Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2438: Into the blood sect

The slain Qiong Yaozun was one of the top combat power of Emperor Chenghuang's blood sect.

If not counted as the sect master, just like the three monsters, it can be regarded as the existence of the ceiling.

The three of them asked themselves whether they were weaker than the Qiong Demon Venerable, but they were not necessarily stronger than the Qiong Demon Venerable. They were all among the first ones.

In other words, Chu Yan can kill the Qiong Yaozun, as well as them! This made the remaining three demons feel a strong sense of crisis.

They looked at each other, exchanged glances, and already understood each other's thoughts.

"Sect Master, I think this Human Race cultivator is too bold and doesn't put our Emperor's Blood Sect in his eyes at all, so he should be killed as soon as possible!

"Chu Yan is just a true fairyland cultivator. The news I received before was the sixth level of true fairyland. Even if it may be broken by some chance now, it is at most the seventh level of true fairyland, but he can kill Zherenxian and Qiong Yaozun one after another. He must have a treasure! "

"In order to reduce the loss of our blood sect, I propose to dispatch immediately to punish this human monk! Don't delay anymore!!"

The three demon lords made suggestions to the suzerain of the Emperor's Blood Sect.

After a moment of hesitation, the Sect Master of the Emperor's Blood Sect nodded immediately and asked to be dispatched together to jointly kill Chu Yan.

"Yes, Sovereign!"

The three demons naturally agreed.

If they act alone, they are still afraid of being found by Chu Yan one by one, one by one, and now walking with the Sect Master, it is undoubtedly much safer.

At this time, Chu Yan spread the divine consciousness to the maximum.

A radius of a million li, delicate and delicate.

Even the trajectory of a drop of rain and dew falling to the ground is clear in his heart.

Within this range, the monster beast's every move was completely controlled by him.

According to the information that came out of the torture from the immortal Zheren, Chu Yan avoided the monster beast looking for him at this time, and went all the way towards the territory of the Emperor's Blood Sect sect.

Soon after, the sky and the earth shook.

In the depths of the mountains and forests, in the thick forest that was originally sloppy, suddenly the air oscillated like the surface of water.

After a while, there was a loud roar and gears turned.

Suddenly a door with a height of a hundred stories appeared out of thin air.

On the door, carved with various animal-shaped patterns, vividly and full of ferocious aura, a glance is enough to scare people to death.

At this time, as the gear rotates, the portal slowly opens.

In an instant, dozens of blood-colored rays of light shot out from behind the portal like a fright.

In the entire sky, all beasts roared all at once, and countless stars fell from the sky.

Countless demon kings were given orders, arranging mountains and seas, and hunting with flags, layer after layer of beast army was densely covered in the void, from the sky to the dense forest, inch by inch, looking for the traces of Chu Yan.

Feeling the billowing demon energy rising into the sky in the distance, Chu Yan raised his head, and his divine consciousness swept away.

Soon he saw the open door.

"There is where Emperor Cheng Huang's blood sect is located!"

Chu Yan did not go immediately.

He condensed his breath and waited quietly in the echo ring.

Suddenly, Chu Yan seemed to have disappeared from this world. Even if the Sect Master of the Emperor's Blood Sect turned this place upside down, it would be impossible to find Chu Yan's trace.

As Chu Yan expected.

The Qiong Yaozun was beheaded, causing Emperor Cheng Huang's blood sect to be extremely angry.

This time, the clan master of Emperor Chenghuang's blood sect led the three demon kings and the blood sect disciples, and began to look for himself.

The mighty evil spirit surged like a tide.

After the surge, Chu Yan emerged from the echo ring.

"The Sect Master of Emperor Chenghuang's Blood Sect and the three major demon kings have already left the sect's territory at this time.

In the current mountain gate, emptiness must be guarded.

Even if I lend you ten heads, you can't think of it. I will pass under your eyelids and kill the sect of your blood sect. "

With a sneer, Chu Yan galloped in the direction where the portal appeared.

In the wild forest, although there are various formations.

But relying on the memories from Zhe Renxian and Qiong Yaozun, Chu Yan easily avoided them.

The blood sect lord and other great monsters who had already fared away from the sect's territory hadn't noticed this at all.

Chu Yan relied on the surging blood, swiftly speeding, the distance of tens of thousands of miles, flashed by.

Soon after, he came to the location of the portal.

But with the departure of the Blood Sect Sect Master and other great monsters, the portal has disappeared again.

This question cannot help Chu Yan.

Flick quickly with your finger.

One after another aura penetrated into the void.

In a moment, complex textures appeared in the air, looking profound and mysterious.

Chu Yan observed for a moment, his fingers quickly.

The vigorous vitality is like a key, inserted into the big lock, and twisted sharply.

Creaking-the portal reappears.

The entire Chenghuang Blood Sect opened up to Chu Yan.

However, when Chu Yan wanted to step in, he found that he was stopped by an invisible force.

"Is it the formation?

But it doesn't seem to be the same as what I felt in Taigu Manglin? "

While Chu Yan muttered to himself, a shot blasted out! As long as it doesn't make him feel extremely dangerous, just break it directly, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Rumble! The gate of the mountain was broken by Chu Yan, one shot at a time, and stepped in.

"Yes, it's Chu Yan!"

A monster beast recognized that it was Chu Yan who had been chased by Emperor Cheng Huang's blood sect, and was shocked.

But this time Chu Yan didn't give them any chance. All living creatures and all creatures that could breathe were killed! They are not given any chance to confide in the news at all.

Whoops whoops! Chu Yan simply and neatly accepted their spirits and demon cores, and step by step went deep into the Emperor's Blood Sect.

"Determine your identity, not a disciple of Emperor Cheng Huang's Blood Sect!"

"The enemy invades, the enemy invades!"

"If you come, stop, or you will kill you!"

The huge stone and animal-shaped organs of the Emperor Cheng Huang's Blood Sect were dispatched one after another to obstruct Chu Yan's path.

Not only that, but the great demon that was only enshrined and nurtured by the mountain guards were also dispatched, and they were going to block Chu Yan here! "Only you?"

Chu Yan sneered.

At the same time, the Sect Master and the three big monsters of Emperor Chenghuang's Blood Sect had arrived at the edge of the Primordial Mang Forest along the trail left by Chu Yan! In fact, there are quite a few traces left by Chu Yan.

As the saying goes, the imaginary is the real, the real is the imaginary, the imaginary is the real, the sect master of the blood sect of the emperor and the three demon veterans discussed and followed the clues that were determined to be true.

As everyone knows, the more he chased, the farther he went directly to the edge of Taigu Mang Forest.

"Chu Yan wants to escape directly?

Or is it that he has escaped? "

A demon's brow frowned, not knowing what went wrong.

"It is impossible for him to break this great formation. Don’t forget, what is the source of maintaining this great formation, let alone a monk who is not even the Nirvana Realm, even the Ninth Stage of Nirvana, it’s impossible to do it silently. To this kind of thing!"

The Sect Master of Emperor Cheng Huang's Blood Sect shook his head and said.

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