Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2471: Shock Nirvana


How dare I say that I am an ant! "

Hearing that, while the Primordial Blood Demon was frightened and angry, there was also a shuddering feeling.

The last time I felt this way, I don’t know how many years ago it was.

At that time, the Primordial Blood Demon was still very weak, but now he is so strong that even the Six Sages of Xiantao can't kill it.

However, Chu Yan dared to directly call the Primordial Blood Demon an ant, and in front of Chu Yan, the Primordial Blood Demon was born with a sense of being an ant because of a strange mess. This is not right! "Pretend to be a god! I'll kill you now!"

The Primordial Blood Demon put away the thoughts of the cat playing with the mouse, took a deep breath, and the endless blood quickly gathered in his mouth.

Ho Ho Ho Ho! In the next moment, a huge blood dragon of millions of miles flew out from the mouth of the Primordial Blood Demon.

Time is stagnant because of the blood-light dragon, and the space will be shattered by the blood-light dragon. The entire palace is about to rise because of the blood-light dragon raising its head! The Primordial Blood Demon is determined to obliterate Chu Yan.

However, no matter how powerful the bloodlight dragon was, Chu Yan remained calm.

Facing the so-called bloodlight dragon, Chu Yan just raised his hand gently.

Puff puff! The blood light dragon shattered like bubbles, and then burst together, as well as half of the body of the Primordial Blood Demon.


The Primordial Blood Demon glanced sluggishly at his incomplete self, stunned a little, the blood sea below suddenly rolled over.

Countless blood surged wildly, irrigating the wounds of the Primordial Blood Demon, allowing him to recover as before.

Even so, the face of the Primordial Blood Demon was still ugly.

If Chu Yan had just hit him completely, would he have no chance to reply?

Thinking of this, the Primordial Blood Demon became more and more frightened.

Realizing that he was actually afraid of Chu Yan, the Primordial Blood Demon became annoyed.

Did he endure it for many years, just to be reborn and resurrect as a grandson?

What's more, the Primordial Blood Demon is very clear that there are no good men and women who can cultivate to this level. Today, it is destined to be either you or me! That being the case, he also doesn't need to look forward and backward so much! "I care about where you are, and I will kill you today!"

The Primordial Blood Demon kills with awe-inspiring intent.

An ancient mirror was summoned by the Primordial Blood Demon out of thin air, and countless black figures appeared in it.

Buzzing! In the buzzing sound, these figures walked out of the ancient mirror, turning the imaginary into reality.

In an instant, it was an evolving humanoid monster beast! The strength of each statue is stronger than the one sent to attack Chu Yan before.

Now there are tens of thousands! Such a large army, even a sect, would be pushed horizontally and razed to the ground.

Above the sea of ​​blood, there are continuous appearances, and rounds of blood moons are condensed, hanging high in the air.

Swish Swish! Immediately afterwards, rounds of **** moons split, and there were **** eyeballs glowing with gloom, but wherever they were watched, even if it was nothingness, they would not be able to withstand its gaze, and then they would split.

If the ordinary Nirvana is being watched, it will only explode on the spot, and the body and spirit will be destroyed! Clang Clang! Afterwards, a primordial blood demon, holding a variety of magic weapons, appeared one by one.

Some of them are young, some are old, some are still young, some are over a hundred and a half years old... They are actually ancient blood demon from different moments.

Some of them come from the past, and some come from the future, centering on the present, breaking through the imprisonment of the five elements, crossing the long river of years, and projecting into this world! The Primordial Blood Demon looked indifferent, raising magical weapons such as divine swords, treasure knives, and war spears that they had seen once and again appearing in the world in an extremely special way.


One word of killing fell, tens of thousands of humanoid monsters, round blood moon eyeballs, and an ancient blood monster from the past and the future, all in trouble.

Stepping through the sky and piercing through nothingness, this world became unstable and collapsed at any time because of countless ancient blood demons from the past and the future.

In the end, countless magical powers were exhausted and the body of Chu Yan, the extreme roar even slowed the time by a beat, and there was a complete silence for an instant! Rumble! At the same time that the roar flooded the palace, a black hole appeared in Chu Yan's position. This was even the void was completely blown up! As soon as the shot ended, the breath of the Primordial Blood Demon instantly wilted a lot.

However, the ancient blood demon raised the corners of his mouth and revealed a satisfied smile: "This trump card was originally reserved for enemies at the dominance level. After all, I am not in the state. Guy, I'm really a little worried.

I didn't expect it to be used for you, boy, even if you die, you are also worthy of pride! "

However, the smile of the Primordial Blood Demon quickly froze again.

At the next moment, Chu Yan, who should have died, appeared unscathed.

He said faintly: "Ki...ant..." After he finished speaking, Chu Yan stepped forward and raised his hand to the front door of the Primordial Blood Demon.

This catch was like an instant and eternity, the Primordial Blood Demon couldn't avoid it at all! Bang! The head of the Primordial Blood Demon burst open, but his voice still echoed in the palace: "Hahaha, this can't kill me!"

Without saying a word, Chu Yan casually shredded the body of the Primordial Blood Demon into a pile of meat sauce.

At this point, the Primordial Blood Demon felt something wrong, but now that there is no way to go back: "Weak, you are weak! This little method can't kill me!"

Chu Yan was still silent, but this time, a **** grinding disc phantom appeared around his body, and he began to refine the Primordial Blood Demon.

Feeling this terrifying power of annihilation, the Primordial Blood Demon was finally scared. When he turned his eyes, he made a decision: "Your Excellency, stop! If you have something to say, you and I may not be unable to cooperate. At the level of you and me, There are only eternal interests, no eternal enemies!"

"At the time I controlled one of the Six Sages of Xiantao, I was very aware of the many resources they used to stay here."

"I don't know why your Excellency became like this, but you are also in urgent need of recovery. If you have the resources left by the Six Sages of Xiantao, isn't it a matter of grasping at your fingertips?"

"As long as you and I take a step back, you can end in a happy ending!"

The Primordial Blood Demon knows the truth about leaving the green hills without worrying about not having firewood.

He was dormant back then, didn't he also wait for the opportunity?

Now I just do it again, without any psychological resistance.

Chu Yan ignored him, still refining the Primordial Blood Demon.

As the grinding wheel rotates, the majestic force rolls in.

The Primordial Blood Demon tried his best and struggled to resist, but in vain, he was quickly wiped out.

After thoroughly refining and assimilating the Primordial Blood Demon, the black in Chu Yan's eyes faded and he said to himself: "Now I can probably try to hit Nirvana."

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