Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2448: Palace of Flesh

With the nine rounds of scorching sun riots, the temperature in all directions soared rapidly, the creatures on the earth withered rapidly, and countless lives were passing by.

Seeing this scene, the monster beasts in this area didn't have any anger, some only fear, facing the direction of the nine rounds of scorching sun, crawling on the ground.

Just as everyone looked up at the sky steadfastly, a roar fell from the sky.

"Chu Yan!"

As soon as this remark came out, many monsters were stunned.

Chu Yan?

who is it?

I saw the most central scorching sun, the Sun-Swallowing Demon King was so angry, the eyebrows were full of anger.


The sudden eruption of the nine rounds of scorching sun was closely related to the rising mood of the Sun-Swallowing Demon King.

His current anger can even burn Skyrim! Because, Swallowing Demon Emperor just received the news that the Blood Sect of Emperor Cheng Huang under his command had been razed to the ground.

The huge Chenghuang blood sect, so quietly and silently, was destroyed.

It was destroyed single-handedly by a kid named Chu Yan, a trivial human monk.

Up to now, the Sun-Swallowing Demon Emperor also didn't want to investigate how Emperor Chenghuang's Blood Sect wasted.

After all, Emperor Cheng Huang's blood sect no longer exists, to blame them for being too wasteful and useless.

However, what Chu Yan did was to slap the Sun-Swallowing Demon Emperor in the face naked, which was unbearable! "Eighteen Demon Sect listens to the order!"

"Going into the sky and killing a human monk named Chu Yan!"

"Can't let him leave the realm of our monster race alive!"

As soon as the words of the Sun-Swallowing Demon King fell, the Sect Master of the Eighteen Demon Sect responded again and again.

"Yes, I must follow the demon emperor's decree, go to heaven and earth, and punish Chu Yan!"

The Eighteen Demon Sect, who received the decree of the Demon Emperor of Swallowing the Sun, immediately put aside the things in their hands, gathered a force, and searched for the traces of Chu Yan in the realm of the demon clan.

Chu Yan entered the land of the monster race, it can be said that he pushed all the way, directly killed it, and smashed a **** path. It is really difficult to find his trace.

However, now with the decree of the Demon Emperor, the Eighteen Demon Sects had to cooperate sincerely in order to successfully punish Chu Yan.

The gathering of the power of the eighteen demon sects quickly locked Chu Yan's trail.

On the other hand, Chu Yan stopped in front of a strange palace.

This is a tall palace of flesh and blood.

This is the territory of the demon race. For the demon race who likes flesh and blood, although this behavior is bad, it can't be said to be how strange.

However, this shrine of flesh and blood is different, and it is actually made up of human corpses! Not only that, there are many living human monks enslaved by monsters in the palace.

"Hurry up and work, you mean human brute!"

"Want to be lazy?

See if I won't kill you! "

"Little Niangpi, if you continue to be ignorant of good and bad, you will have to become your sister, a human being, and let us vent and enjoy it obediently. I think it's better for you to keep your hands and feet."

A group of monsters were accustomed to enslaving human monks, whipping, venting, and even killing them on the spot.

Anyway, as far as the monster race is concerned, the human monk is dead, so they continue to capture and replenish them, and there is nothing to care about.

"No, no, don't hit me..." "I'm not lazy, but I haven't eaten for a few days, and I'm really hungry so I can't walk..." "I don't want to be you, please let me go... …" The men and women monks burst into tears, pleading bitterly.

Chu Yan took a closer look and found that these enslaved monks had their cultivation base sealed by some kind of power, completely devoid of their usual magical powers, so they were tortured and insulted by these little monsters.

Chu Yan, who knew everything in his heart, knew that these little demon alone couldn't do this. There must be a big demon sitting here.

Capture the thief first and capture the king, only to kill the big demon, all the dust will settle naturally.

Chu Yan calmly stepped in.

He passed by the arrogant little demon, but no one noticed the existence of Chu Yan.

Based on Chu Yan's current strength alone, if he didn't want to, even Nirvana would not be able to sense his existence! Chu Yan stepped into the Palace of Flesh and Flesh and found a huge monster beast sitting cross-legged on the throne of the main hall.

This monster beast was several tens of feet tall, with a horse face and wings on its back, sitting on the throne close to one hundred feet.

Below are piles of shivering men and women.

Without exception, they are all very young, their cultivation bases are all good, and they are obviously the pride of heaven from various sects.

"Ah..." Suddenly, the giant monster detective grabbed a female monk like a snack, and threw it into her mouth and chewed it up and swallowed it.

Zi Zi Zi Zi! Not far from the pile of people, there is a large pot with hot oil inside.

The little demon who was originally stirring the frying pan saw that the huge monster beast on the throne had already eaten the monk raw, and could not help but urged his companion: "Quick, quick, quick... first blow up a few hot ones to relieve the king!"

"Come, here! The paste is already wrapped, as long as it is fried until golden, you can serve it!"

In the distance, a group of little monsters carried a big tank of more than ten feet in size. Inside, there were men and women who were hysterical and were wrapped in some kind of slurry.

They were stripped up, wrapped in a slurry, and then fried in a pan until golden, and then sent to the great demon on the throne to enjoy.

Seeing this, Chu Yan was so angry that he smirked, actually treating their human monks as pigs and dogs, and making fried snacks. This horse-faced demon knows how to enjoy it.

Unfortunately, his horse life is over! Clang Clang! Chu Yan’s palm flashed with light, and the ancient runes above lit up one after another, illuminating the entire Palace of Flesh and Flesh, and even the space was distorted by the bursts of light, as if he could not withstand this terrifying pressure. .

Whoops whoops! As Chu Yan threw the bone spear, the horse-faced demon who was sitting casually on the throne was directly pierced through his throat and nailed to the huge palace wall by the bone spear.

The horse-faced demon was anxious and struggling, but the wisps of destructive power swallowed this huge body in an instant.

Buzzing! While the buzzing sounded, the horse-faced demon nailed to the wall was motionless. From a distance, it looked like a high-quality horse meat at a butcher’s stall in a vegetable market, waiting for customers in need. Come to buy.

However, Chu Yan found something wrong.

The horse-faced monster was killed. Normally, the monsters here should be panicked.

But they didn't. Instead, they showed a weird smile at Chu Yan.

Not only them, but also human monks who are like lambs to be slaughtered. At this moment, they all sneered at Chu Yan, as if they were mocking something.

In the next moment, this figure changed for a while, all of which disappeared.

Not only the monsters and monks in the main hall, but now the entire palace of flesh and blood is empty except for Chu Yan!

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