Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2446: Shirahone Mountain

There are not many people who can become Nirvana monks in the first place. However, in front of the Primordial Chaos Stone, these things are not worth mentioning.

Chu Yan couldn't help but marvel at the infinite mystery of the Primal Chaos Stone at this time.

At the same time, in a world full of white mist.

A looming tall figure is climbing a high mountain step by step.

From a distance, the outline looks like a human race, but some are too tall.

Ordinary human races, even monks, rarely have this kind of height.

Take a closer look, this figure in the clouds is not bare-handed, but is holding a very huge sickle.

The sickle was as black as ink, and occasionally rippled, turning into a painful roar of human faces, but soon it shattered like bubbles and returned to silence.

Such repetitions give people a sense of eerie horror.

As a gust of wind blows, the clouds near the tall figure dissipate a little, revealing a boneless face.

Deep in the hollow eye sockets, there is a prancing flame, like a candle in the wind, which will go out when it blows.

Only by really getting close can we discover that this little flame actually contains countless vitality, that is, the collapse of the heaven and the earth, the obliteration of the avenue, and the inversion of the five elements may not be able to weaken it by the slightest! This is a humanoid skeleton, holding a weird sickle, climbing a mountain.

Whirring whirring! Suddenly, the wind was strong, and the mist lingering on this high mountain was blown away, revealing its true identity.

I saw that the whole mountain was gray and white, and everything in it was piled up with bones.

Some are obviously the bones of human monks, some are the corpses of the monsters, even the seas, and even the bones of gods and demons! Not only that, every corpse is not simple, even after countless years, there is still a little golden light flickering, as if they are telling how strong they were before they were alive, and their unwillingness to die here.

There are countless bones and bones. I don't know how many years it has existed, let alone the number of humans, monsters, seas, and gods and demons who have died here.

However, the humanoid skeleton is holding a sickle in this way, stepping on numerous bones, and heading towards the Tongtian Baigu Mountain where the top is not visible at a glance, or there is no end at all! Suddenly, it seemed to have sensed something, its feet stood still, and its eyes turned to nothingness.

If you traverse countless spaces along this direction, then this gaze will fall on Chu Yan impartially.

"Very... good... unexpectedly... so... fast... again... promotion..." "It seems... there is another guy... bad luck... ha... ha..." "Very good …Very good…" His mouth opened, and he smiled like a human, but he quickly retracted his gaze and continued to climb higher.

All the way up, there were constant roars and roars around, but with the arrival of the humanoid skeleton, these sounds along the way disappeared inexplicably. I don't know how long it took before the humanoid skeleton stopped again.

After a while, a figure wrapped in a black robe walked slowly from top to bottom.

The figure in the black robe is very weird, and the place where he walked is actually condensed with frost, like a blizzard all night.

Moreover, the temperature around it was extremely low, and the moisture in the air turned into snowflakes, and even the space was frozen.

However, all of this did not continue to the front of the humanoid skeleton, and these visions seemed to have been ordered to evict them, and those who came were stopped.

In an instant, between the humanoid skeleton and the black-robed figure, it turned into two worlds confronting each other.

The black robe figure looked up, revealing his appearance.

This is a somewhat dry and rotten face, not a living person, he is a zombie, and the pores all over his body are gushing with terrifying chill.

This kind of extreme ice cold, even the Nirvana monks here, will probably be frozen into ice sculptures in an instant, very powerful and terrifying.

"You actually came back."

The black-robed zombie groaned a little, and opened his mouth.

His tone is a bit complicated.

Because he thought about the other party's many possibilities, but didn't think that the other party would really come back.

However, the humanoid skeleton is indeed back here today.

This means that some silence will be broken.

If it were many years ago, the black-robed zombie would probably find it interesting, and even add fire, but now he will only feel bad, and the humanoid skeleton might as well not come back.

"I...should... take... back... my... things..." the humanoid skeleton still spoke intermittently, but the next moment, a word, like thunder, violently quaked all the bones around it. :"roll!"

"You shouldn't have come back, you are leaving now, it's still too late."

The black robe zombie furrowed his brows, and the chill was gushing.

Humanoid skeletons are not easy people. It's not good to come back, but it's not good to work with it suddenly.

"I...come... I won't... easily... leave..." If there is an expression, the humanoid skeleton should be impatient at this time, "I... said... I want... ...Get back...my...things..." Seeing this, the black robe zombie didn't say much, and his palm hidden under the black robe quickly raised.

An ice and snow rune was engraved on the palm of his palm. At the moment he lifted it up, a large ice and snow formation appeared between him and the human skeleton without warning, expanding rapidly.

Hundreds of miles, thousands of miles, thousands of miles, one hundred thousand miles! These 100,000 li were covered by this big ice and snow formation.

Buzzing! Immediately afterwards, gusts of yin wind was forcibly gathered, transforming into an ice dragon, a snow demon, spreading its teeth and dancing claws, like an army of millions, rushing to the humanoid skeleton mightily.

Wherever he went, the sky and the earth were stained with the color of ice and snow, even if there was a sun here, it would only turn into a huge snowball.

In the face of this terrible temperature, what kind of divine light, what sword light, what kind of sky, thunder and fire, will only be frozen into frost and forcibly assimilated. This world can only have the color of ice and snow! The humanoid skeleton didn't speak, but raised the sickle, facing the center of the ice and snow formation, and struck it down.

This stroke was very fast, surpassing time, and across space. The black robe zombie's secret path was not good, but there was nothing he could do. He could only watch the huge sickle pass by.

Click! As the sickle slashed across, the huge ice and snow formations split directly, and the mighty one million army was instantly shattered. The ice and snow runes in the palm of the black robe zombie also broke, and almost even the palm of the hand was cut off by the sickle.

This makes the black-robed zombies startled and angry! No wonder the humanoid skeleton has the confidence to come back.

Qiang Qiang! The black robe zombie opened his mouth and let out a ray of light, as if he was inside.

However, unlike the dry and rotting posture of the black robe zombies, the black robe zombies in the light are completely dry and rotting, and some are only sacred, and the treasure is solemn, like the same **** and Buddha.

If a monk with an unstable mood encounters this light, he will be afraid of worshipping his head and becoming a believer of black-robed zombies.

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