Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2456: Slap fly

Chu Yan's return journey was not smooth sailing.

Just as he thought, in the past few days, the burning sun prince and the sun-swallowing demon king were beheaded one after another by a human monk named Chu Yan, spread all over the land of the demon race! This made a group of strong monsters startled and angry.

The Sun-Swallowing Demon Emperor is one of the strongest of the demon race. As a demon emperor who has not known how many years he has become famous, he has fallen into the hands of an unknown human monk.

This is a shame for the entire Yaozu.

Chu Yan was provoking their majesty as a Yaozu powerhouse.

As a result, the Yaozu dispatched one after another, and the whole army attacked, encircling Chu Yan's possible escape route.

Even the space is completely sealed off, it is bound to say that there is no way to the sky, no way to enter the earth! However, how could Chu Yan be able to stop them if they wanted to.

In the end, he returned to Shen Wuzong slowly.

In fact, from the inside, Chu Yan still feels a bit regretful.

If you can meet another Demon Emperor, maybe you can get a treasure that is comparable to the essence of the sun, then it will be an impact on the Nirvana Realm, and it will be safe.

Having said that, without knowing what the status of this person behind the gate of **** is, Chu Yan returned safely without any extravagance.

It took Chu Yan a year to return from this trip.

After returning to Shenwuzong, Chu Yan directly retreats to practice.

Time is hurried, another year.

call! On this day, Chu Yan exhaled.

Just exhaling a breath, the space in all directions has been faintly shaken, and there are even signs of direct rupture.

This is completely different from the previous Chu Yan.

If the previous Chu Yan was unacceptable, then he is now hidden in the market, tending to return to the basics.

Not yet in Nirvana, but already so, Chu Yan is looking forward to the situation after he truly sets foot in Nirvana.

Suddenly, Chu Yan's eyebrows moved.

He received a message from Murphy.

There is only one sentence in it, we are about to start.

Chu Yan can't help it.

A few days later, Chu Yan came outside Shen Wuzong and joined Murphy Fei and others.

Chu Yan swept his eyes and found that four of the Shenwuzong disciples present were particularly eye-catching.

Murphy Fei, who is in the first stage of Nirvana, and Yang Feng, who is in the second stage of Nirvana, are the leaders of this trip.

The other two, a man and a woman, looked very special.

The man was full of silver hair and looked arrogant. Vaguely, Yang Feng was very respectful to him, even awe-inspiring.

With Yang Feng's character, such things are rare.

The other person is a lovely-looking girl.

Her smile was sweet, she felt like a spring breeze, and it was very contagious. Even Chu Yan couldn't help but feel good when she saw it.

As for the rest of Shen Wuzong disciples, they are all the strengths of the sixth to the ninth level of True Wonderland.

It is not difficult to see that this time it is mainly led by a few Nirvana monks.

"Junior Brother Chu, you are here."

Murphy Fei smiled at Chu Yan.

Although she couldn't see the details of Chu Yan, she felt that Chu Yan was stronger.

Moreover, after Chu Yan had gone out to experience some time before returning, a series of chaos appeared in the distant land of the demon race, and it was not known whether it was related to this Junior Brother Chu.

"Sister Mo."

Chu Yan answered politely.

"Hehe, Chu Yan, I didn't expect you to come here. I thought you would avoid me, so you didn't come here on purpose."

Yang Feng said to Chu Yan without a smile.

The disciples of Shen Wuzong who were present at the scene knew more or less the grievances between Chu Yan and Yang Feng, and they were not surprised that Yang Feng took the initiative to look for things.

However, at this moment, all of them looked weird.

Because Chu Yan had an amazing record of killing Elder Wanheng a year ago.

Elder Wan Heng is a cultivator of the second level of Nirvana. Even if Yang Feng is outstanding in talent, it is definitely impossible to be stronger than Elder Wan Heng who has accumulated for many years.

Chu Yan can kill even Elder Wan Heng. Isn't it simple to deal with Yang Feng who is also the second stage of Nirvana?

What's more, Chu Yan has been practicing in retreat for the past year, and God knows how powerful Chu Yan is.

Seeing this scene, a disciple of Shen Wuzong couldn't help but stepped forward and said: "Brother Yang Feng, you have been out before and have never understood the changes within the sect. Why not let me tell you about the recent sect... "His original intention was to inform Yang Feng that Chu Yan was already able to kill the Nirvana monk.

Moreover, Chu Yan is not in Nirvana, so he can leapfrog and fight. Once he stepped into Nirvana, it would be terrifying.

Therefore, if it's cognition, for Chu Yan, let's not talk about it before, and in the future, it will be based on friendship.

It is a pity that this Shen Wuzong disciple has a low level of cultivation, only the Seventh Realm of Wonderland, and he is light-hearted. He was immediately glared at by Yang Feng: "Just like you are a crane truck, dragging oil bottles, what right do you have to talk to me casually?"

Hearing that, this Shen Wuzong disciple shut up obediently.

"And you, Chu Yan, don't think you really have the ability to walk with us. It's just because of the face of Junior Sister Mo that you were forced to join in, but if you dragged your feet, you still have to get out of here, lest we break us. The plan this time."

Yang Feng saw that Chu Yan did not say anything, and continued to ridicule coldly.

"Yes, how about the grievances between you and me before, how about solving one or two before you leave?"

Yang Feng rolled his eyes, "Otherwise, the more I think about it halfway, the more upset I will be. I want to settle with you on the spot, I'm afraid you will die in the ruins.

Now you only need to vomit three liters of blood, and you may be able to ask for my forgiveness. "


Chu Yan raised his eyes and slapped Yang Feng with a palm! "Heh..." Yang Feng sneered, and he was about to abolish Chu Yan's arm, but when the two met, he only felt that thousands of mountains and rivers were being crushed.

He is already the second level of Nirvana, and he can't resist Chu Yan's palm at all! Bang! Yang Feng rolled out and fell heavily to the ground.

This scene caused the pupils of those present to shrink! Yang Feng in Nirvana could not stop Chu Yan in the real fairyland! Two years after beheading the elder Wanheng, although Chu Yan didn't set foot in Nirvana, how powerful was his strength?

Upon seeing this, Yang Feng was furious: "Chu Yan, you really treat me as if I dare not kill you!"

He only thought that he was careless, he was attacked by Chu Yan and did not flash before he was slapped flying.

If you go all out, with the strength of the true fairyland in the Chu dialect, how can you be able to beat yourself in Nirvana! "Okay, okay, everyone is brothers, and when they come, they are people on the same boat."

At this time, the lovely girl stood between Chu Yan and Yang Feng to complete the battle. "Not to mention that Brother Yang Feng has the most information this time. This trip plan will be of great use, so we need to work together. Cooperation should not be infighting."

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