Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2430: Elder panicked

"A mere real fairyland dare to speak out!"

Elder Wan Heng who sacrificed all his strength looked down at Chu Yan, his eyes full of arrogance.

"You are indeed proud to kill the ancestor of the Luo family with the six-strike True Wonderland Ninth Layer."

Elder Wan Heng who was talking about this deliberately paused, and the clouds were calm and gentle, "But there is a muddy difference between the realm of fairyland and the realm of Nirvana.

Even if it is called half-step Nirvana, after all, it is still a real fairyland, not a real Nirvana.

Not to mention, I am also not a monk who has just been promoted to Nirvana. "

When the words fell, Elder Wan Heng's momentum suddenly rose.

The disciple of Shen Wuzong who had not been affected, this time was inevitable. Under the pressure of Elder Wan Heng, he involuntarily knelt down on one knee, and the weak, even directly foamed at the mouth and passed out.

The rest also didn't get better, one of them turned blue, their lips were white, and they tremblingly raised their eyes to look up at the high Elder Wan Heng.

At this moment, they unanimously felt that this was the strength of the Nirvana monk! Suddenly, Elder Wan Heng rolled his eyes and looked at Yin Luo and Tachibana Wei, with a decision in his heart.

In the next moment, the huge pressure that belongs to Nirvana, like a flood, turned into a giant dragon, and swept away at Yin Luo and Tachibana in an impartial manner! Elder Wan Heng, who is old and refined, can't see how much Chu Yan attaches great importance to Yin Luo and Tachibana.

I believe that as long as he catches them, Chu Yan will be scrupulous, and the initiative will fall on his side again.

Yin Luo and Tachibana only felt as if they were being stared at by a giant beast. Upon seeing this, Chu Yan's eyes flashed, he danced his bone spear, and the ancient runes were shining brightly, bursting out a terrible light, like a divine light, illuminating the whole world! As if the sky couldn't bear its breath, faintly, twists and turns appeared above the void, and there were bursts of cracks, terrifying.

Hundreds of thousands of feet tall giants, at this moment like firewood, were directly split in half by the light and fell apart.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Yan took a step, and the figure that was still far away had already arrived in front of Yin Luo and Tachibana.

He made a fist with five fingers, and fisted at the coercive dragon of evolution! It seems that the extremely exaggerated pressure of Nirvana was shattered to pieces by Chu Yan's random punch, like a burst of colorful bubbles. The so-called power is just illusory and not useful.

"Nirvana, that's it?"

The corners of Chu Yan's lips curled up, and he smirked.

This scene made Shen Wuzong disciples' scalp numb.

It just made them feel that the nirvana state of the gods descending to the earth was easily resolved by Chu Yan.

It seems that the Chu Yan of the Sixth Layer of True Wonderland is so powerful! Yin Luo and Tachibana were relieved. Fortunately, Chu Yan was here.

"Nirvana is certainly not an unreachable realm, but it is enough to deal with you."

Elder Wan Heng was shocked in his heart, how could this Chu Yan be so strong, but the surface still looks as usual.

Because Yin Luo and Tachibana were indeed Chu Yan's weaknesses, and based on their cultivation skills, they would definitely not be able to protect themselves in front of them.

In this way, as long as they continue to attack Yin Luo and Tachibana, Chu Yan will be incapable of doing so, and it is worthy of self-preservation.

What's more, Elder Wan Heng is a Nirvana monk, and Chu Yan is only a true fairyland. Even if he only relies on consumption, he can consume his opponent alive! "If you face the ninth level of Nirvana, the sixth level of the true fairyland is indeed a bit reluctant, but Elder Wanheng, your strength is at best the second level of Nirvana, so hehe."

Chu Yan chuckled, and the Shenwuzong disciples who were present understood him.

The dignified elder of Nirvana was actually attacked by Chu Yan continuously.

The first time I can still say that there is no flash, then the second time?

The disciples of Shenwuzong who were affected dare to say that Elder Wanheng didn’t keep his hands this time, but he still couldn’t help Chu Yan, not to mention the sneak attack later. As a result, Yin Luo and Tachibana had no clothes. bumped into.

Thinking of this, if it wasn't for the scruples to tell the truth, they would be killed on the spot by Elder Wanheng. They all wanted to follow along and say, Nirvana, that's it?

"Also, just now Elder Wan Heng wanted to start with these two juniors, right?

Wouldn't it be bad? "

"Yes, right and wrong, the penalty hall has its own conclusion. The elders want to take hostages and force Chu Yan to submit, which is really a bit unnatural."

"Not only was he repeatedly attacked by a true fairyland disciple, but he also attacked the female disciple. He didn't talk about martial arts. Elder Wan Heng was the biggest loser in this wave of victory or defeat."

"Shhh, shut up! Are you all dying?"

Seeing that Elder Wan Heng's complexion was pale, Yu Guang swept toward himself and the others, and immediately a disciple of Shen Wuzong reminded his fellow students not to talk about it. The real nirvana monk's ability is not able to display it, and it is actually bold and bold to plot face to face.

"Haha, Elder Wan Heng, it seems that your cultivation is in the Nirvana state, but it is about character or something, I just want to talk about it, and understand everything."

Chu Yan laughed, clutching the bone spear, his eyes condensed, and his murderous intent appeared.

Elder Wan Heng knew that he and Chu Yan had completely torn their faces, and it could only be your life and death, and he didn't pretend either.

Boom! I saw that as Elder Wan Heng's thoughts were turning, a torrent of torrents converged rapidly in the sky, turning into water dragons with teeth and claws, overwhelming the sky, staring at their position in Chu Yan.

The Baili area centered on Yin Luo and Tachibana Yui seemed to have received a blessing from the rain god. On a sunny day, there was a bit of rain falling down quickly.

After a short while, it turned into a torrential rain, covering this world.

The water dragon is rolling, and the rain is overwhelming.

From a distance, it is like turning the sky into a sea, turning the whole world upside down.

Not only that, as long as the disciples of the ordinary Shen Wuzong entered this range, they were only hit by the drips of rain, and they immediately broke their heads and could not afford to be seriously injured.

This is the real way of Nirvana! In addition, Chu Yan discovered that all the space near them was blocked by a force. The monks who got trapped in this place, the closer they were, the easier it was to get in and out, until there was nowhere to escape! "escape?"

Chu Yan laughed blankly.

It seems that Elder Wanheng has made a mistake, and now he does not realize the seriousness of the matter! Buzzing! Suddenly, the rain around Chu Yan changed without warning.

In the blink of an eye, it has evolved into sharp arrows, spears, swords, and swords.

Shoo! But they didn't target Chu Yan, instead they pointed at Yin Luo and Tachibana Wei without leaving a dead end!

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