Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2462: It's you

The Tianjimen members holding lotus flowers glanced at the silver-haired young man Dong, and thought for a moment. They thought that Chu Yan had been caught, and they were bound by magic weapons, and they were destined to be unable to resist. They accounted for this. Even if they were told the facts, there was nothing. The big deal.

After a while, the man chuckled slightly. While playing with lotus flowers, he said slowly: "The Six Sages of Xiantao in Xiantao Valley have received a treasure in the past. This is a treasure that must be greatly moved by the dominating realm.

But in the process of refining, something went wrong. One of the Six Sages of Xiantao was tempted by the demons and spirits hidden in the treasure and made a big mistake. "

"Even though this Domination Realm existed and later lost his way, his helpless situation has become irreversible. In order to seal this precious treasure, the Six Sages of Xiantao have fallen.

Although the heavy treasure had been sealed before they completely fell, it is a pity that the demon energy that has escaped has turned Xiantao Valley into a beast everywhere. "

"The residences of the six dominating realms are naturally rare in the heavens and blessings. Here, the monsters grow extremely fast and become extremely strong. The monks who come to explore will die in them if they are not careful."

The member of Tianjimen holding Lotus slowly said, "How?

Isn't our Tianjimen good?

You are all dead, let's let you be a ghost. "

Everyone in Shenwuzong was silent.

Understand that ghosts are still going to die, if you have the ability, you let us go! Although they knew it themselves, this was wishful thinking.

Yang Feng colluded with Tianjimen to deal with Shen Wuzong's fellows. If these things passed back, it would definitely arouse the anger of the Presbyterian Church. When the time comes, the people of the penalty hall will come out. Don't say that Yang Feng has not relied on the Tianjimen to regain the country, even if luckily. Success, to make Xianyuan country reappear in the world, he, the emperor, still has to be fried and dismantled by Shenwuzong, and then re-destroy Xianyuan country a thousand times, ten thousand times! Because of this, Yang Feng definitely won't give them the slightest chance to survive.

Yang Feng couldn't help but glanced at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan still didn't say a word, his expression was as usual, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Upon seeing this, Yang Feng smiled coldly, only when Chu Yan was too scared to speak.

Afterwards, the people of Tianjimen illuminate the road ahead with blood-colored lotus flowers.

Sure enough, under the shining of the scarlet lotus, the surrounding mist voluntarily dissipated, giving way to the valley.

As everyone went deeper and the fog continued to dissipate, everyone saw countless bones under the fog.

There were a lot of bones, human races, monsters, and even countless years. There is still a little light on the bones, which shows that it is definitely a strong person or a big monster before his death.

However, so many human cultivators and monsters powerhouses have all died here. It can be seen whether the fairy peach valley is dangerous or not! "How come there are so many bones?"

"Didn't it mean that Xiantao Valley hasn't been discovered for countless years?"

"Yeah, if so, where did these bones come from?"

The people of Shen Wuzong showed panic on their faces, some of them couldn't believe the scene before them.

Seeing this, the Tianjimen member holding the lotus flower took a look at several of his companions, and found that they hadn't said anything, their faces were as usual, and they seemed to have tacitly agreed to something, so they smiled and said, "Actually, this question is very simple."

"very simple?"

The lovely girl Xie Qingyu couldn't help but look up.

"Yes, it's very simple! Because Xiantao Valley is not never discovered, but the existence of Xiantao Valley, which is so touching, but any monks who have discovered Xiantao Valley are good, big demon, how can they easily tell Others, I discovered the location of Xiantao Valley?"

"For me, the best way is to gather my partners secretly and explore together.

At any rate, it is the residence that once dominated the realm, or the residence of the six dominating realms, not to mention these six people are the famous six sages of the fairy peach! "

"As long as you get the benefits of a scale and a half of claws, you will have a glimmer of hope for becoming the Domination in the future. This kind of good thing, if you tell more people, one pass ten, ten pass a hundred, and eventually the existence of the dominance will come, so what? Share a piece of the pie?

It is estimated that it can only be leftovers! "

The members of the Heavenly Mystery Gate holding the scarlet lotus seem to like to show their sacredness in front of people: "In any case, the things left by a Domination Realm are of great benefit to the existence of the same Domination Realm, so the Domination Realm is here. It is estimated that other people will only have the life of drinking soup, so they really know the dominance of Xiantao Valley, but there are very few."

"Then it is rumored that there was once a dominance to explore the fairy peach valley, and finally returned without success..." the lovely girl Xie Qingyu couldn't help asking again.

"This is also true!"

The members of the Tianjimen holding the blood-colored lotus nodded in response, "Because the Six Sages of Xiantao made some arrangements here, aimed at the Domination Realm and higher existences to spy on this place.

As for the guys under the Domination Realm, as soon as they stepped into the realm where Xiantao Valley could be found, it was estimated that they were easily wiped out by the Six Sages of Xiantao, like a fishing net, where big fish cannot enter, but small fish and shrimps can.

But if the small fish and shrimp entered, it was easy to be slapped to death by the fisherman. "

Everyone thoughtfully.

It's no wonder that Xiantaogu is still so mysterious over the years. If this member of the Tianjimen didn't deceive them, then the explanation would make sense! It has to be said that the blood-colored lotus evolved from the demon vine blood python is really the key to entering the fairy peach valley.

They walked along the way and saw countless bones, but they didn't encounter the slightest danger, and they easily reached the entrance of Xiantao Valley.

However, when they stepped into the Xiantao Valley, this entrance was immediately closed, like the gate of hell, there is no going in, no going back! The few at Tianjimen were not too worried.

Since they are here, they are fully prepared.

Chu Yan was still silent, his gaze swept, and he found that the atmosphere in Xiantao Valley was different from the name, and the atmosphere was weird! There are all kinds of twisted plants growing here, they are of different sizes, and their shapes are mysterious.

Some looked like a long vertebra, with a human skull at the top.

Above the rhizomes of some plants are faces with distorted faces, like the roar of unwilling souls.

Others can even move, occasionally break away from the earth, and walk on the ground with their roots, as terrifying as they are, and as weird as they are.

These scenes, even Chu Yan is the first time I have met.

"Since you have entered the Xiantao Valley, you need more human blood if you want to continue to open the road, otherwise it will be difficult to move."

While speaking, Yang Feng's attention was locked on the lovely girl Xie Qingyu.

Feeling Yang Feng's meaning, the lovely girl Xie Qingyu couldn't help but fade away.

"Just you, Xie Qingyu!"

After speaking, Yang Feng sharpened his knife and walked towards the lovely girl Xie Qingyu.

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