Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2433: Enlightenment

Seeing this scene, the disciples of Shen Wuzong were a little dumbfounded.

They were attracted by Chu Yan, faintly, as if they wanted to believe in Chu Yan and become his followers.

"Is this the effect of Tantric Lingquan Pills?

Really extraordinary! "

"Absolutely not! I have a senior sister who, by chance, once received a tantric spirit spring pill from the sect. At that time, I was protecting the law for her, and there was no such auspicious scene as Chu Yan."

"So, is it because of Chu Yan?

The true fairyland disciple who can leapfrog the Nirvana Realm double monk is really extraordinary. "

"The movement caused by his refining pills almost made my mind shake, and I couldn't help but want to believe in him. This Senior Brother Chu Yan is too terrifying."

The disciples of Shenwuzong who were watching were shocked and frightened by Chu Yan.

Even if it was just a discussion, he couldn't help lowering his voice, so as not to disturb Chu Yan's refining medicine.

Chu Yan's battle in Shenwuzong today completely convinced them! call! Suddenly, Chu Yan opened his eyes, no joy or sorrow.

Refining three Tantric Lingquan pills in one breath not only made his body more perfect, but also increased his life span by a full five hundred years! "Compared with the strengthening of the body, hundreds of years of life is the main reason that makes Shen Wuzong disciples crazy! After all, there are many ways to strengthen the body in a single aspect, but it is very rare to increase the 100 years of life at the same time. It is said that under the accumulation, the Tantric Lingquan Pill can undergo a qualitative change!"

Chu Yan thought to himself.

One Esoteric Lingquan Pill will increase the lifespan of more than 100 years at most. In his opinion, it will not exceed one hundred and fifty years. Now that three pills are swallowed together, it has increased for a full five hundred years. This quantitative change produces a qualitative change. The high character of the pill of medicine is evident.

"Congratulations Brother Chu!"

Seeing Chu Yan got up, Yin Luo and Tachibana flew quickly.

Chu Yan nodded to them, and with a flick of his fingertips, two silver rays of light fell on the two women.

Yin Luo and Tachibana suddenly felt refreshed, and their feelings went straight to their hearts.

This is clearly Chu Yan's share of his own feelings! The two women looked at each other, both showing a look of surprise and joy.

"Brother Chu Yan, it should not be too late, you can go to the Universe Dragon and Snake Palace to see Wuzong's supernatural powers!"

Settling down, Yin Luo reminded Chu Yan.

Today Chu Yan did kill Elder Wan Heng, and the Presbyterian Church did not pull off the side, but who would dare to say that there was no second or even third Elder Wan Heng in the Shenwu Sect! Therefore, improving strength is the best self-protection, and it is also Chu Yan's top priority.


Chu Yan did not refuse, nodded, bid farewell to Yin Luo and Tachibana, and then went to the Qiankun Dragon and Snake Palace, preparing to visit Wuzong's supernatural powers.

The Qiankun Dragon and Snake Palace, as the place where Shenwuzong stores supernatural powers and other important things, its status can be imagined.

Chu Yan stood on the edge of the formation of the Universe Dragon and Snake Palace, trying to sense the big formation under his feet, and couldn't help but slap his tongue.

"The Universe Dragon and Snake Palace is truly one of the important places of Shen Wuzong. If you forcibly break into it, let alone the real fairyland, even Nirvana will be killed by the great formation!"

Chu Yan sighed, did not make any unnecessary attempts, and directly took out the token issued by the elders just now.

Hum! The token emits a soft light, and the power in front is like an invisible barrier. At this moment, not only is the ice and snow melted, but also a layer of protection is applied to Chu Yan, so that he can withstand a certain amount of shelter in the formation. .

"If someone really comes to commit an offence, such sect powerhouses as the Qiankun Dragon and Snake Palace can be regarded as a battlefield for counterattack.

Because the disciple of Shen Wuzong who holds the token has an unparalleled increase within the formation, and can even leapfrog. "

Chu Yan stepped into the scope of the official Universe Dragon and Snake Palace, thoughtfully.

Of course, this approach must consume a lot of energy, and once the energy is exhausted, the result will undoubtedly be overwhelmed.

Therefore, it is estimated that Shen Wuzong will not start this move when it is not a last resort.

Similarly, if such a behemoth as Shenwuzong were really forced to this point, it would definitely come to life and death.

When it really reaches the point of life and death, it is natural to give it a go, no matter what happens afterwards.

If you don't do your best, maybe there will be no future.

Chu Yan swept his eyes, and the first feeling that Qiankun Dragon Snake Palace gave him was that it was very old! This kind of ancient times seems to exist at the beginning of all laws in the prehistoric times.

After years of hard work, the Universe Dragon and Snake Palace not only has not been obliterated, but it has become more powerful.

"Anyone who can't kill me will make me stronger?"

Chu Yan couldn't help muttering.

However, this kind of feeling usually only appears in humans or living creatures.

"The Universe Dragon and Snake Palace will never be a living thing!"

Chu Yan was a little stunned when he finished speaking.

His eyes turned, and the Universe Dragon and Snake Palace said it was a palace, but it was a very huge, endless palace, containing the accumulation of Shen Wuzong who didn't know how many years.

Normally, Chu Yan only felt that there was a giant, and a **** of war was sitting in front of him, not angering himself.

Thinking about it, Chu Yan shook his head.

Shenwuzong, a behemoth like that, has gone through endless years. I don't know how many secrets there are. Even if the Universe Dragon and Snake Palace is really a living thing, it doesn't seem to be too strange.

Not to mention, Chu Yan is not an enemy, just a disciple who came to the Universe Dragon and Snake Palace to see the supernatural powers of the enlightened sect.

When Chu Yan stepped into the Universe Dragon and Snake Palace, at the top of the hall, a flying giant dragon suddenly rolled his eyes, but quickly recovered as if nothing had happened.

The moment Chu Yan stood still, voices echoed in the hall.

"The holder of the token can choose one of the twelve magical powers of Shenwuzong's lower grade at will for enlightenment!"

"Enlightenment time is unlimited."

"Regardless of success or failure, leave immediately at the end of the enlightenment, do not stay!"

Subsequently, under the lead of the token, the twelve light groups flew out of their own accord and hovered motionless in front of Chu Yan.

"Is this the magical power of Shenwuzong's twelve sects?"

Chu Yan cast his sights, and the names, types, and partial effects of the magical powers in the light group appeared one by one.

When Chu Yan's gaze wandered through the twelve light groups, his attention fell on the middle light group again.

This is the supernatural power of blood, heaven and earth lore! "I choose heaven and earth lore punch."

Chu Yan made the choice without hesitation.

Although the twelve supernatural powers of Shenwuzong's low-ranking are all very powerful without exception, in the case of not having all of them, Chu Yan gives priority to choosing the most suitable supernatural power of heaven and earth lore.

Hum! Confirmed by Chu Yan, his token had a stream of light that poured into the light group of the Heaven and Earth Lore Fist, and then the light dissipated, and the contents inside fell firmly into Chu Yan's hands. The remaining eleven doors The supernatural power returns by itself.

Without saying a word, Chu Yan immediately started to comprehend the supernatural power of heaven and earth lore.

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