Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2473: Core disciple

"A few rest assured, it's all right now."

Chu Yan said so.


He has left the Primordial Blood Demon just now? "

Murphy Fei recalled everything before the coma, and asked for a while.

"I guess so, otherwise we can't survive."

Senior Brother Dong, the silver-haired young man, echoed.

"Brother Dong, I didn't expect you to be safe and sound!"

The lovely girl Xie Qingyu said suddenly.


Do you still expect me to die? "

Senior Brother Dong, the silver-haired young man, couldn't laugh or cry, "However, if it weren't for a treasure given to me by my parents to protect me at an emergency, I'm afraid I would have died and disappeared!"

After speaking, the silver-haired young man Dong took out a simple jade talisman. At this time, the jade talisman was already torn apart and there was no spirituality at all.

"In that case, let's leave as soon as possible, otherwise the Primordial Blood Demon will realize that we are not dead, then it will be dangerous!"

Murphy Fei said solemnly.

After seeing that the Primordial Blood Demon slaughtered the great demons in the Hanchuan Demon Palace like a chicken but a dog, Murphy had no intention of resisting at all.

You know, the many big monsters in the Hanchuan Demon Palace, if they are picked up at random, it is possible to destroy them, but now they are like little chickens, being crushed and obliterated by the Primordial Blood Demon.

Just thinking about it, Murphy couldn't help shaking and shuddering.

Not only her, the lovely girl Xie Qingyu and the silver-haired young brother Dong also had lingering fears. They wanted to quickly leave this place of right and wrong, and did not dare to stay for a long time.

"Sister Mo don't have to be so anxious."

Chu Yan explained, "The Primordial Blood Demon has died. There is no other danger here for the time being. It is rare. We might as well search for it before we retreat."


The Primordial Blood Demon is dead? "

While the three were shocked, the lovely girl Xie Qingyu also discovered that Chu Yan's breath was good, and she was actually in the same Nirvana state as theirs.

"Chu, Brother Chu, have you already advanced to Nirvana?"

The lovely girl Xie Qingyu was surprised.

"Well, after the death of the Primordial Blood Demon, I broke through, and I am already a Nirvana monk."

Chu Yan nodded, releasing the breath of Nirvana.

Hearing this, whether it was the silver-haired young senior brother Dong, the lovely girl Xie Qingyu, or Murphy, they were all dumbfounded, only their heads buzzing.

What's the situation?

They haven't been in a coma for too long, have they?

Why did the Primordial Blood Demon die, but Chu Yan broke through and became Nirvana?

The three of them look at me and I look at you. They all feel that all this is not real enough.

However, they know very well that they are alive now, which is the best proof! If the Primordial Blood Demon hadn't died, it would be absolutely impossible for them to survive by chance.

"Junior Brother Chu, thank you very much!"

Murphy took a deep breath and thanked Chu Yan.

The silver-haired young brother Dong and the lovely girl Xie Qingyu were also grateful.

"Senior Sister Mo is out of this world. The Primordial Blood Demon has to deal with not only you, but us. I am also out of self-protection."

Chu Yan shook his head and chuckled.

The three of Murphy and Fei nodded slightly, but did not ask how Chu Yan killed the Primordial Blood Demon.

Because the horror of the Primordial Blood Demon can be said to be vivid, and to be able to kill such an existence, Chu Yan must have used some means of pressing the bottom of the box. These can not be disclosed casually, they are naturally interested and don't ask more.

"In other words, Brother Chu, you are already a Nirvana monk. After returning to Shenwu Sect, you will be promoted to the same core disciple as us!"

The lovely girl Xie Qingyu said happily.

"A core disciple?"

Chu Yan thoughtfully.

Different identities represent different positions and treatments in Shenwuzong.

If Chu Yan was the core disciple at that time, even if it was only the first stage of Nirvana, it is estimated that Elder Wan Heng would not dare to start at will.

After all, the status of the core disciple is here, and it is not something that Elder Wan Heng and the like can casually handle.

"Yes, in our Shenwu Sect, the disciples of the first, second and third levels of Nirvana are the core disciples and one of the backbone of the sect."

The lovely girl Xie Qingyu nodded in response.

Chu Yan asked a few more questions about the core disciples, until Murphy and the three of them recovered a lot, before they began to search generously.

Among them, many of the previously discovered treasures were destroyed by the Primordial Blood Demon, and several people in Chu Yan couldn't help but regret it.

In the end, several of them stood in front of the demon pot at the bottom of the vine.

Unlike the scene where the demon energy was soaring to the sky at that time, the demon pot now has no demon aura. Wanting to come here is not unrelated to the Primordial Blood Demon getting out of trouble and being obliterated by Chu Yan.

"Although this thing is not as good as it was at the beginning, as the treasure of the ancient blood demon sealed by the Six Sages of Xiantao, you can still get a lot of rewards when you bring it back to the sect!"

The silver-haired young man Dong saw the value of the demon pot at a glance.

For his suggestion, Chu Yan's few people can't help it.

It's all here, you can't go home empty-handed.

However, just in case, after putting away the demon pot, Chu Yan and others immediately boarded the silver-haired young man Dong's palace magical powers and set off to return to Shenwuzong.

There was a safe journey there, and three months later, the four successfully mortgaged Shen Wuzong.

Thinking of the mighty more than a dozen people when he left, and now only four of them have returned alive, Murphy couldn't help but sigh.

"Junior Brother Chu, you go to promote the disciple level first, and the three of us will take the demon pot to receive the reward."

Murphy Fei proposed so.


Chu Yan can't help it.

After a while, in the hall, Chu Yan explained his intentions to the elder who was in charge of disciple level matters, and the other party couldn't help but be stunned.

Chu Yan used the sixth level of cultivation in the true fairyland to leapfrog and kill the elder Wan Heng of the second level of Nirvana. This incident is still vivid in his eyes.

Now in the past two years, Chu Yan has become a Nirvana monk?

Although he was surprised, it was only Chu Yan's cultivation base aura, which was an out-and-out nirvana. According to the rules, he could indeed raise his disciple level to a core disciple.

However, before the elder could speak, a core disciple nearby immediately obstructed: "Are you Chu Yan?

When you killed Elder Wanheng two years ago, it was only the sixth level of true fairyland. Now more than two years have passed and you have become a monk in Nirvana. This kind of cultivation speed is a bit weird, right? "

"In my opinion, Chu Yan, you must have cultivated some kind of magic. You have become a Nirvana monk in less than three years. Such a scum is not qualified to be a core disciple, or even to stay in our Shenwu Sect. !"

This core disciple got more and more excited as he spoke, approaching Chu Yan step by step.

The movement here was not small, and immediately attracted other Shenwuzong disciples to watch.

"what's going on?"


This is Chu Yan?

Is Chu Ning opposite him? "

"Why is Chu Yan here?

Could it be that he is already a Nirvana monk? "

"Hi...this breakthrough speed is too fast, right?"

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