Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2464: Hanato

This scene stunned everyone in Shenwuzong.

They learned that after Chu Yan's record of beheading the elder Wanheng two years ago, no one would despise Chu Yan because he was still a true fairyland.

This is a world where strength is respected.

Strength is everything, strength is everything! Chu Yan can leapfrog and kill Nirvana, which is a symbol of strength.

Now, Chu Yan even more with his own power, beheaded the eight Nirvana Realm including Yang Feng! They couldn't imagine how powerful Chu Yan is today! "Chu Yan, you..." Murphy was a little dumbfounded, and she was out of danger without responding for a while.

Senior Brother Dong, the silver-haired young man, was even more stunned, unable to say a word.

On the contrary, Xie Qingyu, the lovely girl in the party, was the first to react, her beautiful eyes flowing, and she smiled at Chu Yan: "Brother Chu, thank you for speaking up and saving lives!"

As soon as Chu Yan wanted to reply, Xie Qingyu, the lovely girl, said again: "You just said that I will be a queen for Chen Feng and be a Taoist companion. He is not worthy of Chen Feng. This is very right! But, if I serve as a Taoist companion for Senior Brother Chu, no Do you know what Brother Chu thinks?"

Chu Yan was slightly startled.

Although he got along for a few months, he also understood Xie Qingyu's quirky spirit, but he never expected this to be true, and he did not expect it.

"Oh, I was kidding!"

The lovely girl Xie Qingyu said again.

However, before Chu Yan breathed a sigh of relief, she continued: "Nevertheless, Brother Chu really has a crush on me.

Chu Yan couldn't laugh or cry, Xie Qingyu, this girl, is really strange.

"Okay, Sister Xie, don't tease your savior."

Murphy Fei reminded the lovely girl Xie Qingyu that everything should be done well and not to go too far.

Even though Chu Yan has a good temper, but teasing him again and again like this, isn't it just playing with fire, isn't it just bullying the honest people?

Can't make it, can't make it.

With Murphy's reminder, the lovely girl Xie Qingyu finally shut up.

Chu Yan also knew that this was the catharsis of Xie Qingyu for the rest of his life after the catastrophe, and he didn't care about it.

Boom boom boom! Subsequently, Chu Yan helped them untie the shackles.

"What should be done next?"

Murphy could not help asking.

Yang Feng is dead, and the next team will naturally be based on Chu Yan.

Chu Yan thought about it for a moment, but before he said a word, he saw that the nearby vines were actually moving.

They drew the blood of the dead Yang Feng and the people of Tianjimen, had a full meal, and then quickly receded like a tide.

Soon, a strangely shaped palace stood in front of everyone.

The reason why the palace is strange is that it is very tall and towering into the clouds, but the uppermost and surrounding walls are broken open, and countless vines gush out from it, climbing on top of this tall palace.

Countless vines gathered together, weaving into a hideous and terrifying face.

Some faces struggle constantly, as if wanting to escape from it.

Some are muttering to themselves, looking at the shape of their lips, they are calling for help.

Others are crying and laughing sometimes.

For a while, Murphy and the others couldn't tell whether these hideous and terrifying faces were true or false.

When everyone was in a state of uncertainty, the surrounding mountains suddenly shook.

The faces of the vines clinging to the strange palace, at this moment, seem to have come alive.

It's as if you really want to recover from the vines and come to this world! Bang bang bang bang! Immediately afterwards, many vines suddenly appeared underground.

These vines are not the same as those seen before. Each one is as long as thousands of miles and possesses a certain indescribable vitality.

"Everyone, be careful."

Chu Yan, who faintly felt a little dangerous smell, reminded everyone to be careful.

Sure enough, these vines emerging from the ground changed rapidly.

They condensed into giant monsters such as Primordial Pythons, Moko Fierce Beasts, Double-Headed Demons and so on.

The monster after the change, as if coming prepared, pointed at Chu Yan and the others to kill! A heart of Murphy Fei mentioned his throat, the same goes for the lovely girl Xie Qingyu and the silver-haired young man Dong.

However, they all had no time to think about it, and one after another they faced all the gods and demons who had been killed.

The Primordial Python relied on its huge body and directly suppressed the fall against Chu Yan and others.

Murphy and the others quickly avoided.

Chu Yan deliberately killed this changed Taikoo python, but unfortunately he hadn't taken a shot before the double-headed demon flanked.

The two-headed demon did not stare at Chu Yan, but attacked several other Shenwuzong disciples in True Wonderland.

Pick a soft persimmon! Chu Yan frowned and urgently rescued him.

Boom boom boom boom! As soon as Chu Yan forced the two-headed demon back, the Moke fierce beast followed closely.

They seem to have a certain kind of intelligence, just don't start with Chu Yan, and specifically select weaker monks to attack.

Chu Yan was exhausted by the rescue and had no time to kill these terrifying gods and demons.

Clang Clang!

The lovely girl Xie Qingyu summoned a set of flying swords, a total of ninety-nine swords, constantly evolving various sword formations.

Either attack, or defense, or move, but within a short period of time, it can be retracted freely and can protect itself.

There are also many treasures of the silver-haired young brother Dong.

The magical power he displayed this time was to evolve a palace.

There are countless warriors rushing out of it.

The soldiers did not let the wind fall against the gods of war, and the silver-haired young man Dong was sitting in the back, but he was also very contented.

While talking and laughing, the gods and demons were wiped out.

Murphy's strength should not be underestimated. In order to deal with this situation, she dispatched some treasures at the bottom of the box.

Because there are too many vines here, there is a steady stream of changes coming out of the gods and demons, but you can kill them, but you can't kill them, you can't kill them! As time goes by, some disciples of Shen Wuzong who have insufficient cultivation skills have fallen here.

Chu Yan saw it, but he couldn't help it, and the rescue was too late.

Because there are more and more gods and demons accompanying the change of vines, the distance between him and the lovely girl Xie Qingyu and the silver-haired young brother Dong are getting farther and farther! They were forcibly separated by the endless vine gods and demons! At this moment, the many vines that were fighting fiercely with the people of Shenwu Sect grew huge flowers without warning.

The gods and demons who were fighting fiercely before, changed into flowers in the next moment, and Murphy and the others couldn't even react.

Whoops whoops! Both the lovely girl Xie Qingyu and the silver-haired young brother Dong were all sucked into it at once, and then quickly retreated towards the towering palace.

They are so, not to mention the other Shen Wuzong disciples who survived by chance.

Chu Yan discovered that Murphy and the others were caught by the flowers carelessly and led to the palace. When he turned his eyes, he also sold a flaw, pretending to be inhaled by the flowers, and then flew towards the palace.

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