Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2452: This name

Whoops whoops! The monster beasts of the Eighteen Demon Sect came out of the sky under the leadership of Prince Zhuoyang.

The number is so large that it obscures the sky.

Wherever he went, the hurricane that was set off was like a horned dragon's teeth and claws, and the land was directly cut by several layers, and the low mountains broke directly, which was shocking.

Feeling the approach of these monsters, Chu Yan remained motionless, hovering in the air, waiting for the prey to come to the door.

"It's Chu Yan, exactly the same as on the wanted order!"

"It's him, he didn't escape!"

"Probably think that facing us, there is no vitality, it is better to stay, and when I will beg for mercy, I can win a proactive surrender!"

The monster beasts laughed, and they felt that they had a chance to win.

After all, not only the monsters of the Eighteen Demon Sects came together, but also the Prince of Burning Sun sitting here! As the youngest son of the Sun-Swallowing Demon Emperor, Prince Zhuoyang did not shame his father's name. At a young age, he had already had more than one record of killing Nirvana monks.

Although Chu Yan destroyed the Emperor Cheng's blood sect, the monsters pay attention to the dragon begetting the dragon, the phoenix begets the phoenix, and the mouse's son will make holes. After the crown prince Zhuoyang became a famous sect, he was definitely better than Chu, who had not even heard of the name before. Said it.

"This Chu Yan really didn't run away, and he really lost his sense of Swallowing Essence, it seemed that he had solved it."

Prince Burning Sun thought secretly.

Although he hesitated a bit, because Chu Yan deliberately waited for them to come over, it was very likely to be deceived.

But the Prince Zhuoyang changed his mind. He is the monsters that dominate the eighteen demon sects, and his strength is also comparable to the Nirvana Realm, and he has the record of killing many Nirvana monks.

In front of his Crown Prince Zhuoyang, what was Chu Yan worth! The Prince Burning Sun motioned to the Eighteen Demon Sect's beasts to seal Chu Yan's route to death. He didn't give Chu Yan any chance to escape. He said slowly, "Chu Yan, why didn't you escape?

Do you want to kneel down and beg for mercy? "

"Prince Burning Sun has always had a good life. Chu said that you surrender now. If you can't say you can't be merciful, you will save your life!"

"Chu Yan, don't make mistakes. This is your only chance. As long as you can catch it with your hands, there may be a glimmer of life."

"Now that you are surrounded by us, Chu Yan is definitely hard to fly. If you don't want to die and lose your soul, now is your last chance!"

The monsters of the Eighteen Demon Sects all shouted to Chu Yan, and between the lines, they were all jokes and sarcasm.

Although Chu Yan single-handedly defeated the Emperor's Blood Sect, it was surprising, but their power was far beyond the ability of the Emperor's Blood Sect to compare.

What Chu Yan can do, with their current combat power, can be done ten times, or even a hundred times! How can Chu Yan make a comeback! Faced with the wild provocations of Prince Zhuoyang and the monsters of the Eighteen Demon Sect, Chu Yan smiled: "Do you really think I am afraid of you?

Just rely on you group of chicken dogs? "

As soon as this statement came out, the many monsters couldn't help but change their expressions.

This Chu Yan didn't put Prince Zhuoyang in his eyes! It should be known that Prince Burning Sun is a man of arrogance and arrogance. He has angered him, and he must have no bones, and never live forever! Sure enough, a trace of sullenness flashed across Prince Burning Sun's eyes.

He has been held in the palm of his hand by the Sun-Swallowing Demon Emperor since he was a child, and he has high hopes.

Because his talent is the closest descendant of the Sun-Swallowing Demon Emperor when he was young.

Even Prince Zhuoyang himself firmly believed that the future would not be weaker than the Sun-Swallowing Demon King, and even surpass the Sun-Swallowing Demon King.

Chu Yan is just a small human monk, so he dare not put himself in his eyes, it is really hateful! Such a guy will not be relieved even if he is killed 10,000 times! "Hehe, Chu Yan, I just think it's not easy to become a talent in the human race. I want to give you a chance to survive. I never expected you to be a donkey liver and lungs, so I can't blame me for being ruthless!"

The Prince Burning Sun stood with his hand in his hand, and the golden flames behind his wings spread out, as if the king is coming, "Or do you really think that if a blood sect of the emperor is destroyed, there will be the capital to challenge us?"

"I have this capital, it is not your turn to decide!"

After saying that, Chu Yan's eyebrows have a bright sword light blooming, "Because the dead are not qualified to determine whether I Chu Yan is right or wrong!"

Buzzing! The dazzling sword light enveloped thousands of miles, and in an instant, Chu Yan's divine consciousness had locked all the monsters present.

"This..." The monster beasts who were marked by Chu Yan's divine consciousness shuddered in their hearts.

They are not as weak as the monster beasts of the Emperor's Blood Sect.

This time, the Sun-Swallowing Demon Emperor personally ordered, but of all the monsters who came to participate in the encirclement and suppression of Chu Yan, few were easy generations, and they were all elites under the command of the Eighteen Demon Sects.

However, at this moment, they are all the same identity... just ants! Chu Yan killing them is no different from trampling an ant to death.

Clang Clang! Immediately afterwards, with the sudden burst of sword light, this place was directly transformed into a cemetery for a sword! The five elements were all shattered by the sword qi, the universe was cut to pieces by the sword light, and the avenues of the heavens were all shattered to pieces.

It was just the effort of Chu Yan's thoughts that he had a hundred thousand monster owl heads immediately! Was cut in half, cut into several pieces, flesh and blood and spirits fluttered wildly.

It seemed that this was not an elite monster of the Eighteen Demon Sects under the command of the Sun-Swallowing Demon Emperor, but a hornet's nest that was stabbed by Chu Yan! The scene is extremely chaotic, and some monsters are active in their minds, and they have to flee away. Anyway, there are dozens of monsters here, and there are fewer of them, and no one has discovered them.

Later, if there is a chance to extinguish Chu Yan, they will come to add a fire. If there is no great opportunity, they can also stay away, leaving the green mountains without worrying about burning wood.

However, Chu Yan did not give them this opportunity.

"The Kingdom of Gods and Demons!"

Chu Yan raised his palm, and countless golden palaces rose from the ground.

Boom boom boom! A monster beast was strangled and wiped out among the golden palaces.

Ho Ho Ho Ho! A **** and demon wearing a golden battle armor roared and blasted and smashed the nearby monster beasts, and the whole monster clan land was shaking.

Boom boom boom boom! A big river of stars swept out without warning, as if a starry sky was directly suppressed, and where the stars were shining, any life was directly transformed into a blood soul.

Prince Zhuoyang was stunned. He fixed his eyes to see what kind of star river was this, obviously Chu Yan's white-bone spear! If he hadn't been there, I would have thought it was a war between the two demon emperors, and would not give up unless he killed each other.

However, all this is just Chu Yan's counterattack.

"No... it's a unilateral massacre!"

The Prince Burning Sun sweats again and again, and he feels terrified for Chu Yan's strength! Seeing Chu Yan dancing his spear and harvesting the blood and soul of the beast, Prince Zhuoyang couldn't help thinking of a word.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree.

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