Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2472: Fate

From the nine levels of true fairyland to Nirvana, it seems that there is only a wall separated, but in fact it is very different.

It is not surprising that some monks have not been able to cross the threshold of Nirvana because of their insufficient background.

As strong as Chu said, after advancing to the Ninth Realm of True Wonderland, after one or two years, they failed to immediately hit the Nirvana Realm.

Even when he explored Xiantao Valley this time, Chu Yan also used to accumulate strength, and did not expect to become a big fat man in one bite.

Unexpectedly, a Primordial Blood Demon was killed halfway through.

The opponent's vitality is as vast as the sea, even if it is not at the peak, it still fills up the shortcomings of Chu Yan in one breath, making him reach the door of Nirvana.

On this point, he really had to thank the Primordial Blood Demon for being a stepping stone to his impact on Nirvana.

Chu Yan didn't say much, he hurriedly used this force to hit the gate of Nirvana.

Rumble! Chu Yan's crossing the robbery this time is different from the past.

Although in the past Chu Yan was only a small level of advancement, it caused a terrifying movement in the world.

However, this time the impact on Nirvana, the momentum is a hundred times, a thousand times as much as before! He had just begun to cross the robbery, and the whole palace became shaky.

You must know that the Primordial Blood Demon made many shots just now, and the palace was still as motionless as a mountain with the impact of Nirvana again and again.

Now that Chu Yan's catastrophe has arrived, it has made the palace unstable, showing signs of collapse, which shows how terrifying Chu Yan's catastrophe is.

The huge sky thunders of thousands of miles continuously turned into various colors, representing different powers of destruction.

If an ordinary monk meets, he must shout that my life is over.

After all, the monks in the true fairyland have limited means, and the sky thunder that changes all kinds of destructive powers alone is enough to destroy all the magic weapons of the monks.

Whether it is blood or soul, it will be annihilated and dissipated between heaven and earth.

Not to mention, scenes of weird scenes appeared in the void in this area after Chu Yan began to cross the catastrophe.

The original nothingness seems to have become a mirror, in which there are reflections of fuzzy figures who don't know which world they exist in.

They were all looking at Chu Yan, feeling that it was delicious, and they all explored their hands, wanting to grab it through the endless time and space.

Even if it is harvesting an arm or a leg, it is not worth the trip.

The earth's fire was surging, breaking through the remnants of the Six Sages of Xiantao, and went straight to Chu Yan.

In an instant, the fairy peach valley became a purgatory, and the surrounding monsters fled, ran away, and failed to leave in time, all of them were obliterated by the sky thunder, swallowed by the ground fire, or destroyed by the palms that did not know where they came from.

Chu Yan stayed still, his breath continued to climb higher and stronger.

At this moment, he is faintly dignified, like the darling of heaven and earth, beloved by God, favored by the Dao, how many calamities have struck, except for the part that was resisted by Chu Yan, he was actually eliminated inexplicably, as if it were It was really incredible that Chu Yan didn't want to bear too much.

It is important to know that those who can achieve dominance and even higher existence do not necessarily receive this kind of treatment.

Time does not know how long it has passed. When Chu Yan opened his eyes, he was already a Nirvana monk.

Different from the usual advancement, Chu Yan has transformed from the nine-fold true fairyland to the Nirvana, which is ten times or a hundred times stronger, but the signs that show up are not showing the mountains and the water. For example, his current spiritual consciousness can easily cover hundreds of thousands. Wanli, just not the same as before, manifested this kind of power on its own.

The big sound is loud, the elephant is invisible, nothing more than that.

"Nirvana, at the same time that Nirvana is reborn, have you completely returned to the original?"

Thinking of this, Chu Yan suddenly felt that the Nirvana state of Yang Feng, Wan Heng and others was really too bad. The so-called Nirvana state was only the appearance, not enough charm! Suddenly, Chu Yan felt the continual impact of the divine light in the sea of ​​knowledge, and he immediately looked at the seed of life and soul in the sea of ​​knowledge.

I saw in Chu Yan's Sea of ​​Knowledge, in the Milky Way-like Life Soul Seed, three rays of light suddenly lit up, bursting out with indescribable intense light.

The radiance was dazzling, illuminating Chu Yan's entire sea of ​​consciousness, as if there were three more scorching suns.

In the endless rays of light, the postures of the three life soul seeds gradually changed.

One is filled with endless vitality, like a towering tree rising from the ground; one is full of inexplicable weirdness, as if connecting a certain time and space; the other is full of killing, and endless fighting will, gods block Kill the gods, the Buddhas block and kill the Buddhas, and those who block me die, I am invincible! After a while, the three fate soul seeds immediately turned into three shining fate souls, revealing their complete posture.

The three life souls are a lotus flower, a door and a white tiger.

Chu Yan understood the meaning of these three life souls.

The lotus is the blood lotus absorbed by the demon monk a long time ago, the portal represents the gate of hell, and the white tiger is the blood of the white tiger, and now it has become his life soul.

Subsequently, Chu Yan entered the Guixu Pagoda.

On the new first floor of Guixu Pagoda, there is a table-sized, colorful stone.

This is the soul stone of life! Chu Yan reached out and touched.

As soon as it touched the Fate Soul Essence Stone, it flew into the sea of ​​knowledge of Chu Yan by itself, and kept spinning around the three Fate Souls.

With the rotation of the life soul element stone again and again, it was like a whetstone sharpening the sword, the light of the three life souls became more and more bright.

It wasn't until later that the three life souls were already extremely dazzling, and the life soul essence stone stayed still.

Upon seeing this, Chu Yan was very satisfied, withdrew from Guixu Tower and returned to reality.

Chu Yan unfolded his spiritual knowledge, searched for a while, and soon found Murphy Fei, who was unconscious, the lovely girl Xie Qingyu, and the silver-haired young man Dong Dong! Especially the silver-haired young Senior Brother Dong, he was directly knocked into the air at the time, and his breath was wilted. Chu Yan thought he had died unfortunately. After all, there was a chaotic battle later, and he did not expect to survive this way.

However, as a fellow brother, Chu Yan naturally couldn't expect the silver-haired young man Dong to die.

What's more, the silver-haired young brother Dong, apart from being a little bit awkward, actually has nothing wrong with him. Whenever he encounters danger, he is willing to take the initiative to resist, and he can be worthy of what everyone calls him along the way.

Afterwards, Chu Yan awakened the silver-haired young Senior Brother Dong, the lovely girl Xie Qingyu, and Murphy Fei.

"Hmm..." The silver-haired young man Senior Brother Dong and the lovely girls Xie Qingyu and Murphy Fei only felt a burst of warmth in their bodies, so they slowly woke up.


Chu Yan? "

"Brother Chu..." "Brother Chu."

The silver-haired young brother Dong, the lovely girl Xie Qingyu, and Murphy Fei looked at the Chu Yan in front of them, a little confused.

In the blink of an eye, all three of them shook their minds suddenly, and their faces became vigilant nearby.

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