Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2458: Brace tree

"Six Sages of Xiantao?"

Hearing this, everyone was slightly startled.

Because in their understanding, what can be called sacred is not so simple.

What's more, the Xiantao Valley of the Six Sages of Xiantao was the destination they explored on this trip.

Among them, there is no shortage of Nirvana monks. If there is no great advantage that can make them further, they will definitely not risk coming.

"Yes, Xiantao Valley is the residence of the Six Sages of Xiantao a million years ago, and the Six Sages of Xiantao are six compatriots, and their six brothers are at least the powerhouses above the dominance."

Yang Feng continued.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was stunned at first, and then showed ecstasy! Above the true immortal is Nirvana, higher, and Fang is the master! The Sun-Swallowing Demon Emperor who was beheaded by Chu Yan was considered a strong one in the land of the Demon Race, but it was still only at the level of the Nirvana Realm Ninth Level.

The Six Sages of Xiantao are six dominating realms...we can imagine whether they are strong or not! Similarly, the treasures left by the Six Sages of Xiantao, how against the sky, the answer can be said to be ready.

Seeing the surprises of the crowd, Yang Feng’s lips also had a hint of pride: “Nevertheless, for some reason, Xian Taogu suddenly disappeared from the world for many years, even with the existence of the Domination Realm. When it comes to the relevant traces, we can only give up in the end.

This time, it was a coincidence that I tried my best to find the entrance to Xiantao Valley! "

Regarding Yang Feng's remarks, everyone cannot deny it.

This kind of good fortune is undoubtedly more important than hard work, a little bit of luck and coincidence.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have come to the dominance back then, they would all return empty-handed, and this time the opportunity would instead fall to them.

Later, Yang Feng picked out some key points for the results of this search.

He didn't tell the whole story. First, there was no need. Second, he and Chu Yan had an antagonism. Now Chu Yan is so strong, it doesn't hurt to leave everything alone.

If Chu Yan really wanted to take the opportunity to retaliate against him halfway, then they would never think about getting the good fortune of Xiantaogu for eternity! As if feeling Yang Feng's intentional actions, Murphy Fei quietly said to Chu Yan: "Yang Feng has somewhat treated a gentleman like a villain."

She knows that Chu Yan must revenge if there is grudge, but she is not a narrow-minded person, and will not ruin everyone's plan for her own selfish desire.

In order to take into account the overall situation, this kind of attack on Yang Feng by military ethics is simply impossible.

Chu Yan smiled without saying a word.

For him now, killing Yang Feng is a breeze, but he said that the overall situation is the most important, so even if he settles with Yang Feng, he will wait until the end of this exploration of Xiantao Valley.

Before that, he and Yang Fenghe didn't offend the well water. As long as the other party didn't offend him, Chu Yan also didn't bother to talk to Yang Feng.

After that, everyone traveled through the void passage for about three months.

On this day, Yang Feng suddenly said: "It's almost there, I can arrive today!"

Everyone lifted their spirits, and the life on the road was boring, but they did not wait in vain, and finally arrived at Xiantao Valley! However, at this moment, anomalies suddenly occurred! The palace that had been flying smoothly was suddenly shrouded by a terrifying force.

Rumble! The entire palace shook suddenly.

The runes on the wall bloomed with unprecedented light.

Everyone who had been in the palace for three months immediately understood that this attack was unprecedented and surpassed before! "Is this an evil spirit?

It's so strong! "

"Could it be that a demon emperor is sniping us?"

"How is it possible! We didn't offend the Demon King again!"

Realizing that the attacker might be a strong monster from the Demon Race, the disciples of Shenwu Sect started to talk about it.

Only a trace of doubt flashed through Chu Yan's eyes.

If any of them had offended the existence of the Demon Emperor, it was obviously Chu Yan himself.

However, it is obviously unreasonable for the other party to track down so far in order to chase him down.

Buzzing! The palace suddenly hummed sharply, causing the silver-haired young man Dong's expression to change.

In his senses, the palace seemed to be grasped by a big hand with a demon spirit, so powerful that it was about to destroy the palace directly.

If so, they would definitely be unable to survive in the void channel.

At this time, Yang Feng, who realized that the situation was not good, reminded the silver-haired young man Dong: "It will be here soon!"


Senior Brother Dong, the silver-haired young man, shook his heart, regardless of holding the palace's demonic hands, moving forward at full speed! Click! Click! The runes on the walls of the palace gradually looked bleak, causing everyone's hearts to raise their throats! Chu Yan said nothing.

If things can't be done, he will choose to shoot.

Even if the Void Passage here is definitely not a good place to start.

Fortunately, when the silver-haired young man Dong finally arrived at a certain node, he forcibly broke through the void.

Rumble rumbling! The whole palace fell into a kind of shaking. Except for Chu Yan, everyone else was unsteady, and for a while, they turned into stumbling, really embarrassed.

However, in the end the palace tended to stabilize.

The silver-haired young Senior Brother Dong panted heavily and stood up with difficulty: "Here we are!"


"We arrived at Xiantao Valley?"

"Is it all right?"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief after the rain passed and the weather cleared.

Afterwards, they stepped out of the palace cautiously, released their spiritual consciousness, and looked around.

I saw that the place where the palace fell was on a huge tree canopy.

A leaf in the canopy is as large as countless planes, and the trunk is made up of countless planets.

In the center of the tree canopy in the distance, there is a valley shrouded in rainbow.

When they saw the valley, everyone seemed to feel something and looked at Yang Feng.

Seeing this, Yang Feng also smiled and said, "This is Xiantao Valley!"

At the same time, the void near the tree was suddenly torn into a gap.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen powerful auras emerged, which were powerful monsters.

Their aura is so strong that they can be called a big monster among the monster race, and they are now gathered together.

"Is the place surrounded by rainbow light in front of Xiantao Valley?"

"It looks very mysterious, it really deserves to be the residence of a few powerful masters!"

"I just don't know if what we are looking for is really in Xiantao Valley."

"Whether it's here or not, it's here anyway, and it's going to happen no matter what, there may be another good luck."

The big monsters talked a lot, and all their eyes on Xiantao Valley were glowing with enthusiasm.

After all, this is a place that even the Demon Sovereign must be moved! At this moment, within the gap, there was another huge black shadow appearing.

If Chu said that they were here, they would definitely be recognized immediately, this was the demon clan who had just attacked their palace!

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