened.

When I saw the elders and Chu Yan under the broken sky, all of them immediately showed extremely surprised expressions.

"Is that Elder Wanheng?"

"The elders of Nirvana actually took action to suppress a disciple in a true fairyland."

"That true fairyland disciple is safe and sound! Unbelievable!"

"Who is the disciple of that true fairyland, actually blocked the blow of Elder Wan Heng!"

"Is there any magic weapon to protect the body?"

"No, it's entirely the power of spiritual energy! So strong, this disciple is so strong!"

Soon, some of the disciples who flew over recognized Chu Yan.

"It's that Chu Yan!"

"I know him!"

"What, he just killed the Chu Yan who killed Zao Wou-ki?"

"I heard that he just came to Shen Wuzong, so he killed the outer disciple."

"Wait, how long has it passed since he is already in the sixth realm of True Wonderland?"

"How can there be such a fast promotion rate!"

"Genius, this is a genius! I am afraid that compared to the genius at the top of our Shenwu Sect, I will not do more!"

"There must be other great adventures in him!"

There was a loud roar, and it was constantly coming from all directions at this moment.

All the disciples marveled at Chu Yan's tyrannical aura.

At this time, more and more disciples gathered, and their eyes gathered here.

Elder Wan Heng's face suddenly became more and more uncertain.

Because the larger the number at this time, the more disadvantaged it is for him to lynch.

At this time, Elder Wan Heng's eyes flashed fiercely, and he sternly shouted: "Chu Yan! You are oppressing your family and beheading the same family. At this moment, you are resisting law enforcement. What do you have to say!"

"There is nothing wrong with the crime you want to add."

Chu Yan sneered, not flustered, "But I have evidence. On the surface, you are talking nonsense, turning black and white."


When Elder Wan Heng heard this, his face became even more ugly.

He knew that at the moment it was unstoppable.

If it continues and attracts the attention of the real big figures in the sect, it will be very bad.

Although he is an elder, as far as his realm is concerned, he has more power than the average core disciple in the sect.

It's really better than strength, better than fighting skills, he is even worse than most of the core disciples.

"If you are slanderous, you add more to the crime!"

Elder Wan Heng shouted angrily, and the void above his head suddenly opened up, rolling huge waves, setting off a great shock, as if an entire flooded world was about to pour down at this moment.

Chu Yan didn't panic and waved his long sleeves.

In an instant, several corpses and heads fell out and fell in front of everyone.

Elder Wan Heng sneered again and again: "What?

Is this scared? "

Chu Yan squinted at the other person: "Open your eyes and see whose corpses these are."

Elder Wan Heng snorted and didn't look at it.

But suddenly he discovered that the atmosphere of the scene had undergone a weird change.

The eyes of the group of disciples who were still shouting loudly before, all focused on the corpses on the ground from Chu Yan's body.

Elder Wan Heng's heart moved.

He faintly had a bad idea.

Reluctantly, Elder Wan Heng turned his gaze and swept over the corpses.

He was stunned at just a glance.

The next moment, his heart seemed to be beaten hard by a drum.

"This, how is this possible..." In the heart of Elder Wan Heng, a groan almost roared.

He couldn't express his emotions too clearly, but the group of disciples who were onlookers had no such concerns.

After a short silence, it was like boiling water poured into boiling oil, and the whole platform instantly exploded.

"That's a one-eyed head!"

"That big eyeball can't be wrong, it's a one-eyed ecstasy!"

"Fang Tian painter! I remember his appearance!"

"The painting ambassador Fang Tian has been beheaded!"

"Then, that guy... Could that guy be..." "Zherenxian!"

"Zhe Renxian's corpse!"

"Chu Yan actually killed Zhe Renxian!"

"What does it mean that he killed Zhe Renxian? He killed One-eyed Ecstasy, Fang Tian painting envoy and Zhe Renxian at the same time!"

"My God! Doesn't that mean that he is going to monopolize the third of the rewards offered this time?"

A loud roar came from all directions.

These voices entered the ears of Elder Wan Heng, causing the corners of his eyes to twitch violently.

He finally understood why Chu Yan was so confident.

It's not only his supernatural strength.

It is even more because he holds several important heads of this reward.

At this time, Chu Yan looked up at Elder Wan Heng.

This seemingly non-smiling glance made Elder Wan Heng instinctively think of something bad.

The next moment, he heard Chu Yan speak: "You are not mistaken, the three corpses here belong to the one-eyed Ecstasy, Fang Tian painter, and Zhe Renxian.

And it's not just the three of them. I also killed the six sea generals in the mysterious turtle sea area this time, and even chopped all their emperors into pieces.

Millions of sea monsters have lost my life.

It can be said that with my own power, the sea monster chaos in the mysterious turtle sea area was resolved. "

"How can it be done by yourself?"

Elder Wan Heng immediately retorted.

Chu Yan sneered and said, "Is it true? With the strength of Shen Wuzong, just take a photo of a powerful disciple and check it out. Isn't it clear?"

When Elder Wan Heng heard this, he was speechless.

Because what Chu Yan said is true.

If he lied, he would be exposed almost in the blink of an eye.

And the next sentence of Chu Yan said the last sentence that Elder Wan Heng didn't want to hear.

"I am good at killing the sea monster, but I was framed by the Luo family of Feihai city as a fake sea monster. Elder, you are so anxious to put me to death. Could it be that you have colluded with the Luo family secretly to frame me! Still want to **** me! These corpses in my hand, so I can claim credit for it!"

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