Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2453: Prince? But so

"How can this human monk be so powerful?

Even if he has the power to destroy Emperor Cheng Huang's blood sect, he can't be so terrifying, right? "

The more the Prince Burning Sun thought about it, the more frightened he became, and the more he thought about it, the more terrifying he became! is not that right?

Prince Zhuoyang asked himself that he also had the ability to destroy the Emperor's Blood Sect.

Therefore, when he learned that Chu Yan had destroyed the Emperor Cheng's Blood Sect, he didn't think Chu Yan was really terrifying.

He can do this kind of thing too! However, now Chu Yan obviously has more than this strength, he is even stronger! Prince Burning Sun was taken aback for a moment, and the army of a million monster beasts had been wiped out by Chu Yan seven or eighty eight.

"Chu Yan, don't think about it!"

The prince of Burning Sun had wings of golden flames glowing behind him, and he spread his wings abruptly, trying to shelter the remaining monster army, lest he be killed by Chu Yan and become a bachelor commander.

However, Prince Zhuoyang couldn't stop the target Chu Yan wanted to kill! Buzzing! I saw that Chu Yan was like a white-bone spear in a surging galaxy, and the ancient runes on the surface flashed, and then, a little bit of starlight evolved countless meteorites, rushing down against the earth! Whoops whoops! This time it was an indiscriminate attack. Anyway, the monsters of the Eighteen Demon Sects had always been hostile to the human race.

Kill them all, and don't let go of any fish that slip through the net, the best way is! Rumble! The whole land was blasted and sank several feet, and when the Prince Burning Sun came and patted the horse, the army of millions of elite monsters had been wiped out.

The remaining blood, soul, and soul of them were gathered by the bone spear, allowing the six reincarnation discs to be refined, and then nourishing Chu Yan's body.

"How, how is it possible!"

Prince Burning Sun was shocked.

This is different from what he imagined! According to his assumption, he shouldn't be leading the army of a million monster beasts to encircle and suppress Chu Yan.

This human monk will definitely be similar to the guy he has met, greedy for life and fear of death, kneeling down and begging for mercy. After that, he will humiliate Chu Yan for a while, unscrew the head of this son, bring back the mission, and complete the task.

Everything has been designed and it is perfect.

Why did he get here, but his head was shaved, and the army of millions of elite monster beasts was wiped out and became the commander of the bachelor! call! Chu Yan, who had absorbed all the blood and soul of the millions of elite monster beasts, exhaled and looked at Prince Burning Sun: "If it hadn't been for the mark of the Sun-Swallowing Demon King to suppress me, you would have died too long.

To deal with me, you still don't have enough to see. "

Hearing this, Prince Zhuoyang was furious.

He has never been humiliated since he was a child.

Even the cultivator of Nirvana, the Crown Prince Burning Sun didn't know how many he had killed! A mere Chu Yan killed a bit of cannon fodder, and he dared to yell at himself, really knowing how to live and die.

"The sky is falling!"

The Crown Prince Burning Sun smiled back in anger, his wings burning with golden flames spread out, and an illusory sun slowly appeared.

If you look closely, it is not difficult to find that this illusory sun is very similar to the nine scorching suns looming in the distant sky, almost exactly the same, in the same vein! Seeing this, Chu Yan couldn't help but sneer. He grabbed the bone spear and threw it at the illusory sun that was constantly condensing! The bone spear flew out like a divine arrow, traversing the eternity, time and space could not restrain it, but anyone who wanted to hinder it was obliterated by the shining runes, and the traces were wiped out.

Click! The illusory sun was ruthlessly penetrated by the spear of bones, and was destroyed! puff! Prince Burning Sun was bitten back and he vomited blood.

However, as his thoughts turned, the blood that had just been vomited suddenly turned into a golden color, and turned into a golden flame bird about a thousand feet in size! The golden flame bird spread over the sky, and as soon as it appeared, the water on the earth quickly evaporated, became dry and withered, and the entire ground suddenly became burning.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan didn't change his expression, his **** formed a sword, and a little bit of sword light suddenly condensed in the emptiness.

Ten feet, one hundred feet, one thousand feet, ten thousand feet! The sword light of ten thousand feet was condensed by Chu Yan in an instant.


Chu Yan spit out a word coldly. The golden flame bird wailed, then turned into a little spark, and then turned into blood, returning to the body of Prince Burning Sun again.

However, Chu Yan did not give it this opportunity at all.

While the little sparks turned into drops of blood, the sword light of Wanzhang also turned into countless meteors, like rain hitting plantains, piercing and evaporating drops of blood.

Puff puff puff! Prince Burning Yang vomited blood again and again, and his breath was lethargic.

He couldn't believe that Chu Yan was so powerful that he could easily break his magical powers!

"That's it?"

Chu Yan chuckled slightly, and before Prince Zhuoyang could react, he was already in front of him.

boom! I saw Chu Yan stepping on Prince Shaoyang's chest, and while stepping on him, he suddenly grabbed a wing filled with golden flames! Hiss! With a hiss, a wing filled with golden flames was forcibly torn off by Chu Yan, and hot blood flowed all over the place.


Crown Prince Zhuoyang screamed. He couldn't believe that he was hit hard so easily in the face of Chu Yan, and he could hardly fight back! Prince Burning Sun couldn't believe that the human monks in the district were so powerful that it was so terrifying.

But the wing that Chu Yan was holding was still dripping with golden blood, reminding Prince Zhuoyang that this is the fact, this is the reality! "Chu Yan, you dare to hurt me like this. When my father arrives, you will die a thousand times, ten thousand times, and you will be to blame!"

After finishing speaking, he found that the corners of Chu Yan's lips evoked a cold burning Prince, and hurriedly said: "But if you surrender now, there may be a glimmer of life, otherwise it is really better to live than to die, and you can't survive and die!"

"You deserve it too?"

In response to this, Chu Yan probed his hand without hesitation and squeezed the head of Prince Zhuoyang.

Bang! Immediately afterwards, Chu Yan refined the spirit of Prince Zhuoyang.

After destroying the army of millions of elite monsters and killing Crown Prince Zhuoyang, Chu Yan did not rush to leave.

He is waiting.

After a while, Chu Yan, who was closing his eyes and rested, suddenly opened his eyes.

I saw that the horizon was still extremely far away, and the looming nine rounds of scorching sun unexpectedly hung high above him without knowing it! As soon as the nine rounds of scorching sun appeared, the heavens and the earth changed suddenly! It burned tens of millions of miles in an instant, turning it into a purgatory on earth.

At this time, among the nine rounds of scorching sun, a tall and stalwart figure, together with two sky-high giant monsters, slowly appeared.

This stalwart figure is very similar to the slain Prince Burning Sun, except that his breath is even more astonishing, and black spots appear in the nothingness beside him! His temperature is so high, the flame is so strong, and nothingness can withstand this scorching heat, and even the space will burn together.

If an ordinary monk stares at him, his eyes will definitely be burnt, not to mention the real fairyland, even the Nirvana state will be no exception.

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