Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2465: Samurai Magic Palace

The flowers that spread out seemed to be instigated by a certain will, and came with a mission. When they captured the Shenwu Sect and brought them all to the palace, the road to the palace was directly blocked by the vines, and it seemed that they never appeared.

Before long, some figures gradually approached outside of Xiantao Valley.

The aura of these figures is powerful, and the demon aura soars into the sky. They are actually a group of great demon that have appeared before.

One of the bull's head demon, holding an ancient mirror, opened the way in front.

The ancient mirror is very vicissitudes of life, with unknowingly natural lines or wounded cracks on it.

The mirror surface is intact, but a vague and distorted face emerges.

The face is permeated with a kind of terrifying wave, it looks like it is in hysterics, and it is like a roar in the sky.

The most amazing thing is that this fuzzy and distorted face in the ancient mirror can directly affect reality.

The direction that the ancient mirror faces, the universe is turning upside down, the five elements are collapsing, and the void can't resist its gaze, and there is a trace of cracks visible to the naked eye.

More than that, the big demon with the bull head holding the ancient mirror also looked pale and could hardly support a single tree.

Obviously, just to control this ancient mirror, it has already endured unparalleled pressure and consumes a lot of money.

This is different from the Tianjimen and others who used the characteristics of the demon vine blood python to avoid the potential dangers here. The face in this ancient mirror directly caused the vines in front to retreat and tremble.

Bang bang bang bang! But all the vines that retreated slowly were bombarded with dross, mercilessly! This group of great monsters didn't rely on any skills, and completely relied on the shocking power of Gu Jing's face to break through! As for the great demon who hadn't directly appeared before, the huge figure that was as dark as ink is also appearing at this moment.

However, he was hidden in the cloak and couldn't see what he really looked like under the cloak.

As soon as the cloak demon arrived, he spoke slowly: "Don't worry.

Now the demon aura in Xiantao Valley is already extremely strong, and when it reaches its peak, it is only a step away.

This time, our Samurai Demon Palace can definitely help it break the seal! "

Numerous big monsters repeatedly said yes.

On the other hand, inside the palace.

Chu Yan, who was encased in the flower, perceives it with divine consciousness, and is sure that there will be no movement in the flower next, so he breaks it decisively and escapes from the trap.

However, Chu Yan, who had just left the flowers, was stunned.

I saw the scene inside the palace, very scary.

Countless flesh and blood bones fused together, condensed, and turned into a muddy ground and flowers of vines.

Countless heads hung in all directions, humanoids, monsters, and even some gods and demons who don't know their names.

The main pole is covered with a crystal wall made of blood.

Like a treasure between heaven and earth, and like a gift at the end of hell.

Seeing this, Chu Yan, who was still a bit solemn, immediately revealed a pleasant surprise: "This is..." Chu Yan carefully felt the vigorous blood condensed on the main pole, and his eyes were full of ecstasy that could not be concealed. .

He immediately turned his five fingers into claws, and a sharp golden light appeared between his fingers.

Hiss! With the stroke of Chu Yan's five fingers and a fierce tear, a large amount of blood surges from the main pole! The blood was flowing, extremely violent, they evolved all sorts of miracles on their own, blood dragons, blood phoenix, unicorn Kunpeng, in an instant, the palace was full of the roar of these **** shadows.

"What a vigorous spirit!"

Upon seeing this, Chu Yan didn't change his face, and as his thoughts turned, these **** shadows actually burst and turned into endless blood again, which was sucked into his body by Chu Yan dripping.

The pores of Chu Yan's body opened up like endless vortexes. All the **** shadows that were attracted directly turned into countless blood mists, and then poured into the pores, nourishing his limbs.

At this moment, Chu Yan seemed to have become the center of the universe, a cloud of blood and blood, like stars, turning into a little bit of starlight, combining with this universe.

Boom boom boom boom! Chu Yan's eyes were getting brighter and brighter, and he only felt that his whole body's blood gas turned into a galaxy, rushing freely, his aura rising steadily, and gradually, it was so strong that the entire palace was trembling slightly.

As Chu Yan absorbed more and more blood energy, his breath became stronger and stronger, and the movement in all directions became greater and greater, and even the entire towering palace was shaking.

Rumble rumbling! Before setting foot in the palace formally, the group of Samgawa Demon Palace, who was already near the entrance, was taken aback.

"What's happening here?

Why do I feel that the palace is constantly shaking? "

"Could it be that what happened inside?"

"It shouldn't be! Except for our Samurai Demon Palace, everyone else came to die!"

All the great monsters are confident, after all, this is a big plan for many years, and they have long determined that this is the thing in the bag of the Samurai Demon Palace.

Seeing this, the cloak demon's eyelids jumped wildly, inexplicably a little surprised.

Faintly, he had a bad premonition emerging in his mind.

Ho Ho Ho Ho! Suddenly, the ancient mirror, which was initially controlled by the big monster bull head, let out a series of terrifying roars without warning.

"Oops! Did someone get on first?"

Hearing the sound, the big demon in the cloak, who was secretly unfavorable, quickly took out the ancient mirror.

I saw that in the ancient mirror at this time, the face that was originally blurred and distorted, became more and more blurred, more distorted, and roaring again and again.

Immediately afterwards, a stream of black smoke escaped, condensing into more than a dozen humanoid monsters.

As soon as these humanoid monsters appeared, the group of people in the Hanchuan Demon Palace, except for the cloaked monster, took a half step back involuntarily.

It's just because these humanoid monsters are not weaker than them, and there is a natural suppression for them that is unclear! Don't think that these big monsters in the Hanchuan Demon Palace are terrifying, but facing these humanoid big monsters, even if the opponent is not a real monster, it is easy to kill them.

You must know that these big monsters in the Hanchuan Demon Palace, looking at the monster clan, are all powerful, once they gather in a group, even the demon emperors dare not look down upon them.

Now he was shocked by the humanoid monster that changed in the mere black smoke. It was still shocked from the level, which was really strange! Whoops whoops! However, the enemies of these humanoid monsters were not the people of the Samurai Demon Palace. After condensing them, they quickly flew into the palace.

"My lord, this is..." A great demon in the Hanchuan Demon Palace cautiously looked at the cloak figure.

"You don't need to take care of these things. On the contrary, they are in the palace. I am afraid that there will be changes. We need to follow up as soon as possible."

The great demon in the cloak did not want to say more, but urged the great demon in the Hanchuan Devil's Palace to hurry up and unearth this guy who was quick to climb.

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