Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2457: Xiantao Six Saints

Hearing this, although Yang Feng was uncomfortable, he still didn't say anything because of the cute girl's origins.

"Junior Brother Chu, business matters."

Murphy Fei also persuaded.

"Senior Sister Mo has said so, and naturally puts the overall situation first."

Chu Yan also gave Murphy Fei face.

Seeing this conflict took a step back, all the disciples of Wuzong also breathed a sigh of relief.

They are not worried about Chu Yan.

A proud son of heaven who could kill Elder Wan Heng two years ago, what needs to be worried about.

What they worry about is Yang Feng! Yang Feng became famous when he was young, and his young age was the dual strength of Nirvana, which made him proud of his peers.

Chu Yan had a grudge with Yang Feng at the beginning, and even a little hindered his cultivation and meant to avoid his edge.

Helpless, don't wait for three days! Nirvana Duality?

Chu Yan killed him two years ago, two years later, he will only be stronger! Yang Feng is not necessarily stronger than Elder Wan Heng two years ago.

Because of this, once the fight started, although it wouldn't be a dead end for the fight of words, the final result should be Yang Feng's defeat.

Just as the lovely girl said, Yang Feng has personally explored the periphery of the ruins in the past two years and has mastered a lot of information. It is very different if one more Yang Feng or one less Yang Feng.

Even if Yang Feng was able to leave information, there was still a big difference from Yang Feng's personal visit.

It is undoubtedly the best now to end in harmony.

The silver-haired youth looked at Chu Yan with interest.

He is about the same as Yang Feng. He has spent very little time in Shenwu Zong in recent years, and he doesn't know much about what happened in the Zongmen.

However, he still knows a little bit about Chu Yan's name.

Looking at it now, it can only be said that there are no vacancies under the prestige.

To be able to be discussed so much by everyone, this Chu Yan does have some ability.

"Yes, Sister Mo, I don't know if these two are..." Chu Yan asked Murphy about the identity of the silver-haired youth and the lovely girl.

"This is Senior Brother Dong, and his strength is not weaker than me."

Murphy Fei introduced the origins of the silver-haired youth and the cute girls, "This one is sister Xie Qingyu, Xie Qingyu, although the training time is not long, far shorter than us, but the real strength is not weak, facing her, I dare not to be big. "

If Chu Yan had some enlightenment.

In other words, the silver-haired young Senior Brother Dong and the lovely girl Xie Qingyu Xie Sister, all have the strength of Nirvana.

In addition, the silver-haired young brother Dong will not say for the time being, the monks always come first, and the strength is the respect. If Xie Qingyu is Nirvana, but she calls it a sister, it can only be that she is really very young and talented.

"Brother Dong, Sister Xie."

Chu Yan asked with a smile.


The silver-haired young brother Dong was slightly satisfied with Chu Yan's attitude.

"Brother Chu."

The lovely girl Xie Qingyu smiled and asked curiously: "There are rumors within the sect that you leapfrogged and killed Elder Wan Heng. Is this true?"

Chen Feng was dumbfounded when he said this.


Chu Yan leapfrogged and killed Elder Wan Heng?

This is a senior who has been in Nirvana for many years. Although it is only the second level of cultivation of Nirvana, for Chen Feng, he may not have won the experienced Elder Wanheng.

Now he said that Chu Yan killed Elder Wan Heng, how could it be possible! "Ah...Sister Xie, this matter is that Elder Wan Heng is wrong. As an elder, she uses power for personal gain, and even wants to bend as a trick. He kills in public and is killed by Junior Brother Chu. The elders will all admit the result, so don't talk about it anymore. "

Murphy Fei gave a light cough and explained briefly, lest Xie Qingyu asked about this matter.

After all, the disciples beheading the elders, no matter what the reason is, it is not a glorious thing, it is better not to say it, or not to say it! "I see!"

Xie Qingyu responded with a smile, "If this is the case, it's no wonder that Brother Chen Feng was slapped flying by the palm of Senior Brother Chu."

"You..." Chen Feng was angry, but for Xie Qingyu, although he was not so awed by the silver-haired young man Dong, he also did not dare to be too presumptuous, daring not to speak.

"It's almost time, let's go first!"

Senior Brother Dong, the silver-haired young man, signaled Chen Feng not to waste time on such superfluous things.

Seeing that the silver-haired young brother Dong said so, Chen Feng had no choice but to stop.

Immediately after exchanging eyes with Murphy Fei and Xie Qingyu, there was an ancient mark on the eyebrows of the silver-haired young man Dong.

This imprint is like a microcosm of a building. While shining brightly, as the silver-haired young brother Dong's thoughts turn, a palace of radiant light suddenly appears.

"Turn the emptiness into reality!"

The Shenwu Sect disciple marveled at the strength of this silver-haired young man Dong.

Such supernatural powers are not something that ordinary monks can cultivate.

Even if the cultivation is successful, they may not be able to perform it freely.

No wonder Yang Feng seems to be so respectful to him, this Senior Brother Dong does have some skill! "Everyone, please."

Senior Brother Dong, the silver-haired young man, smiled and invited everyone to enter this palace.

Although everyone hesitated, they saw Murphy Fei and the lovely girl Xie Qingyu, as well as Chu Yan and Chen Feng, who entered the palace without hesitation, and the other Shen Wuzong disciples also followed in.

Anyway, the proud children of the authentic sect are not afraid, what else do they have to worry about.

"Sister Mo, may I ask these two..." Chu Yan asked as he approached Murphy.

"I don't know the exact origin, but it is said that it has something to do with the elders. Is it their descendants?"

Murphy Fei thought for a moment, "More, I don't know. Chen Feng should know this brother Dong, and maybe he has something to do with the elders of Brother Dong!"

Chu Yan was thoughtful and did not continue to question.

The palace is flying through the void passage with everyone.

But this time the void passage is more dangerous than the previous ones.

Although the Void Passage is a shortcut, it would not have been smooth sailing, but the danger they encountered this time was obviously more than any previous one! Countless disasters swept through, and the undercurrents that appeared out of thin air, the broken walls that did not know where they came from, and even the thunder and ground fires all appeared in the space channel one by one.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom boom! Bang bang bang bang! The palace was constantly shaking and crumbling, and the runes engraved on the walls were always shining and bright, looking very dangerous.

It seems that they are not traveling through space channels, but crossing the catastrophe, experiencing a catastrophe! In this regard, the silver-haired young brother Dong looked as usual.

Because these seemingly menacing catastrophes were actually blocked by the palace.

The silver-haired young Senior Brother Dong showed a little arrogant color and signaled to Yang Feng that he could start.

"The Xiantao Valley we explored this time belonged to the Six Sages of Xiantao in the past."

Yang Feng stood up and said.

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