Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2432: The Presbyterian's Resolution

"Senior Brother Chu Yan, if the situation is not right, you can go. I will ask Senior Sister Mo to come forward now.

From her point of view, it may be possible to delay a moment and buy some time to prevent the sect monk from catching up with you! "

Yin Luo took a deep breath, as if she had made a certain determination.

Although Tachibana still did not speak, the firm look on her face already expressed her true thoughts.

If necessary, she will find ways to help Chu Yan even if she is in a lowly status.

Hearing this, Chu Yan's heart warmed and smiled slightly: "No need."

"Huh! Brother Chu Yan, look at what you are saying. You have saved me many times, but I have never been able to find a chance to repay you.

And I think that the huge Shen Wuzong, if there is not even this point of fairness and justice, a good person, a disciple who has merits, really can’t be justified, there are not many things we can do, but buy some time for you, or It can be done. "

Seeing Chu Yan's resignation, Yin Luo snorted and said quickly.

The moment Yin Luo's voice fell, Tachibana Yui had already held the sword case in his hand, and the flame patterns were revealed on the sword case.

Chu Yan waved his hand: "I take your thoughts, but this matter has nothing to do with you.

Today, if you still want to test me without opening your eyes, I will kill as many as you come.

Coveted my treasure, and still has a high-sounding reason, such a guy is more than guilty! "

Speaking of this, Chu Yan sneered again and again, a terrifying courage burst out, shaking the sky and the stars are shaking.

At this time, the distant sky has nine-color divine light coming quickly! The light was filled with the colors of nine colors, and it looked authentic and peaceful, but as long as the unruly people approached, they could feel the aura of destruction inside.

This kind of aura is very terrifying, as if it can directly obliterate the avenue, shatter the universe, and even the space it passes through becomes directly distorted.

This level of strength cannot be matched by Elder Wan Heng.

"Here, it's the Presbyterian Church! Are you going to judge Chu Yan?"

"Even if Chu Yan is so powerful, the elders will be even more terrifying. This time he is hard to fly!"

"Although Chu's words are very strong, it's just that the law is not merciful. To kill a Nirvana elder in public is always a big mistake and a big crime!"

"Furthermore, as the saying goes, flies don't bite seamless eggs. If Chu Yan is really so innocent, how could Elder Wan Heng be so targeted."

"A slap won't make a sound! If Chu Yan didn't do anything wrong, how could he be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door!"

Hearing the sound, Chu Yan squinted at the person and chuckled, "Can't you slap a slap?

That being the case, why not let me slap you and see if a slap can make a sound? "

As soon as this remark came out, the disciple of Shen Wuzong who had just uttered a lot of words suddenly did not dare to say anything.

They witnessed how Chu Yan made Elder Wan Heng annihilate his body and spirit. If Chu Yan slapped his head like this, wouldn't the head be slapped flying out?

Can't make it, can't make it! Chu Yan sneered, his eyes fell on the nine-color divine light in the sky again.

The Nine-Colored Divine Light, which was still in the distant sky just now, has now hung high above everyone's heads.

"Very strong! It's definitely the strength of Nirvana Realm seven or more, and it is not comparable to an old dog like Wan Heng!"

Chu Yan had a basic estimate of the strength of the incoming person.

"Are you Chu Yan?"

The figure in the nine-color divine light had no joy or sorrow, and asked Chu Yan.

"In return to the elders, the disciple is Chu Yan."

Chu Yan answered neither humble nor humble.

The most important thing is that the other party hasn't shown the slightest murderous intent and hostility, maybe it's not the enemy.

"Presenting the decree of the Presbyterian Church!"

"Chu Yan beheaded the three-eyed Ecstasy, Fang Tian's painting envoy, and Zhe Renxian, and completed the rewarding task brilliantly.

At the same time, it is effective in suppressing the violations of the Hai Clan. Now rewards are given! "

"Three Esoteric Lingquan Pills, and the qualification to enter the Universe Dragon and Snake Palace to participate in the supernatural powers of the Wuzong!"

After speaking, a treasure box and a token were sent to Chu Yan.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help taking a breath, and the elders really gave out mission rewards.

However, there are still some people who think that things will not be so simple. Perhaps the elders will reward and punish clearly.

As if feeling the thoughts of the people present, the members of the Presbyterian Church who came forward said without hesitation: "The Presbyterian Church is fair and open, and will not intervene in the fights between disciples.

Wan Heng attacked Chu Yan for his own selfish desires, and now he is killed, he can only say that he deserved the crime.

Since the two sides are fighting to death, they respect their strength, Wan Heng is dead, and everything comes to an end. "

The implication of this member of the Presbyterian Church was that Wan Heng was dead anyway, and he was already punishable. The elders would not pursue this matter more, but he reminded Chu Yan not to target people related to Wan Heng for this reason. Be angry with others.

Chu Yan understood the meeting, recognized the results given by the elders, and nodded in response: "The disciple understands." After all, Wan Heng is an elder of the Shenwu Sect. He is now being killed. No matter what the reason, the elders should be the first time. Standing on Wan Heng's side, maintaining the face of the sect, but now giving out all the rewards, and taking this matter over for a while, Chu Yan asked himself that the elders can achieve this point, it is quite good, and can't force more.

Afterwards, when the members of the Presbyterian Church left with the Nine-Colored Divine Light, Chu Yan immediately sat down cross-legged.

"He is going to refine the Tantric Lingquan Pill on the spot?"

Someone thought of Chu Yan's intentions.

That's right, Chu Yan did have such an idea. He wanted to take the Tantric Lingquan Pill by himself, but if it kept it, it was coveted. It's better to just swallow it for refining in the public.

Come to think of it, with the feat of just beheading Wan Heng, no one would dare to pick him up at this time! Sure enough, under the gaze of everyone, Chu Yan directly opened the treasure box just given by the members of the Presbyterian Church, which contained three Tantric Lingquan pills.

Without saying a word, Chu Yan swallowed it and refined it on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw the endless rays of light permeating from Chu Yan's limbs.

If Chu Yan had acted like a blood-bathed demon before, now Chu Yan has become ethereal and transparent, as if a **** and Buddha came and came to the world.

As the power of the medicine melted into the body, wisps of fairy qi came out of Chu Yan's pores.

These celestial spirits gather together and transform into auspiciousness such as dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns.

Looking intently, I only noticed that the world centered on Chuyan has become a starry sky, and the auspicious dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns manifested by the immortal energy are actually the faces of Chuyan.

This is a compassionate and holy face, completely lost the horror of the collapse of the sky, the collapse of the main road, and the obliteration of the five elements.

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