Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2463: Chu Yan shot

Seeing this scene, everyone in Shenwuzong, including Murphy, felt a sense of powerlessness, and they didn't even dare to see the lovely girl Xie Qingyu.

After more than three months of rushing, they and the lovely girl Xie Qingyu are familiar with each other a lot, and get close to each other a lot.

Through some conversations, everyone also clearly understood that the other party was a direct descendant of a certain member of the Presbyterian Church and was close to each other.

Who doesn't like such a good-tempered, backstage partner?

Reluctantly, they have all become meat on the chopping board and can only be slaughtered.

Now Yang Feng is going to kill the lovely girl Xie Qingyu, the next one is probably to kill them.

When the time comes, there will be one end. There will be no young or old on Huangquan Road. It's just a matter of taking one step early, or one step sooner or later.

The lovely girl Xie Qingyu paled and shivered, but she bit her lip and opened her eyes wide, even if there was a hint of mist, she did not beg Yang Feng from beginning to end.

Just because she wasn't anything stupid and sweet, after seeing Yang Feng revealing his true colors, it was impossible for them to survive.

The difference is whether to kill now or kill again later.

In that case, why beg for mercy, why do you want to be sent to the door to be laughed at by thieves like Yang Feng.

She Xie Qingyu has her own pride! Watching a little, she found that the lovely girl Xie Qingyu really didn't mean to kneel down to beg for mercy. Yang Feng couldn't help but feel a little disappointed: "I thought you would beg me for mercy, but I didn't expect you to have some brains."

"Frankly speaking, for this plan, I have prepared for a long, long time, and have put everything on top of me. Only success is allowed, not failure."

Yang Feng smiled and said to the lovely girl Xie Qingyu, "If it weren't for that, depending on your appearance and aptitude, and your relationship with a certain member of the Presbyterian Church, it would not be impossible for you to be the queen of my Xianyuan Country.

After all, Shenwuzong is also a towering tree, protected by Shenwuzong, Xianyuan Congress will soon return to its peak. "

"Although now there is a secret gate, it is similar, or even better."

In the end, Yang Feng didn't forget to please everyone at Tianjimen.

After all, Yang Feng's plan to rejuvenate the country now has to rely on the secrets of heaven.

"Xie Qingyu, when you are the queen of Xianyuan Country and your Taoist companion?"

Chu Yan spoke suddenly and smiled, "Chen Feng, are you worthy too?"

"Chu Yan, you..." Yang Feng was angry, "I killed Xie Qingyu first, but if you take the initiative to stretch out your head, I will behead your dog's head, destroy your body, and destroy your soul!"

When the voice fell, Yang Feng immediately grabbed to Chu Yan with a claw.

However, the corner of Chu Yan's lips raised, as he said just now: "You are also worthy?"

Rumble! The next moment, as a loud noise exploded, everyone at the Heavenly Mystery Gate seemed to feel something and backed away.

Then a head flew up.

This is Chen Feng's head! It was Chen Feng's body that exploded. His spirit and body were obliterated by Chu Yan.

In the end, it was Yang Feng who was beheaded by Chu Yan, annihilated his body, and ruined his soul! "This..." Everyone was dumbfounded.

Just now Chu Yan also inhaled the pink mist, right?

Shouldn't it be the same as them, weak and powerless to resist?

How did he kill Chen Feng in the blink of an eye?

This is how the same thing?

I saw that Chu Yan didn't know when to regain his freedom.

His breath was like a wave surging, and in an instant, it filled the field, giving the Tianjimen a huge sense of oppression! "The situation is not right, let's deal with him together!"

Seeing that the situation has changed, everyone at the Tianji Gate also stopped hiding.

Immediately afterwards, the light wheels behind the heads of the seven people in the Tianji Gate were shining brightly, illuminating the world, and the aura was also much stronger.

This made the Shen Wuzong disciple stunned for a moment.

They thought that the light wheel behind everyone in Tianjimen's head was just decoration.

The purpose is to enhance the visual impact, make it more mysterious and unpredictable, and make it easier to show the sage in front of people.

Now it seems that they are all wrong, it turns out that this light wheel really has some kind of power! Seeing everyone in the Heavenly Secret Gate waiting in a stern battle, Chu Yan just smiled disdainfully, "It's up to you?

What are you guys! "

Whoops whoops! At the next moment, Chu Yan seemed to have crossed time and space, traversed countless years, and directly arrived in front of the seven people who came to Tianjimen.

Everyone in Tianjimen was shocked.

How could it be so?

They asked themselves that their cultivation level was no less than that of Chu Yan, and they still had it before. Why couldn't they break Chu Yan's actions just now?

However, the people of Tianjimen were different from Yang Feng's underestimation and innocence. After the secret path was not good and realized the huge threat of Chu Yan, they all yelled in unison: "Kill!"

That's right, there are as many as seven of them, and there is only one in Chu Yan, and the seven of the Tianjimen are all in Nirvana.

If it weren't for this, Yang Feng, the second level of Nirvana, wouldn't be so respectful to them.

With the seven of them joining hands, Chu Yan will undoubtedly die! Chu Yan didn't talk nonsense with them, he grabbed it with one hand in front of the first person in the heavenly secret gate, without any bells and whistles.

The other party sneered, he must raise his hand, fist to fist, palm to palm! In addition, he obtained a secret method in his early years, his hands are already as hard as magic weapons, if Chu Yan wants to fight melee, I'm afraid he will die miserably! However, as soon as the two called the wrong one, the man's arm was split by Chu Yan's five fingers, and the Linggai of the day after tomorrow was pinched and exploded by Chu Yan, instantly killing him.

Chu Yan didn't wait for the second person to react, already grabbing the bone spear and blasting it out! The ancient runes on the bone spear were shining, and the second member of the Heavenly Mystery Gate realized that the body was frightened by this terrible power and could not move. It was directly penetrated through the heart, strangling the soul! "Next!"

Chu Yan's eyebrows have endless sword light blooming, and the third one evaded him, and he was directly made into a monk sashimi, and then he went straight to the fourth monk! The fourth cultivator of the Heavenly Mystery Gate was the one who had suppressed the Demon Vine Blood Python before.

At that time, Chu Yan could see that the opponent's supernatural powers were a bit weird, as if it involved time and space, and could be imprisoned for a short time.

However, there is a big drawback! Swish Swish! Chu Yan's sword light predicted the opponent's prediction, and when the opponent wanted to raise his hand to suppress him, he cut it down in advance.

With the two palms being cut off, the cultivator of the Heavenly Mystery Gate was dumbfounded, and then the sword light penetrated the center of his eyebrows.

"The Kingdom of Gods and Demons!"

Chu Yan sacrificed to the kingdom of gods and demons, countless golden palaces rose from the ground, and countless gods and demons rolled in.

In an instant, the remaining three members of the Heavenly Mystery Gate were flooded.

They wanted to resist, they wanted to escape, but they struggled with both fists and four hands, and they were still eliminated in the kingdom of gods and demons.

At this point, Yang Feng and the seven members of Tianjimen were all dead!

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