Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2459: Youkai Blood 蟒

The huge shadow of pitch black as ink just appeared, and all the great monsters immediately showed respect.

The monster clan pays special attention to the respect of strength. Obviously, this huge black shadow, regardless of strength or status, is far above the more than a dozen big monsters.

"Well, no need to be polite."

The huge black shadow slowly spoke: "The secret of Xiantao Valley seems to have been discovered by some ants. In order to avoid extraneous branches, if you encounter it halfway, you should clean it up together so as not to leave trouble."

"Yes, my lord!"

A crowd of big demons respectfully responded.

On the other hand, Chu Yan and others, who were determined to arrive near the destination, proceeded under the leadership of Yang Feng.

They are constantly approaching the location of Xiantao Valley.

However, as he walked, Yang Feng's expression suddenly became unsightly.

"Yang Feng, what's wrong?"

Senior Brother Dong, the silver-haired young man asked.

"This is different from when I used to search for magical treasures. It's a bit weird. Next, we have to be more careful."

Yang Feng reminded everyone.

Hearing this, everyone's hearts were stunned, and they repeatedly said yes.

Chu Yan and his party continued to approach the direction of the valley.

Suddenly, there was a huge movement ahead.

Ho Ho Ho Ho! Accompanied by a roar soaring into the sky, thousands of nearby planes exploded at the same time! Even time and space have been affected, and looming cracks have appeared above the nothingness.

A huge impact swept through, and apart from Chu Yan, a few Shen Wuzong disciples who hadn't been cultivated to Nirvana were almost blown away, even if they were forcibly resisted, they still almost passed out directly.

Boom boom boom boom! Amidst the huge roar, an indescribable python appeared suddenly.

The python is so large that it spans thousands of miles, and its whole body is covered with strange eyes like stars.

As soon as it appeared, the eyes on his body suddenly turned, and it instantly locked Chu Yan and others.

"Oops! This monster is not the fifth or sixth level of Nirvana, please be careful!"

Yang Feng's expression changed drastically.

This made everyone's face sinking! The strength of their team is not weak, even if it is facing the third or fourth level opponents in Nirvana, they have considerable confidence to kill the opponent.

However, there are five or six levels of Nirvana, which is very difficult to handle.

One carelessness, it is estimated that they will be killed directly by the monster! Bang bang bang bang! The python just approached Chu Yan's position, causing it to collapse along the way, and it cut off Chu Yan's retreat.

The distance between the two sides has been continuously shortened.

Not to mention, the existence of the fifth and sixth layers of Nirvana can span a million miles in an instant. If you chase me and flee, you will be chased near Chu Yan and the others in a few seconds.

The python demon is absolutely crushing Chu Yan and his party, and he doesn't even need to use magical powers, just twisting his long tail and sweeping it, has made several true fairyland disciples unable to even use their strength! Murphy Fei tried to fight back, but she was stared at by countless snake eyes as soon as she took the shot.

Each snake pupil seemed to contain a world, Murphy was instantly lost, just like this, letting the long tail swept away! Senior Brother Dong, the silver-haired young man, gritted his teeth abruptly and raised his hand to summon a statue of a stone man holding a huge shield.

The statue kept zooming in, and it lay directly between the crowd and the python monster.

Boom boom boom! With the spear of the other, the shield of oneself, under one attack and one defense, everything around was blown apart.

The universe was forcibly turned upside down, the five elements were directly obliterated, and the avenues of the heavens became eclipsed! Puff puff puff! The silver-haired young man Dong vomited blood repeatedly.

Do not see that he stopped the blow of the python monster beast, but actually paid a lot of money, but barely blocked it.

If I do it again, I am afraid I will explain it here.

"Go this way!"

Yang Feng swept his gaze, and suddenly pointed to a direction, signalling everyone to avoid their sharp edges for a while.

Murphy Fei and the silver-haired young brother Dong are definitely the main force of this trip, but they have no resistance to the python monster beast. They continue to be here, I am afraid that the whole army will end in annihilation.

Stay in the green hills without worrying about no firewood.

As long as you don't die, you can always get the place back.

Chu Yan also retreated.

This boa constrictor monster seems to have come prepared, if it is entangled here, in case the other party has a back hand, I am afraid that their party will really explain here.

Afterwards, under the guidance of Yang Feng, everyone kept retreating in one direction, and did not continue to try to resist the python monster beast, but retreated and fled with all their strength.

Finally, when Chu Yan and his party retreated to a junction of the tree trunks, they got rid of the chase of the python monster beast.

This is a fork in the road. If something cannot be done, they will split their actions and save their lives first, which is the top priority! Chu Yan looked back, his eyes were a little suspicious, and he thought to himself: "No, it's not so much that we finally got rid of the chase of the python monster beast, it seems that it is trapped by something, lacking in skills, and can't continue to chase us. !"

At this time, the lovely girl Xie Qingyu opened her mouth and asked, "How come there are monsters in Xiantao Valley?

And it's still such a powerful monster! "

"Yeah, Yang Feng, what is going on?

If it wasn't for our luck, we would probably explain it here together. "

Senior Brother Dong, the silver-haired young man, no longer had the romantic and chic before, but questioned Yang Feng with a trace of sullenness.

He was seriously injured just now. If he had two more blows, I'm afraid this place has really become his own burial ground.

He is here to get treasure, not to die! Feeling the sight of the crowd, Yang Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I don't know.

This didn't happen when I was exploring the road earlier.

And if there are such existences sitting here, it is impossible for me to let everyone come and die, right? "

That's right, the python monster beast that just chased them was not an ordinary existence.

This kind of great demon whose strength is comparable to the fifth or sixth level of Nirvana, possesses considerable wisdom.

If this great demon had noticed the location of Xiantao Valley early, he would definitely leak it out, and then gather all the powerhouses of the monster clan to invade Xiantao Valley and forcibly obtain treasures.

In this way, Xiantaogu would not have Chu Yan's turn to get involved.

I am afraid that it has been emptied by the strong men of the monster race a long time ago.

However, Chu Yan and their successful arrival at the destination showed that before this, the secret of Xiantao Valley had not been exposed at all, nor had it been circulated among the strong monsters, otherwise Xiantao Valley would not be as good as ever until today. .

So where is the problem?

Everyone is puzzled! However, at this moment, Chu Yan's eyebrows moved.

Yang Feng's expression changed, and he yelled in one direction: "Who!"

Everyone immediately became alert.

In this dangerous place, the possibility of being an enemy or not a friend is almost 100%, especially if you have just got rid of the python monster, physically and mentally exhausted, if you are attacked by someone, it will be very dangerous.

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