Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2449: Prince Burning Sun

The palace of flesh and blood was still there, but everything was gone, Chu Yan immediately understood what was going on.

"Is this an illusion?"

Chu Yan frowned, the light around him quickly converged, and he was about to leave.

At this time, a face of a monster beast evolved in the sky, and shouted at the flesh and blood palace on the ground: "Chu Yan, this is just a trap to get you out. I didn't expect you to be so naive and fooled. !"

Immediately afterwards, a party formation was activated, and the huge palace of flesh and blood was filled with white gas, transpiring and melting! Among them, the masses of melted flesh and blood ignited on their own, like a meteor shower flying towards Chu Yan.

Crackling! Chu Yan waved his arm quickly, and the Dao Daoguang wheel appeared and bloomed around him, and he retreated. He was helpless in the palace of flesh and blood, and was completely filled with dumplings.

Suddenly, a stream of light appeared strangely behind Chu Yan, which seemed to contain ancient and primordial power, suppressing Chu Yan.

Rumble! The power of the firelight was even more amazing than imagined. The moment it hit Chu Yan, a certain aura hidden inside was manifested, directly burning his palm, and the wound quickly turned into a mark.

Although it only manifested a mark, Chu Yan could feel that the master behind the mark was particularly powerful, and he couldn't resist it now.

Boom boom boom! Chu Yan stimulated all the runes of the bone spear, and forcibly penetrated the palace of flesh and blood that was melting and transpiring, smashing a **** path abruptly.

In this regard, the face of the monster beast in the sky didn't care.

Chu Yan was the guy who destroyed Emperor Cheng Huang's blood sect. If he didn't even have this ability, it would be too disappointing.

However, the intention of this trap was not to kill Chu Yan, but to hit Chu Yan so as to leave a mark.

"Chu Yan, it's useless, you can't escape my palm!"

Hearing this, Chu Yan felt a little bit of the wound, and found that there was indeed a trace of mysterious power spreading.

As long as you follow this trace of pervasive power, you can easily find him, and Chu Yan can't erase this wound mark now! Whoops whoops! At this time, the monster beasts lying in ambush came out, chasing and killing Chu Yan.

Seeing this, Chu Yan did not love fighting, but tried every means to get rid of the chase of the monsters.

Helplessly, this almost marked wound made Chu Yan look like a firefly in the dark, no matter where he went, he could be easily found, and it was inevitable! Even so, Chu Yan's strength is after all higher than this group of monsters by a large amount. As long as they exert a little force, they will directly open a long distance and disappear into the distant sky.

It's just that the monster beast chasing Chu Yan is also not in a hurry, just like a cat and a mouse.

No matter how far the mouse runs, can it really escape the control of the cat's paw?

If so, the status of cats and mice should be reversed! It wasn't until Chu Yan's figure disappeared to the horizon, where many monster beasts had just emerged, that some figures appeared.

These are all humanoid monsters, and among the figures present, one person is crowded in the center.

This is a young man with golden flame wings on his back.

"Prince Zhuoyang, how are you going to deal with Chu Yan next?"

A humanoid monster with a good status, asked respectfully.

As soon as the title of Prince Zhuoyang came out, many monsters who were farther away suddenly understood why the eighteenth sects of great monsters were so respectful to him.

Because Prince Zhuoyang is the youngest son of the Sun-Swallowing Demon Emperor! As the youngest son of the Sun-Swallowing Demon Emperor, he was crowned the prince respectfully. This shows how the Sun-Swallowing Demon Emperor loves him.

Perhaps in the future, it might be the burning prince who will command the Eighteen Demon Sects! "In my opinion, it is natural that cats play with mice. It is more interesting to play this human race ants alive."

Prince Zhuoyang said his thoughts, "But, I came here by order. Chu Yan wants to see people in his life and the dead body. It is better to arrest them as soon as possible. Otherwise, these brothers and sisters of mine will be two. It’s not good to be an active person who wants to take credit with me."

Hearing that, the monsters of the Eighteen Demon Sect repeatedly claimed to be true.

"Prince Burning Sun is brilliant!"

"As it should be!"

"We will do it at once!"

At the same time, they thought that although the Crown Prince of Burning Sun was the youngest among his brothers and sisters, he was only very stable in doing things. Just like the young Sun-Swallowing Demon Emperor, it is no wonder that he would be loved by the Demon Emperor.

"Then do it!"

"Yes, Prince Burning Sun!"

Subsequently, more monsters were dispatched to hunt down Chu Yan.

A few days later, in a cave.

This location is very concealed, and the mountain contains a kind of uncommon ore. It is necessary to speak for himself, even if he personally explores it himself, if he is not careful, it is estimated that it is easy to overlook this hidden place.

However, the monster beasts who were chasing through here didn't even want to chase in.

Because the power of the Sun-Swallowing Demon Emperor is very special, the mark left in Chu Yan is even more brilliant, like a blazing sun hanging high! Unless they are all blind, they will not miss Chu Yan's hiding place.

Chu Yan frowned and punched out.

The void shattered in an instant, and the mountain-like spear of white bones suddenly slew towards the monster beasts who were pursuing it.

Whoops whoops! These monsters can't be said to be too strong, but there are so many that, even if Chu Yan is serious about killing them, it takes a little effort to clean them up.

After absorbing the blood and spirit of the monster beast, Chu Yan continued on the road.

When the follow-up monster team followed up, they were stunned by this scene.

I saw the corpses of monster beasts densely packed on top of this big mountain.

Even though the place was so bloody, they still quickly recognized which direction Chu Yan was walking.

"Go, he is on this side!"

A group of monsters continued to chase Chu Yan accurately.

Within a big river.

The river water was muddy, with a grayish color.

Chu Yan was potentially in the river, waiting for the monsters to leave.

"Water and fire are incompatible. This mark is obviously fire. This white river has all kinds of mysteries. I don't know if it can hide its breath."

Chu Yan thought to himself.

However, the answer came out very quickly.

Even if Chu Yan was hiding in the water, even if the aura of this white river was muddy, the monsters still found him easily.

Chu Yan took a deep breath, opened the killing ring, collected all the blood and souls, and headed north.

It is not that he has not thought of a solution, removing this special mark.

There were too many monster beasts who had no choice but to pursue it. This was an obvious reason not to give Chu Yan any chance to rest, and it would consume Chu Yan alive! Chu Yan, who was flying, felt a scorching heat in his heart, and he took a halt and looked down at the wound mark.

Compared to the previous scars the size of a bowl, it now spreads quickly to the elbow.

As long as Chu Yan moves his right hand, it seems that his entire forearm is burning, and the pain is unbearable.

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