Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2474: Fengtianhou

Many onlookers of Shen Wuzong disciples said each other.

In their words, Chu Yan also knew that the core disciple who suddenly obstructed him was called Chu Ning, who was a monk in the Nirvana Realm threefold.

As for why Chu Ning was like this, it was most likely related to Elder Wan Heng who Chu Yan had killed.

As the core disciple of the Nirvana Realm Triple Level, Chu Ning's authority in Shenwuzong is not small.

He and Elder Wan Heng had close contacts in private, plotting the benefits of the sect, and even had gossip, but their relationship was actually unclear.

However, Chu Yan killed Elder Wan Heng and damaged Chu Ning's interests. This is how Chu Ning was not irritated.

I happened to meet Chu Yan today, so I directly put on the hat of practicing magic skills.

Not to mention, even if Chu Yan advances to Nirvana, he is still the first level of Nirvana, Chu Ning is a monk of the third level of Nirvana.

After Nirvana, one day after the other, the gap between them is not the same.

Chu Yan can leapfrog and kill the elder Wan Heng in the second stage of Nirvana, but he can't necessarily deal with Chu Ning in the third stage of Nirvana.

In other words, Chu Yan can only suffer if Chu Ning finds fault today, otherwise he will wait to be beaten.

"I see."

Chu Yan knew it in his heart, but he was still calm on the surface.

"Chu Yan, if you have practiced magic arts, I think you will be clear if you take a visit to the penalty hall!"

A pair of small eyes on Chu Ning's big face narrowed, "Everyone is the same brother, don't make it difficult for me."

Hearing that, Chu Yan smiled: "With your suspicion, I have to go to the penalty hall, Chu Ning, how old are you!"

Chu Ning's face suddenly turned pale.

Chu Yan called his name outright, and didn't even have a senior brother. This is completely unprepared to give face to himself! "Haha, I said Chu Yan is not a soft persimmon, Chu Ning is going to kick the iron plate today!"

"I think they will probably do it. Chu Ning is so happy, Chu Yan has lost his face like this, and he won't let Chu Yan vomit blood for three liters, and he won't be able to find this one."

"But Chu Yan is the first level of Nirvana at best, and Chu Ning is the third level of Nirvana. Even if Chu Yan leapfrogged and killed the elder Wanheng of the second level of Nirvana, it has nothing to do with Elder Wan Heng's careless underestimation of the enemy. It will leave Chu Yan with such a flaw."

A crowd of onlookers of Shenwuzong pointed out Jiangshan and urged the words. Most of them thought that Chu Yan really did it with Chu Ning, and they would definitely feel unhappy.

Let alone Chu Ning, among the core disciples of Shen Wuzong, is notoriously careful and cunning, and the gap between the Nirvana Realm, one level of cultivation is one level of heaven and earth, but it is not so easy to cross.

What they think is exactly what Chu Ning thinks.

Therefore, Chu Ning was not prepared to give Chu Yan a chance to guard against it.

This is a magical power that Chu Ning acquired by chance in the past. Several clones are all Chu Ning, regardless of you and me, no distinction between true and false! The power of this magical power is that Chu Ning can merge into one at any time and raise his combat power to the peak.

If the two sides are close to the ruler, I'm afraid that Chu Ning hasn't had time to tell which is true and which is false. Chu Ning will suppress it.

Unfortunately, what Chu Ning met was Chu Yan! Chu Yan just smiled at Chu Ning's supernatural powers: "Small bugs."

The next moment, Chu Yan's eyebrows burst into light.

Since there are several Chu Nings, then all of them will be suppressed! Whoops whoops! The sword light burst out, piercing the figures close to Chu Yan in one breath.

Puff puff puff! Several Chu Nings were cut by Jianguang, vomiting blood one after another, and immediately merged into one body. With the accumulation of injuries, the damage they received doubled.

"Chu Ning, you have three levels of Nirvana, but that's not it!"

Chu Yan said lightly.

"Chu Yan, you..." Chu Ning's face sank, just about to speak, only to see a lotus flower suppressing him from top to bottom! This is Chu Yan's lotus soul, which looks holy and flawless, but it falls on Chu Ning's head, but it is heavy, like a mountain river falling on his shoulders, unable to move.

In a few moments, the injured Chu Ning's breathing became hurried.

Seeing this, the disciples of Shen Wuzong who were still holding the thoughts of watching the drama before, all became disillusioned.

Isn't this Chu Yan too strong?

Although it was not that no one had thought about it, Chu Yan is still a miracle day and could kill Chu Ning, but this kind of crushing defeat of Chu Ning is definitely not expected.

"Well, this is not a place for you to mess around."

The elder on the side spoke slowly.

Chu Yan did not say anything, and directly withdrew the lotus soul.

Chu Ning showed no anger, but he became the king and the loser. He took the initiative to take the initiative and was suppressed by Chu Yan. He had no face, and it was not too late for the gentleman to take revenge for ten years. He immediately retreated desperately.

With Chu Ning's lesson, Chu Yan raised his disciple level unimpeded, and was already a registered core disciple.

After everything was over, Chu Yan didn't stay too much, and went straight to meet Murphy and the others.

"Junior Brother Chu, why when we came over, we heard that you just made a noise again?"

Murphy Fei asked with a smile.

"A little thing is not enough."

Chu Yan replied.

Chu Ning couldn't even handle a single move of her own, and this was the triple level of Nirvana. The current triple level of Nirvana is too worthless.

Therefore, to say that it was just a matter of fact is only a trivial matter, and it is not wrong at all.

Murphy and others, who knew Chu Yan's strength, laughed and said nothing.

Think about it, soon the entire Shenwu Sect will clearly realize the weight of Chu Yan's name.

"This is the treasure of heaven and earth that I got."

Murphy Fei showed what Shen Wuzong sent after handing in the demon pot.

In fact, if you really have to go through the process, the rewards may not be able to be issued so quickly.

However, the silver-haired young senior brother Dong and the lovely girl Xie Qingyu have a relationship and background, which saves some tedious steps.

"Nine Yin Profound Fire Crystals, One Hundred Refining Blood Gold, Three Lives and Three Extinctions Lightning Strikes Wood... are all good things."

Chu Yan's eyes lit up.

"Junior Brother Chu, we have discussed it. If it weren't for you this time, we would never return, so 70% of the reward goes to you, and the remaining 30% is for us."

Murphy revealed the distribution plan they had just discussed.

Regarding this result, the silver-haired young Senior Brother Dong and the lovely girl Xie Qingyu had no objections. After all, they were holding Chu Yan's thighs all the way, and they had recovered their lives. It would be good to be able to get a 10% reward in vain.

Chu Yan did not refuse, nodded and accepted.

After the distribution was completed, several people disbanded in place, and Chu Yan returned to his planet.

However, not long after Chu Yan returned, several core disciples of Nirvana came to the door.

"Are you Chu Yan?

Come with me, Feng Tianhou wants to see you! "

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