Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2439: Blood lineage

However, just when the powerhouses of Emperor Chenghuang's blood sect were puzzled, Chu Yan had already launched a slaughter within the blood sect of Chenghuang! "Five swords!"

Chu Yan struck out with a sword, and the deepest part of his pupils, the majestic willpower was violently rubbing and burning.

In an instant, his whole body's momentum changed dramatically.

Chu Yan at this moment is like a king arriving, and like a **** coming to the world.

The sword power is like a billowing river, fiercely washing the earth of Emperor Chenghuang's blood sect, it is not an exaggeration to call it the sword rain washing the ground.

Suddenly, all the giant stone animal-shaped organs and the great demon who guarded the mountains were all dead and injured! Whoops whoops! Boom boom boom! The giant demon guarding the mountain was headed by the owl, and the giant stone animal-shaped organs were torn apart! This makes them terrified.

For many years, this kind of thing has never happened to the Emperor's Blood Sect! Not only did it happen today, but the man was so powerful that he didn't mean to stop at all.

"Is this going to kill Emperor Cheng Huang's blood sect?"

"It's pierced through the sky, quickly, quickly notify the Sect Master and Demon Venerables and let them return, otherwise today the Emperor Blood Sect will be in disaster!"

"No, he's over here!"

The surviving great demon of the mountain guard and the demon beast left behind are all heartbroken at this moment.

Chu Yan is too strong, he is not the true fairyland monk in the rumors at all, he is definitely a powerful Nirvana realm powerhouse.

Otherwise, how should we explain this scene of the Emperor's Blood Sect now! "The Kingdom of Gods and Demons!"

As Chu Yan's thoughts turned, palaces rose from the ground, and gods and demons appeared out of thin air.

The Emperor Blood Emperor Sect has directly become a paradise for gods and demons.

The monsters that stayed behind and the big monsters protecting the mountain gates all became souls, monster cores, and piles of blood fog.

Chu Yan already knew how to deal with Divine Soul and Demon Core.

As for the blood fog, Chu Yan opened up and absorbed it without saying a word! The blood gas turned into fog, like a mountain like a sea, they kept pouring into Chu Yan's body, and he was absorbed by him.

Gradually, Chu Yan had a new understanding.

This is an instant, and it is eternity! "Six Swords!"

Chu Yan suddenly broke out, and countless sword aura swept the entire Chenghuang Blood Sect.

Vaguely, it seemed that the world centered on Chu Yan had evolved a large formation with only swords.

Within this big formation, there are all kinds of swords! Long swords, short swords, rapiers, epees, giant swords, etc., all swords within and even outside of Chu Yan's cognition, all appeared in the formation.

They exude sword light of different strengths and weaknesses.

Sharp, gentle, heavy, sharp... as if the sword light that exists in the world appeared here.

They respect Chu Yan.

Respect Chu Yan as the master! Immediately afterwards, all living creatures that could be felt by Chu Yan were directly strangled by him.

No matter how powerful, it will be broken with one sword! "This is the six sword style!"

Chu Yan deeply felt the power of the six sword styles.

Although the sword five style is equally good and powerful, the sword six style is undoubtedly a further step, with a qualitative transformation.

"If you use the six sword styles in the Primordial Mang Forest, you can kill as many monsters as they come!"

Chu Yan's eyes were piercing, and he was confident in the six sword styles.


Soon, Chu Yan discovered another place in Emperor Chenghuang's Blood Sect, which was not quite right! "Under the mountain gate of Emperor Chenghuang's Blood Sect, there are some strange things!"

Through divine sense induction, Chu Yan discovered that under the mountain gate of Emperor Chenghuang's Blood Sect, it was very weird and had an extremely strong smell of blood.

Thinking of this, Chu Yan's spirit was lifted, and he hurried over.

Because in the sword light washing of the sword six styles, the blood sect of Chenghuang no longer has any living monsters, Chu Yan easily went under the mountain gate of the blood sect of Chenghuang.

This is a very concealed entrance, protected by formations, but it was penetrated strongly by Chu Yan and stepped into the underground passage without any obstacles.

The more Chu Yan went into the ground, the more frightened he was.

Because below the mountain gate of Emperor Chenghuang's Blood Sect, there is a bottomless pit! This is a blood pool full of bright red blood.

The ingredients are very mottled, not only bloody, but also immersed in the bones left by the great monsters of the past, and the spirits of countless monsters are wandering and entrenched.

They are in various poses, a bit like a white tiger roaring to the sky, some resembling a mysterious turtle roaming, more real dragons fighting the sun, and the sky and the phoenix rushing into the sky, but without exception, they are full of evil spirits, there is no sacredness at all, and some are just endless. The evil aura spreads.

In addition, it is different from the gods and demons killed by the bronze giant axe.

The remnant souls of the gods and demons bound by the bronze giant axe are dying, these monsters and spirits are almost complete.

Except for being imprisoned by the blood pool, there is no difference at all, unable to leave.

"They exist in a way that is close to nourishing Gu."

Chu Yan suddenly realized that he somewhat understood why so many animal-shaped organs of Emperor Chenghuang's Blood Sect were so agile, where did they come from, that's how! Seeing that there were living people coming, these monsters and spirits suddenly boiled.


He doesn't seem to belong to the Emperor's Blood Sect! What a vigorous blood! "

"Very delicious!"

"He is a human monk! I haven't tasted human flesh for a long time!"

"When will Emperor Cheng Huang's blood sect make it possible for the cultivators of the race to come and go freely?"

"I'm afraid I broke in accidentally! Eat him!"

Seeing this, Chu Yan immediately understood.

It seems that these monsters have offended the Emperor's Blood Sect, so they were sentenced to capital punishment, their blood was stripped, poured into the blood pool, the bones were soaked in, and the last bit of essence was squeezed out, and the soul gradually merged into it. , Come and go, become the top cultivation resource for the monster beasts of the Emperor's Blood Sect.

Just when Chu Yan was thinking, all the monsters and spirits wandering above the blood pool were all focused on him.

"Jiejie, boy, are you here for this blood pool?"

"If you want to get you, come here. This is a good thing. It is an endless inheritance accumulated by the Emperor's Blood Sect over the years!"

"Yes, going back up, probably dating back to the origin hundreds of thousands of years ago, is a great opportunity that the world can meet and cannot find!"

"But I think you are also a product without eggs, let's get out of here, don't hinder our eyes!"

They are all tempting, or provoking, or even both, in order to let Chu Yan step into the range of the blood pool.

As long as Chu Yan stepped into it, without the treasures of the Emperor's Blood Sect, they could completely divide and eat Chu Yan, early adopters of flesh and blood, and nourish the soul.

It's a pity that Chu Yan seems to be just a monk in the real fairyland. If Chu Yan's cultivation reaches Nirvana, it will be an out-and-out supplement for them.

Now it's better than nothing! "what?

This is an endless inheritance accumulated over hundreds of thousands of years by the Emperor's Blood Sect! "

After Chu Yan was startled slightly, the corners of his mouth suddenly raised an upward arc.

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