Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2445: Chaos Essence Stone

Rumble! Chu Yan's robbery continued.

Heavenly thunder, earth fire, **** wind, dark water, all sorts of names, or unspeakable calamities, descended one after another.

This world suddenly turned into purgatory, as if tormenting the most powerful gods and demons in the world.

All kinds of catastrophes will destroy the target, and the existence of the center of the catastrophe will be wiped out without leaving a trace.

This time the process of crossing the catastrophe was much longer than when Chu Yan was promoted to the Seventh Level of True Wonderland.

If Emperor Cheng's blood sect is still there, and there is still formation protection, there is no need to worry that Chu Yan's catastrophe will affect this place.

Even though Chu Yan's calamity was mighty and extremely terrifying, it was still quite difficult to break through the guardian formation.

It's just that now there is no formation shelter in this world, and in the face of the tragedies that descend, the sky is shaking, but it is hard to escape.

I saw the Emperor's Blood Sect, which had been turned into ruins. As Chu Yan crossed the robbery, under the bombardment of the sky thunder, it was like a violent wind sweeping the fallen leaves. It was completely flattened, and in the end even the dregs were not left behind.

Cheng Huang's blood sect, this is the real ashes, vanished into nothing.

The whole process lasted for dozens of days.

When Chu Yan opened his eyes, the deepest part of his pupils seemed to burst into light.

After Chu Yan raised his eyes and swept his eyes, the sky that became gray due to all the remaining catastrophic energy suddenly lifted the clouds and mist to see the blue sky.

The thunder vortex dissipated instantly, the earth fire was annihilated, the demon wind disappeared, and everything became calm.

After the disaster, the sky was clear.

The surrounding air currents, sunlight, light and darkness, and rainbows all appeared and disappeared according to Chu Yan's will.

At this moment, he is like the master of this world, the king of all paths.

Not only that, but on Chu Yan's body, there are faintly looming faint light.

The meridians among the hundreds of his limbs showed a nearly transparent color, and the flowing inside seemed to be a big river of fairy light.

If this person is not Chu Yan, but other monks, it is estimated that this terrible fairy light has directly broken the body and exploded on the spot.

call! Chu Yan opened his mouth and exhaled a breath forward.

Suddenly, the distant sea directly set off huge waves that stretched for 100,000 miles.

Some of the weaker sea races were swallowed by the stormy waves, and they couldn't even resist.

"This, what is this! I'm about to drown!"


You are the sea clan...wow! "

"Is this a Nirvana strong man who is angry?"

A group of sea people panicked and begged for mercy in the direction of Chu Yan.

They are sea races, born with good water, but now they are being overwhelmed by a tsunami caused by a strong man. How absurd and ironic! However, the source of this wave of waves seemed to have some kind of magical power that made them unable to resist.

In the face of this kind of looming and looming power, the advantage of being a sea clan is almost indistinguishable. It is almost indistinguishable from a dry duck. This makes them fearful, afraid to abuse, and dare not blaspheme.

In addition, Chu Yan, who had just exceeded a million miles in his spiritual consciousness, realized that after he was promoted to the Eighth Layer of True Wonderland, he actually improved by more than 50%.

Now his spiritual consciousness can easily cover more than one million li, which is extremely amazing.

This kind of thing, even the Nirvana monk, may not be able to do it.

However, Chu Yan could do it easily.

"The endless inheritance of the foundation of the Emperor's Blood Sect is really a bit mysterious!"

Chu Yan knew that this was some changes brought about by endless inheritance.

After all, this is the foundation of Emperor Chenghuang's blood sect that has accumulated for hundreds of thousands of years, and it can be the foundation of a sect's inheritance.

Today, Chu Yan is uniquely acquainted with the previous sect masters of the Emperor's Blood Sect. They have no such chance.

Of course, if he hadn't got the endless inheritance, Chu Yan would be promoted to the Eighth Layer of True Wonderland, still sharp and very powerful.

It just takes much more time than it is now, and Chu Yan knows this well.

Subsequently, Chu Yan entered the Guixu Pagoda.

Go one level up.

Unlike the bronze giant axe that had previously imprisoned countless souls of gods and demons, what was stored on this layer was actually a stone! It looked very ordinary, like a stone by the river. Chu Yan dared to say that when he walked along the river, he could pick up hundreds of thousands of pieces. There was nothing special at all.

However, Chu Yan knew very well that his mother could not really leave an ordinary stone to herself.

However, looking at the surface, he really couldn't see anything special.

"Could it be that its mystery is not on the surface, but on the inside?"

Thinking about it, Chu Yan tried to touch this stone.

As everyone knows, when Chu Yan first came into contact, he felt that endless energy burst into his sea of ​​consciousness.

These energies are too large and aggressive, and Chu Yan instinctively wants to hinder it.

It's a pity that Chu Yan, who is already the Eighth Layer of True Wonderland, is still unable to resist and can't stop it at all.

Without waiting for Chu Yan to make more reactions, the countless seeds of life and soul within the sea of ​​knowledge seemed to have received some kind of induction, but one after another became shining.

In an instant, Chu Yan's sea of ​​consciousness once again turned into a starry sky.

Each seed of the soul of life is the sky full of stars, the stars of the sky, constantly rotating, mysterious and mysterious.

"This is..." Chu Yan moved his eyebrows, and he thought of a possibility.

"Could it be that this stone is actually the Primal Chaos Stone?"

In Chu Yan's cognition, only the Chaos Primitive Stone is the closest to the characteristics of this stone.

However, the Primordial Chaos Stone is a natural treasure, which is rare in the world.

At the very least, in the past ten thousand years, no news about the Primal Chaos Stone has been circulated in the world.

Just like this, Chu Yan didn't recognize this seemingly ordinary stone for the first time, and it might be the legendary chaotic essence stone.

Because even a behemoth like Shenwuzong does not necessarily have a Chaos Essence Stone, its rarity is evident.

If the news of the birth of the Chaos Yuanshi is exposed, it is estimated that a powerful existence such as Shenwuzong will send more than one member of the Presbyterian Church to **** it.

For this, thunderous storms have been set off, and they are all at no cost.

Just because it can bring up a peerless genius, or make a peerless genius to a higher level, it is the earth-shattering good fortune that can make a monk transform.

Now it was obtained by Chu Yan, and he firmly grasped it.

"If this is the case, when I advance to Nirvana, I can have three life souls at once, and the lighting speed of other life souls will also be much faster."

Rao Yi Chu Yan's calm mind, after confirming that this stone is the Chaos Essence Stone, was also unable to conceal his excitement.

The importance of life soul to monks in Nirvana is self-evident.

Chu Yan had the Primordial Chaos Stone, and his Nirvana state was destined to be different from other monks, just like the difference between a genius and a mortal.

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