Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2460: Tianji Gate

However, just as everyone was on guard, sudden changes occurred! I saw countless pink mists appearing all around without warning.

Everyone just inhaled a little pink mist, and then the whole body became soft and unable to use it, not to mention the use of magical powers to stimulate magic weapons.

Seeing this, Yang Feng was uncharacteristically. He was no longer nervous and alert, and all he had on his face was a weird smile.

That's right, Yang Feng did all this deliberately.

The reason why the python demon attacked them before was entirely because Yang Feng secretly took the initiative to alarm, and only then attracted the other party's attack.

Yang Feng did all this to attract everyone to this place, and then trap everyone through the pink mist.

Seeing this scene, everyone immediately came to the realization that all of this was a game designed by Yang Feng! Yang Feng is the initiator.

A disciple of Divine Wuzong from the Ninth Layer of True Wonderland opened his mouth and cursed: "Yang Feng, why did you frame us like this?

Such a pig and dog is not as good, do you deserve the sentence we call you brother? "

In response to this, Yang Feng sneered again and again without saying a word.

Upon seeing this, the disciple of Shenwu Sect of the Ninth Level of True Wonderland immediately scolded: "You have committed a terrible mistake. When we return to Shenwu Sect, we will definitely report to the Penalty Hall to punish you for the crime of harming the same sect!"

Yang Feng didn't care, but he said slowly: "Oh?

I don't know what I did, which actually gave you the illusion that I would let you return to Shen Wuzong alive? "

Hearing this, the disciple of the Divine Wuzong of the Ninth Layer of True Wonderland changed his expression. He was about to say something, but when he saw Yang Feng approaching quickly, he was already in front of him.

Bang! Yang Feng shot without thinking, and directly killed the Ninth-level Divine Martial Sect monk in True Wonderland! The head was squeezed, turned into a mass of blood, and the soul was destroyed. There is absolutely no possibility of survival! boom! As the headless corpse fell limply, everyone couldn't help becoming bloodless.

Yang Feng is really ready to kill them.

"Yang Feng, why are you doing this?"

The lovely girl Xie Qingyu took a deep breath and calmed down a lot. "We are all from the Shenwu Sect. Shouldn't we help each other in this dangerous place?

We are dead, can you live alone? "

"Yes, Yang Feng, there is still time to look back!"

The silver-haired young brother Dong said in a deep voice, "If you go your own way, are you not afraid of being held accountable by my parents?

Now you can still be treated as if you were bewitched by a thief, and the same sect just now fell unexpectedly! "

He is doing both soft and hard, so that Yang Feng can change his mind! As everyone knows, Yang Feng's response to Xie Qingyu and Senior Brother Dong's questions was just a laugh.

His smile was filled with coldness: "Since I have to do it, why don't I make preparations?

Don't worry, none of you will survive! "

As soon as this statement came out, everyone's heart sank to the bottom! Obviously, Yang Feng didn't want to leave behind, he really wanted to kill all the people present! "But, Chu Yan, don't worry, I won't kill you right away!"

Yang Feng said with a smile, "Even if I want to kill you, I will kill you until the end, because I will torture you well and make you better than death. When you are completely desperate, I will send you on the road!"

He is deliberately retaliating.

If Chu Yan can still let himself be squeezed, he can still play cats and mice, postpone the plan, and gradually insult Chu Yan, until Chu Yan feels desperate, and then he gives Chu Yan greater despair and slaps it to pieces. Son's head! Helplessly Chu Yan grew too fast.

Who would have thought that Chu Yan, who had to avoid his edge two years ago, suddenly became an existence that could kill Elder Wanheng and easily knock him off! This son must never stay! Otherwise, relying on Chu Yan's character, I don't know when I will kill myself.

It can only be the first to be the strongest.

Chu Yan didn't say a word, and couldn't see the happiness or anger.

This makes Chen Feng feel very upset! At the beginning, he was careless and gave Chu Yan the opportunity to let the tiger go back to the mountain. This time he won't. Chu Yan is dead forever! Everyone was silent.

Although they were angry about Chen Feng's actions, they were now caught in the trap and could not do anything about it.

I had no choice but to endure the humiliation and leave the green hills without worrying about the firewood.

In order to explore the Xiantao Valley this time, they have prepared unknown backers. As long as Chen Feng doesn't kill them immediately, there is still a chance to counterattack! Chen Feng naturally knew what Shenwuzong people were thinking.

On the way to take the palace in the void passage, he vaguely inquired about everyone's life-saving cards.

Although it's not completely clear, it's just the same guess.

But what about this?

Now that he has done it, it is impossible to leave behind troubles.

Before long, seven figures broke through the sky in the distant sky! The people here are very peculiar, not only are they wearing long robes and hoods, there is also a light wheel behind everyone's head, which looks particularly sacred and mysterious.

However, seeing this scene, the silver-haired young man Dong suddenly changed his expression and said involuntarily: "Is this a person from the heavenly door?"

"Tianji Gate?"

Everyone obviously doesn't know what the secret gate is.

"Tianjimen, this is an organization formed by casual repairs. Its whereabouts are weird and mysterious. No one knows its true background. Our Shenwu Sect also traced the Tianjimen, but unfortunately nothing was found."

"In addition, the way of joining Tianjimen is very special. Outsiders can't get in at all. It is said that it is not people who choose Tianjimen, but Tianjimen chooses people secretly! Only people who are matched by them can enter."

"Of course, joining is not 100%. It needs to go through a series of inspections. The more tests you pass, the greater your chances of joining. However, on the other hand, because the more tests you pass, the more you know about Tianjimen. Once you fail to succeed in the end Joining, the possibility of being killed by the gate of heaven is also great!"

Senior Brother Dong, a silver-haired young man, said with an ugly expression: "Furthermore, it is rumored that there are experts in the Heavenly Secret Gate who have successfully hunted for half a step to dominate, and even dominate the realm! Although there is no evidence that there is really a Domination realm being hunted, However, according to some reliable sources, it is true that the dominance has fallen because of the heavenly secret gate, but this kind of thing is not glorious enough, so it is secret."

If everyone was still thinking about anti-killing just now, the silver-haired young brother Dong's words would undoubtedly pour a pot of cold water on their heads and face, causing them to come to a chill, like falling into an ice cave.

These forces that can hunt even in the Domination Realm, can they fight against it?

Even if they are not the seniors who sit in the door of the secret door, but now the enemy is strong and we are weak, this is a dead end! "Tianji Gate?"

Chu Yan's eyes flickered and did not speak.

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