Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2431: Kill the elders

Chapter 2431 Kill Wan Heng "Wan Heng old dog, dare you!"

Chu Yan was furious.

He was really angry.

Right in front of him, Wan Heng, an old dog, dared to target Yin Luo and Tachibana in this way.

If he is not in Shenwuzong, in order to achieve his goal, would old dog Wan Heng send Yin Luo and Tachibana Wei to the penalty hall to be tortured and tortured?

Chu Yan originally believed in the Shenwuzong elders and believed that they would give himself a fair and just result.

However, what Elder Wan Heng did made him doubt the attitude of the Presbyterian Church! In an instant, Chu Yan's bone spear burst into a terrifying divine light.

As the ancient runes were lit up, the world seemed to be illuminated by countless suns.

In an instant, the universe shattered, the galaxy broke, and the traces of the avenue were wiped out, and they were all burned to death by the divine light! Looking around, there is no sky or sea, only the light filled with destruction is shining.

Among the rays of light, is Chu Yan standing with a gun, like a **** coming, wherever he is, there must be light! At the moment when Chu Yan's white-bone spear was swung, the sharp arrows, spears, swords, and swords driven by Elder Wan Heng all melted the ice and snow.

They were all evaporated and burned together with the five elements, leaving no room for resistance.

puff! Elder Wan Heng's blood surged, spurting blood with his mouth open.

He just attacked Yin Luo and Tachibana Wei without talking about martial arts, Chu Yan's jedi fight back, not only eliminated his offensive, but also was counterattacked by Chu Yan, leading to backlash! "He is just a mere real wonderland, so powerful that he is so powerful. Once he is promoted to the Nirvana Realm, wouldn't he be able to go against the sky?

Never stay here! "

Elder Wan Heng made up his mind that no matter what price he paid, he would leave Chu Yan thoroughly today.

Duan Duan can no longer mention the penalty hall, and must be killed on the spot! Otherwise, when Chu Yan has fully grown up, there is definitely no way to survive.

The elder Wan Heng in the distance was murderous, Chu Yan's eyes condensed, he was just taking a step, and the next moment was in front of Elder Wan Heng.

Elder Wan Heng was stunned, and even before he could speak, he saw Chu Yan's palm quickly zooming in before his eyes.

Hiss! With a hiss, Elder Wan Heng's head was pulled out directly, and his complete spine was attached behind it! Elder Wan Heng's eyes widened, he couldn't believe that he had no power to resist facing the mere disciples of the real fairyland! "Nirvana, there really is something extraordinary, it didn't die immediately."

Chu Yan couldn't help muttering, his tone seemed to marvel at the tenacious vitality of a mouse, not being killed by a single blow.

Elder Wan Heng rolled his eyes and just wanted to beg for mercy, only to feel that the majestic breath of Chu Yan's palm was released.

The bone spear echoed with each other, and the ancient runes became more and more shining.

The dense inscriptions, evolving the light wheel, rotating on its own, a mysterious beauty spreading that is inexplicable.

With the rotation of the inscription pattern, mysterious voices were reciting in all directions, as if they were promulgating the decree of the gods.

Immediately afterwards, a light ball appeared.

This is the spirit of Elder Wanheng! It blended into the bone spear, rushing towards the six reincarnation discs.

The spirit of Elder Wan Heng was quickly refined.

When the light shone more and more and reached the highest peak, this elder of the Divine Wuzong with the second stage of Nirvana was completely obliterated.

Soul flies away, it's just that you can't stand up forever! The disciples of Shenwuzong looked at this scene, all dumbfounded.

They can't feel the breath of Elder Wanheng at all.

The elder of Wuzong, the second-tier **** of Nirvana, was killed by Chu Yan! "Chu Yan, he actually killed Elder Wan Heng!"

"How can this be?

Elder Wan Heng is a monk of the second level of Nirvana! "

"But Chu Yan did kill Elder Wan Heng, and smashed Elder Wan Heng's bones and ashes.

"Chu Yan, he is just a true fairy cultivator, how can he be so powerful, he can actually leapfrog and kill Elder Wanheng."

"Hush! Brother Chu Yan, you can make a fool of yourself, just silence me!

"The disciples of Shenwuzong were shocked and surprised at Chu Yan.

Shenwuzong has been inherited for many years, and there have been countless talented monks who have come out, but like Chu Yan, they are so powerful that they are so bold that they dare to kill a Nirvana elder in front of everyone, but never! Taking a step back, Chu Yan killed even Elder Wan Heng. If he saw that he and the others were not pleasing to his eyes, would he directly kill him and let the blood flow here?

No one dared to gamble on whether Chuyan dared to do so, so he pretended to be deaf and dumb, and waited until things subsided, which was the best course of action.

Seeing this, Chu Yan laughed blankly: "Am I like a murderous demon?

I didn't kill anyone at sight. "

"But Brother Chu, after you showed up, you did kill all the way. It shocked them and made them terrified."

Yin Luo chuckled.

"However, Brother Chu, you are doing this to protect yourself and protect us. You are not killing innocent people. If you weren't there today, we would be in danger!"

Yin Luo said again immediately, while looking at Yui Tachibana.

Yui Tachibana pursed her small mouth and nodded in agreement.

Chu Yan was dumbfounded.

Because, if it weren't for him, it is estimated that Yin Luo and Tachibana would not fall into such a dangerous situation. He had pitted them and saved them.

However, Chu Yan said that he would not say such things. He was very clear about Yin Luo and Tachibana's attitude towards them. If everything were said so clearly, it would be meaningless.

At this time, someone whispered quietly.

"Even if Brother Chu Yan just killed someone for self-preservation, he still killed someone. In our Shenwu Sect, if someone makes a mistake, isn't it possible to abuse lynching?

What's more, it was killed on the spot. "

"Yes, these things should be taken care of by the Punishment Hall. Even if Elder Wan Heng was really wrong, he would be an elder after all, and he was killed in public by Senior Brother Chu Yan, and his body and spirit were destroyed. What is the majesty of the elders in the future!"

"I don't think the sect will let it go this time. Even if Brother Chu Yan did this, there is a reason for the matter, it is still unavoidable to be punished."

"At most it is a small punishment and a big admonition, because Senior Brother Chu Yan is so powerful, he is not in the Nirvana state, and he can already leapfrog the Nirvana state. Once he truly becomes the Nirvana state, is it worth it?"

Facing the discussion from Shenwuzong disciples, Yin Luo and Tachibana only felt worried.

It is true that Chu Yan is indeed very strong, breaking the void at every turn, annihilating the five elements, but the background of Shenwuzong is extremely terrifying, the death of a Nirvana elder Wanheng, although not insignificant, but it really does not damage his strength.

In case Shen Wuzong decides to severely punish Chu Yan, in order to behave like You, then it will be in trouble.

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