Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2450: Hell door move

Fighting and retreating all the way, Chu Yan also knew the sacred order to deal with him.

It was one of the giants of this demon clan land—the Sun-Swallowing Demon King who issued the killing order against Chu Yan! According to legend, this is an ancient great demon whose palace is nine rounds of scorching sun. I don't know how many years he has lived.

However, the Sun-Swallowing Demon Emperor did not come personally.

After all, Chu Yan is not even the Nirvana Realm now. In the eyes of the Sun-Swallowing Demon Emperor, even if he destroys the Blood Sect of the Chenghuang Emperor, he is also a larger ant, and it is not enough for the Sun-Swallowing Demon Emperor to take action.

Because of this, it is the youngest son of the Sun-Swallowing Demon King, Prince Zhuoyang, who dominates the monster beasts of all parties to chase and kill Chu Yan this time! "The Sun-Swallowing Demon Emperor is really an amazing guy. It only contains part of his power, and it can damage my body so hard!"

Chu Yan sighed that the power of the Sun-Swallowing Demon King was not comparable to that of the monsters he had encountered before, "However, once I have the opportunity to kill the Sun-Swallowing Demon King, the improvement I can get is absolutely indescribable and unimaginable!"

Chu Yan had just finished thinking about it, and he immediately sensed that another monster was approaching his position.

This is annoying for Chu to say.

Although he probably couldn't handle the Sun-Swallowing Demon Emperor's energy, he could still do it by alleviating one or two.

However, it takes a certain amount of time.

Helplessly, Crown Prince Zhuoyang didn't give Chu Yan any chance.

He allowed Chu Yan to harvest the monster beasts, anyway, even if these monsters died one hundred thousand million, but they would eventually be able to bring down Chu Yan and consume Chu Yan to death, then it would be worth it.

In fact, Prince Burning Sun’s plan is old-fashioned, but the effect is remarkable.

Chu Yan couldn't deal with the wound, so he could only let it expand rapidly.

Continue, I am afraid it is not as simple as being discovered by the monsters. When the wound continues to spread, it is not surprising that Chu Yan loses combat effectiveness.

When the time comes, I will really be a fish.

"Can't just wait and die!"

Chu Yan rolled his eyes and shot out four blood.

These four auras directly transformed into Chu Yan's appearance, connected with the body, and flew towards different directions.

Not long after, the monster beast chased it.

This is a mixed team of two sects among the Eighteen Demon Sects.

They found that Chu Yan was flying fast, and they were overjoyed.

Only because of the order of the Prince Zhuoyang, Chu said that he wanted to see people when he lived, and the corpse when he died.

Life and death, as long as you bring back Chu Yan, you will be rewarded! "Where does the thief escape!"

The beasts encircled and hunted Chu Yan excitedly.

Chu Yan's blood qi turned out to be no different from his body, and even his injuries spread to his elbows.

By comparison, it was confirmed that Chu Yan was in front of him, and many monsters shot again and again, trapping Chu Yan and encircling Chu Yan! "The magic ape collapsed the mountain and stepped on!"

"Battle day roar!"

"Sky Breaking Claw!"

The monsters used their magical powers one after another and showed no mercy. It didn't matter if Chu Yan was blasted to pieces. As long as he brought back Chu Yan's head, he would be able to receive a reward from Prince Zhuoyang.

Chu Yan stepped on the giant foot of the demon ape, which was a thousand feet in size, and Chu Yan quickly avoided it, but a roaring sound wave hit Chu Yan and made him move for a while.

Afterwards, a sharp claw cut off Chu Yan, and his internal organs flowed to the ground.

"Ha ha!"

A crowd of monsters were ecstatic.

The reward for Prince Burning Sun is theirs.

However, they soon discovered that the situation was not right.

Because Chu Yan who was killed quickly turned into a touch of blood and dissipated in midair.

They were stunned by this scene.

"This, this is fake?"

"We were cheated!"

"Quickly, go back to the message, Chu Yan is cunning, using falsehoods to be true!"

The monsters talked in a hurry.

At this time, Chu Yan's true body tore through the void and slew towards the chaotic monsters! "It's Chu Yan!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"


However, Chu Yan has mental arithmetic and unintentional, and a move is a killer move.

There is endless sword light blooming in the center of his eyebrows.

The sword light was dazzling, eclipsing the entire sky, as if even the avenues of the heavens were to be cut off, the five elements were to be wiped out, and the universe was to be turned upside down.

Whoops whoops! As Jianguang reaped for a while, a large amount of blood and spirits were taken by Chu Yan, and then left.

... "Look, it's Chu Yan!"

"Haha, we actually came across, the credit is ours!"

"Quickly, don't give Chu Yan a chance to escape!"

One of the eighteen demon sects was chasing soldiers. He was not afraid of death, and even fought Chu Yan desperately.

In the end, when they exchanged their lives for their lives, cutting off the head of Chu Yan, they saw that the whole Chu Yan suddenly turned into a burst of blood, and they were dumbfounded.

Chu Yanren didn't say much, and the bone spear shined brightly, melting the void, harvesting the blood and spirits of this group of monsters, and turned and left.

The news of the monster chaser being returned by Chu Yan's counter-killing made Prince Zhuoyang furious.

These were different from the cannon fodder from the first time. He thought that Chu Yan's injuries were probably more serious, so he dispatched the elite monster beasts of the Eighteen Demon Sect.

Little did they know that in order to grab the credit, they acted separately, but instead gave Chu Yan a chance.

"You all gather together and don't fight on your own!"

The Prince Burning Sun said angrily: "You are still too weak, so and so, it will only let the thief Chu Yan defeat one by one!"

"Then the prince, what do you mean..." the senior officer of one of the Eighteen Demon Sects asked hesitantly.

"From then on, I will lead you to track Chu Yan's location personally, and we will encircle and suppress Chu Yan's position together at that time!"

Prince Burning Sun looked at the many monsters and said, "Don't worry, as long as you can kill Chu Yan, the rewards are small things, I won't be stingy!"

"Follow the order of Prince Burning Sun!"

The monsters of the Eighteen Demon Sect are ready to move.

At the same time, Chu Yan also sensed that although the monsters were still pursuing themselves, they were different from the previous ones, like guerrillas, fighting each other, but gathered together and acted together.

This made Chu Yan frowned.

If Chu Yan is in the right state, he will kill as many people as he can with these native chickens, without fear at all.

However, now that the injury continues to spread, the right hand has become reluctant just to move, and if you really want to fight fiercely with the monsters like mountains and seas, and the monsters strong in them, you may not be pleased! "If I can remove the marks from my arms and heal the injuries before they chase them, then they will be chasing them, and I can still kill them!"

Chu Yan thought to himself.

The problem is that he has tried, and based on his current strength, he should not be able to solve the mark left by the Sun-Swallowing Demon Emperor. This is the most important thing.

At this time, a long-lost voice came from the gate of **** in the sea of ​​knowledge of Chu Yan, and he was refreshed! "It seems that you... have met... trouble..."

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