Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2444: Shock state

"Chu Yan, you..." Realizing that Chu Yan was deliberately teasing his own Emperor Chenghuang Blood Sect Master, he was about to have an attack, and angrily accused him of not knowing good or bad, but saw a sword light at the corner of Chu Yan's mouth and sneered at the same time. Hacked down.

The sword light came so fast, as if time and space couldn't restrain it.

Even if someone forcibly confines the space and intends to stop this sword, it will still be broken by a single sword! Nirvana is no exception.

For this ultimate move, let alone the Sect Master of Emperor Chenghuang's Blood Sect only has one head, even when he is complete, his peak posture may not be able to withstand Chu Yan's sword.

It can only watch the sword light fall, getting closer and closer to itself! At this moment, it was very fast, and it was like eternity.

Whoops whoops! The Sect Master of Emperor Chenghuang's Blood Sect only felt that Chu Yan's sword had cut himself hundreds of thousands of blows in an instant, or even more! Crackling! Chu Yan not only cut down the other head of the Sect Master of Emperor Chenghuang's Blood Sect, but also carefully chopped it into many small pieces, like a pile of chicken spilled on the ground, like dog food.

"It's a pity that I missed a dog. It's a waste."

Chu Yan shook his head regretfully, "In addition, forgetting to tell you that trying to threaten me will only make you die faster and worse! Although you don't say anything, I won't let you go."

These words made the Sect Master of Emperor Cheng Huang's Blood Sect want to vomit blood, but it was a pity that both of its heads were chopped off by Chu Yan, and there was no chance of vomiting blood at all.

Rumble! Immediately afterwards, Chu Yan blasted the body of the dilapidated two-headed giant beast with one blow, and the flesh and blood turned into a pile of blood mist.

"This is something comparable to the four strengths of the Nirvana Realm, and it cannot be wasted."

Chu Yan directly absorbed the blood and spirit of the Sect Master of the Emperor's Blood Sect with a mind that could not be wasted.

The blood sect leader of Emperor Chenghuang, who only had a spirit posture, was very afraid and wanted to escape for his life.

Even if it has become like this, I still don't want to die here.

Once absorbed by Chu Yan, it is dead and cannot stand up.

But the problem is that when it was complete, it still couldn't match Chu Yan. Now it has only a small soul, and it can't escape Chu Yan's palm.

No matter how hard it struggles, until Chu Yan releases bursts of suction, it can only blend into his limbs, nourishing everything about Chu Yan.

Buzzing! When the blood energy and spirit of Emperor Chenghuang's blood sect were completely absorbed by Chu Yan, it meant that it had been completely destroyed, and its soul was scattered.

"There will be no more blood sect of the emperor from now on!"

Chu Yan couldn't help muttering, announcing that Emperor Cheng Huang's Blood Sect had been formally destroyed by him.

Because the sect master of Emperor Chenghuang’s Blood Sect was gone, and the excellent disciple died, the four great monsters, one hundred thousand monsters, disappeared into nothing, and even accumulated hundreds of thousands of years of endless inheritance. They were also included in the bag by Chu Yan. Isn't it uprooted or something?

At the same time, Chu Yan felt the shackles of his body's cultivation base loosen.

"It's time to hit the Eightfold Real Wonderland."

Thinking about it, Chu Yan didn't choose a place either, and decided to overcome the catastrophe here! He sat down directly and circulated the cultivation base in his body. Instead of continuing to suppress it, he relaxed his mind and hit the next small realm, the Eightfold Real Wonderland.

Although this is not Shen Wuzong, and there are no strong sects guarding the surrounding area, the blood sect of Emperor Cheng Huang has been uprooted by Chu Yan, and even the ancient forests have been razed to the ground. He believes that within a short time, no one will come over. .

Even if there are passing cultivators and monster beasts who notice that something is wrong with Emperor Cheng Huang's blood sect, they dare not step into this place easily.

In case of encountering a person from Emperor Chenghuang's blood sect, he would definitely die without life.

It is precisely because of the fierce reputation of Emperor Chenghuang's Blood Sect that for many years no one has dared to use the site of Emperor Chenghuang's Blood Sect as a place of experience.

If it weren't for the people who met Emperor Chenghuang's blood sect, it would be even more miserable. Such a guy who dared to find the blood sect of Chenghuang was unhappy, and seeing this person's appearance, could he still live?

Cramping and peeling skin, ecstasy are all lighter! I'm afraid I can't die if I want to die.

Because of this, Chu Yan doesn't have to worry about someone breaking into this place.

But if anyone is really brave enough to not only break into this place, but also dared to covet himself who is being promoted, then just kill it.

No need to blink at all.

That being the case, what are you waiting for, just cross the catastrophe! Chu Yan, who had made up his mind, officially began to attack True Wonderland Eightfold.

He had just started to advance, and the entire territory of Emperor Chenghuang's Blood Sect was suddenly covered with a billowing mist, covering the sky and the sun.

Soon, there were waves of thunder resounding in the sky, evolving into a thunder vortex, as if a gluttonous glutton opened its mouth wide, to swallow the whole world.

Within the vortex, there were thunders emerging one after another, and every thunder was manifesting the thunder dragon and thunder dragon on its own. The fierceness was so fierce that the monks who looked far away were terrified.

"What's wrong?

Is anyone carrying the emperor’s blood sect to cross the robbery? "

"Passing the robbery?

Are you stupid?

The blood sect of the emperor has just gone through a great battle, this is a certain strong man who is using the method of thunder! "

"Yeah, you see, these waves of fairy lights stretch for hundreds of thousands of miles, where someone crosses the calamity like this, it's definitely a battle of life and death."

"Look! It's Earth Fire, and Kamikaze... Hey, why the more you look at it, the more it looks like you are crossing the catastrophe?"

At this scene, the monks who watched onlookers were surprised.

Because the momentum of Chu Yan's crossing the catastrophe was too terrifying, like the world-shattering battle of the monks in the Nirvana realm, and even the higher figures in the Nirvana realm crossing the tribulation.

However, no matter the former or the latter, they are all beings that they can't afford to provoke.

Not to mention, all this happened in the territory of Emperor Chenghuang's Blood Sect.

"Everyone, I'm leaving now!"

"I didn't see anything, I just passed by."

"Whether you are from the blood sect of the emperor, or the seniors who are passing by, please let the adults not remember the villains, and treat me as if I don't exist!"

The divine consciousness gathered here became more and more frightened, until later Chu Yan’s momentum of crossing the robbery was about to spread to them. Some people were only affected a little, and they became hysterical. The divine consciousness was immediately hit hard, and everyone suddenly I'm not calm anymore, I dare not keep watching, and leave again and again.

Cultivation harder and less nosy is the foundation for them to settle down! Among the ruins of Emperor Chenghuang's Blood Sect.

Compared to when he hit the Seventh Realm of Wonderland, this time Chu Yan really felt a bit of pressure.

Even if he was as strong as him, was attacked by the thunder and fire, and all kinds of disasters, he couldn't help frowning.

"This is ten times more dangerous than the Seventh Level of True Wonderland. If it weren't for the great benefits that I had gained from the Emperor's Blood Sect and absorbed the endless inheritance they have accumulated for hundreds of thousands of years, today's situation may be very different. It's dangerous."

Chu Yan thought to himself.

Fortunately, Chu Yan was confident that he could bear, and could take over all the catastrophes this time.

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