Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2475: Xuantian Bang

"Feng Tianhou?"

Chu Yan was startled slightly, then shook his head, "I don't know Fengtianhou."

"Feng Tianhou doesn't know him?"

Among the few people, a tall man at the head chuckled, "It is rumored that you are an extraordinary talent in Chu Yan. You are a genius of heaven, but now it seems that you don't even know Feng Tianhou, and you don't think about it!"

Chu Yan didn't even look at them, and was about to leave.

Seeing this, the tall man was stunned for a moment, then his face sank: "Chu Yan, stop for me! Didn't you say Feng Tianhou wants to see you?

What are you going "

"I don't know Feng Tianhou. If you want to see me, you can let him come and visit me."

Chu Yan said unhurriedly.

"Bold! Chu Yan, how dare you be disrespectful to Feng Tianhou!"

"You can go to see Feng Tianhou with us right now, but you can forget the blame."

"It's rare that Feng Tianhou wants to see you and appreciate your strength. Don't toast or eat fine wine!"

"We know that you killed Elder Wanheng and defeated Chu Ning, a triple Nirvana Realm. But I can tell you that Feng Tianhou can beat them one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand. !"

"You also suppressed three or two kittens and puppies. There is nothing to be proud of!"

Several core disciples in the Nirvana Realm saw that Chu Yan was rude to Feng Tianhou, and even Feng Tianhou came to visit Chu Yan in person. They couldn't help being annoyed, thinking that Chu Yan had eaten the courage of the bear heart and leopard! You know, even the Presbyterian Church must give Feng Tianhou enough dignity, he said nothing! Chu Yan sneered, ready to ignore it, and left.

"Chu Yan, you want to leave, have you ever asked us?"

Chu Yan repeatedly ignored Chu Yan, and finally angered the people who came.

Chu Yan's eyes flashed, and there was a bright light blooming between his eyebrows.

Whoops whoops! In the blink of an eye, several core disciples of Nirvana had been knocked into the air by Chu Yan, vomiting blood again and again.

Upon seeing this, they couldn't help showing a look of panic.

Before, they thought that Chu Yan defeated Chu Ning because Chu Ning underestimated the enemy. Now it seems that Chu Yan was too strong and crushed Chu Ning! Swish Swish! Thinking of this, they look at me, and I look at you. They didn't dare to stay for a long time, so they hurried away.

Chu Yan watched them leave coldly, and did not continue to take action.

Although the other party is unpleasant, Shenwuzong has the rules of Shenwuzong. If he kills because of this, it is estimated that the penalty hall will come to the door soon.

For the sake of a few people, I can't do this yet.

However, what Chu Yan didn't expect was that after a while, Murphy also came.

"Sister Mo."

Chu Yan asked with a smile, "I don't know what wind brought you here."

He remembered that they had just allocated the rewards, and they would go back to each house happily.

"What wind?

Feng Tianhou's seal! "

Murphy Fei said angrily, "I was on my way back and heard Feng Tianhou sent someone to look for you, so I rushed over, how about?

Are they not here yet? "


left already. "

Chu Yan replied.

"left already?"

Murphy Fei froze for a moment, and said, "Junior Brother Chu, tell me what happened."

Chu Yan recounted what had just happened.

"I never expected Feng Tianhou to actually send someone to find you!"

Murphy was shocked.

She was not so surprised by Chu Yan's several subordinates who had repelled Feng Tianhou.

She still knew Chu Yan's strength.

"Senior Sister Mo, is Feng Tianhou amazing?"

Chu Yan asked curiously.

"It's not just amazing!"

Murphy Fei said with a serious look: "Feng Tianhou is a celestial wizard of our Shenwu Sect. He is so famous that he can't be overstated. You don't even know Feng Tianhou at all. That's weird. Place!"

"You know, in our God Wuzong, the first, second, and third levels of Nirvana belong to the core disciples! The fourth, fifth, and sixth levels are true disciples! As for the seventh, eighth, and ninth levels, once you have cultivated to this level, the Zong The door will no longer use the name of a disciple to restrain them, Feng Tianhou is exactly a Nirvana Realm Nine Existence!"

"When he was in the real fairyland, he killed more than one enemy in the Nirvana Realm and wiped out countless monsters, so that the monsters just heard the three words Feng Tianhou, and they would flee and retreat. In the old days, they competed with the geniuses of the ancient country, and the geniuses of the ancient country had no choice but to fight. When the geniuses of the ancient country were frightened, in this life and this world, where there is a Fengtian, they will take the initiative to withdraw from the scope of thousands of miles."

"Even the Zongmen's elders' association gave Feng Tianhou enough respect and was willing to make an exception for Feng Tianhou, which shows how terrifying Feng Tianhou is... uh!"

Murphy, who was speaking, suddenly had a tone of voice, and then his face became weird.

"Wait, has Chu Yan done these things too?"

Murphy Fei recalled a little, looking at Chu Yan even more weird.

Because she remembered correctly, what Feng Tianhou did at the beginning, Chu Yan did the same, and he still did it! For example, this time killing the Primordial Blood Demon in Xiantao Valley, even if Chu Yan was very likely to use external forces, Murphy still felt that this was not a simple opponent that could be killed.

After all, the six sages of Xiantao and the six dominating realms could only seal the Primordial Blood Demon.

However, the Primordial Blood Demon was beheaded by Chu Yan! This matter, Murphy Fei does not think Feng Tianhou can easily do it.

"All in all, now Junior Brother Chu has offended Feng Tianhou, you are still careful afterwards. After all, you have wiped Feng Tianhou's face, and you don't know how he will retaliate."

Murphy reminded Chu Yan.

Even though Chu Yan's potential is endless, it is still the first level of Nirvana, and Fengtianhou is the ninth level of Nirvana! Chu Yan didn't take it seriously, Murphy Fei knew the character of this Junior Brother Chu, so he left without much persuasion.

In the next time, Chu Yan stayed on his planet to practice, and the Lord was sharpening his life and soul.

The three life souls in Chu Yanzhihai, the lotus flower, the white tiger, and the gate of hell, are not mortal things.

Sometimes it fades away from holiness and manifests itself as a gleaming blood lotus; sometimes it becomes the gate of hell, filled with a weird and eerie atmosphere; sometimes it evolves into a white tiger, shaking the sky and the earth, with a fighting spirit like killing The tide spread, and even Chu Yan was affected.

This made Chu Yan's knowledge of the sea a mess.

However, Chu Yan was fearless and devoted himself to sharpening his three life souls.

Time is hurried, and it is two years in a blink of an eye.

On this day, Chu Yan woke up from cultivation because of the movement of his identity jade card.

I saw that Chu Yan's identity jade badge showed a message that three months later, the Xuantian ranking test was about to start.

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