Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2429: No tears without the coffin

In the scene before him, the disciples of Shen Wuzong were stunned.

The disciple who had originally thought to be beheaded unexpectedly escaped, and there was a body inside.

Moreover, as soon as this body appeared, it immediately exuded a billowing demon aura.

In a daze, the disciples of Shen Wuzong who were present were shocked and angry, shouting one after another.

"It's a monster!"

"Among the sects, a monster beast is actually mixed in!"

"None of us noticed it, and we were almost fooled!"

"Monster beasts entering the sect will inevitably contain evil intentions!"

"Don't let him go!"

The disciples were filled with righteous indignation, and when they shouted repeatedly, Elder Wan Heng's face was pale and his body was constantly trembling.

A feeling of imminent disaster, like a dark cloud, appeared in his heart.

And the figure flying out, bursts of grinning at this moment.

"Even if you discover my real body! I am known as Wuying, I mean Wuying and Invisible, no one can catch me! You kill my disciple of the Emperor's Blood Sect, and you will wait for endless pursuits. Bar!"

Huh! In the voice, Wuying's body was like a haze, unpredictable, and in a flash, it flew out hundreds of thousands of miles.

The disciples of Shenwuzong shot again and again, and countless rays of light, like a meteor rainstorm, poured down towards Wuying.

Rumble! Countless spaces are destroyed at this moment and turned into chaos.

Time and space seem to have disappeared.

But after a while, in the chaos, the shadowless body reappeared.

He paused for a while, as if deliberately trying to irritate and laugh at the disciples of the gods Wuzong: "You are doing it in vain!"


Yeah? "

Chu Yan's voice suddenly appeared above his head.

Wuying was taken aback.

He was completely unaware of when Chu Yan came to him.

But he quickly reacted, becoming irritated, and shouted: "So what? I want to see, what do you do!"

"The method is naturally to kill you!"

Chu Yan shook his backhand.

The light quickly condenses.

An unremarkable broken sword appeared in Chu Yan's hands.

Mirror Moon! Wuying's eyes condensed immediately.

Jingyue was a rusty broken sword in his eyes.

Just looking at the appearance, I am afraid that it would be extremely difficult to cut a piece of firewood.

But at this time, Wuying had a deep crisis in his heart, like a rabbit meeting a tiger.


Chu Yan raised his hand and cut down.

Jingyue suddenly burst into an astonishing glow.

It's like a bright moon in the sky, with a bright and pure light like mercury pouring out of the ground.

The shadowless body was immediately shrouded in it.

The unspeakable tragic pain, in an instant, from every pore of the body, penetrated into the internal organs.

"Do not!"

The shadowless body cracked again and again, the life source collapsed, and a desperate roar broke out.

He wanted to struggle, but under the shroud of light, he was directly suppressed. In the blink of an eye, his body disappeared, leaving only a head, falling from mid-air, and being sucked into his hand by Chu Yan's five fingers.

The group of Divine Wuzong disciples who were flying over saw from a distance, and suddenly the whole body was cold.

So many of them took Wu Ying Wu Ke Wu Nai Ke, and Chu Yan raised his hands, beheading each other.

Coupled with the various performances of Chu Yan before, they only felt that the young disciple in front of them was unfathomable.

Chu Yan carried Wuying's head in his hand and moved forward.

Everyone only felt that there was a flower in front of them, and the next moment they saw that Chu Yan had returned to the stone platform.

"where are you going?"

Stopped in front of Elder Wan Heng, Chu Yan sneered.

Elder Wan Heng was calm on the surface, but his heart was already very flustered.

At this moment, he pretended to be calm, and said lightly: "Since the truth of the matter has been resolved, then I should naturally leave."

"That's it?"

Chu Yan seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

Elder Wan Heng frowned: "Then what do you want to do?"

"What do you think?"

Chu Yan's smile became brighter, but his eyes became colder.

Elder Wan Heng only felt a deep chill, covering himself from all directions, almost freezing his bone marrow.

Forcibly resisting the fear in his heart, Elder Wan Heng gritted his teeth and said: "I won't hold you accountable anymore, you don't want to make an inch!"

"You don't hold me accountable?"

Chu Yan laughed out loud, "Why do you hold me accountable! I want to ask now, what is your deal with Emperor Cheng's Blood Sect!"

This sentence was like stepping on the tail of Elder Wan Heng, making him angry and jumping up instantly, his beard curled up and down.

"Chu Yan! You are nonsense!"

"Ha ha."

Chu Yan sneered, holding Wuying's head high, "If you don't have anything to do with them, why did this guy stand up and speak for you when you just framed me?"

Elder Wan Heng was angry and annoyed, his face was flushed first, then black as the bottom of a pot.

But at this moment, he just couldn't think of any rebuttals.

He slandered Chu Yan before, and there is no corroboration. He simply wanted to rely on his own realm to be higher than the opponent, and suddenly crush the opponent to death.

But now that Chu Yan uses his method, there is still evidence.

There are still so many Shenwuzong disciples in the presence.

At this moment, even if Elder Wan Heng was full of his mouth, he couldn't make it clear.

Staring and panting, after a while, Elder Wan Heng said: "What do you want! I made a mistake before, aren't you okay now?"

"Want to put me to death, now that you have made a mistake, you just want to assume that this has never happened?"

Chu Yan's voice fell, and the palm of his hand burst into light, "If you have anything, go to the penalty hall and say it!"

Chu Yan stretched out his hand and waved vigorously, the void immediately shattered, and the bone spear pierced fiercely. A series of scorching suns were all blown up, and the chants soared into the sky, as if the gods descended and suppressed the ten thousand demons.

Elder Wan Heng was also embarrassed at this moment, and completely tore off his disguise: "You are just a true fairyland. What qualifications do you have to scream in front of my dignified Nirvana! Give me death!"

He opened his hands and raised it high, like a pillar supporting the sky and the earth.

Rumble! The endless rivers, above the head of Elder Wan Heng, gathered into a giant hundreds of thousands of feet high, pointing the sky and the earth, and attacking Chu Yan fiercely.

All the universe was beaten to pieces, and the yin and yang were completely crushed at this moment.

In the midst of disillusionment and destruction, the giant marched forward boldly.

The disciple of Shen Wuzong who saw this scene from a distance, hurriedly backed away again.

"Chu Yan is crazy, right!"

"Elder Wanheng didn't take it seriously before, doesn't mean that he will beat Elder Wanheng!"

"How can the true fairyland have a chance to win against Nirvana!"

"Don't he understand the principle of accepting as soon as you see it!"

"It's all right now, Elder Wan Heng is doing his best, how can he deal with it!"

Shouts of exclamation and roar, resounding through the clouds.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan narrowed his eyes, and his murderous intent boiled: "I don't think you can cry without seeing the coffin! At this time, you dare to resist!"

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