Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2477: Ghost Ancient Realm

Although it will not destroy the spiritual consciousness that comes from the search, but a small punishment and a big commandment, it is indispensable.

Therefore, the court suddenly screamed again and again, with ups and downs.

Obviously they were all spying on the disciple of Shen Wuzong who suffered a dark loss for this young man.

"Feng Tianhou!"

The silver-haired young brother Dong couldn't help breathing quickly.

"He is Feng Tianhou?"

Chu Yan watched the visitors with interest.

Feng Tianhou seems to have stepped into the air. In fact, every step he takes, he has the power of heaven and earth, the five elements of the universe, autonomously condense under his feet, become his stepping stone, and then pave the way The road never crossed! Seeing this, all the disciples of Shen Wuzong had a mind...the darling of heaven! Feng Tianhou is the darling of heaven and earth.

"Is this Feng Tianhou?

It's terrible! "

"This person turned out to be in Nirvana... I thought he was promoted to the Domination Realm."

"Feng Tianhou is too powerful and too enchanting. The Domination Realm is probably in his bag long ago, and the rest is just a matter of time."

"This kind of character is simply a rare encounter in a million years. I didn't expect to appear in our Shen Wuzong. It is almost impossible for people who want to be able to win an era can't lift their heads!"

The disciples of Shenwuzong were all amazed at Feng Tianhou.

In the midst of repeated exclaims, Feng Tianhou arrived at the scene.

Facing the crowd, Feng Tianhou flipped his palm and summoned a golden scroll.

He smiled and said, "This time in the Xuantian ranking competition, I will read the rules for everyone."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked again! Most of the people gathered here are the old people of Shenwuzong.

They even experienced more than one Xuantian ranking test.

Therefore, they are very clear about what it means to be appointed by the sect to read the rules of the Xuantian ranking test! "This represents the attitude of the sect, Feng Tianhou has an unlimited future!"

"It seems that the sect is going to be completely bound with Feng Tianhou in advance."

"Yes, in fact, although there are not many powerful people in the Nirvana Realm Nine Layers, there are not many, but the sect chose Feng Tianhou, and the attitude is evident."

When the Shen Wuzong disciple who understood the meaning looked at Feng Tianhou again, his eyes had changed, as if he were looking at a figure in the Presbyterian Church.

Feng Tianhou could naturally see what everyone was thinking, but the smile on his surface remained as he slowly unrolled the golden scroll, reading out the rules of the Xuantian ranking this time.

Chu Yan didn't think much about it, but concentrated on remembering the rules of the Xuantian ranking this time.

This time, the Xuantian ranking competition was set up as a circle.

On the periphery of this circle, it is divided into six ancient cities.

All the disciples participating in the Xuantian ranking test will be randomly assigned to one of the ancient cities after the Xuantian ranking test begins.

In each ancient city, there are a total of twenty treasures.

By the end of the ten-day competition, the disciples with treasures can enter the inner ring and advance to the next round of competition, and the others will be eliminated directly.

In addition, when a treasure is obtained by a disciple of the Shen Wuzong participating in the competition, a beam of light will be launched into the sky every two hours to indicate the location of the treasure.

Hearing that, many Shenwuzong disciples who were preparing to participate in the Xuantian ranking test couldn't help but change their expressions and talked a lot.

"In this way, there will definitely be constant fighting."

"Yes, it is difficult to get the qualifications for promotion once and for all."

"This time, the fierceness of the Xuantian ranking test is much more intense than before."

As everyone sighed, Feng Tianhou smiled slightly and said, "However, as long as you carry the treasure for an hour, you will be rewarded. The longer the time, the more generous the reward will be."

This brightened the eyes of the disciples of Shenwuzong who were still complaining just now! According to the rules of the Xuantian rankings announced by Feng Tianhou, his position was revealed only after two hours, but he would be rewarded if he carried the treasure for one hour.

In other words, as long as you fight for it, you can get at least two rewards. The longer the time, the more generous! At this moment, I'm afraid it's going to be bloodshed.

After all, as long as the core disciples and true disciples participating in the Xuantian ranking test, which one has no ambitions?

Now Zongmen formulates the rules so that they don't hide their clumsiness and keep their hands, and directly show their true strength.

This is the scene Shen Wuzong wants to see.

"Each ancient city only has twenty treasures... Junior Brother Chu, if you and I are lucky enough to be in an ancient city, if possible, Brother Dela, I will have a good return."

Senior Brother Dong, the silver-haired young man, smiled bitterly at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan can't laugh or cry, can't help it.

In fact, he felt that with the silver-haired young Senior Brother Dong's ability, as long as his luck was not too bad, he still had a chance to advance to the next round.

After all, there are twenty places in each ancient city, not too many, not too few.

Of course, Senior Brother Dong, the silver-haired young man, didn't even think about relying on Huo Chuyan's thighs to advance, but just added a piece of insurance.

With a one-sixth chance, he may not be assigned to an ancient city with Chu Yan.

When Feng Tianhou finished reading the rules, he entered the preparatory stage.

A huge hourglass flew into the sky, and when the countdown was over, it was time for the official opening of this Xuan Tian ranking.

Time was rushing, when the hourglass counted down, Chu Yan only felt a burst of power wrapped him, and then directly transmitted to another place.

"This is... Ancient Ghost Realm?"

Chu Yan looked around and said to himself.

At the moment they entered here, they had already received certain hints, such as which of the six ancient cities it was, and some of its characteristics.

In Chu Yan’s field of vision, the ancient ghost realm was filled with mist in all directions, not to mention the gaze, even if the divine sense encounters them, there will be a sense of blockage and it is difficult to penetrate. , It was restricted in this way.

As for the ground under one's feet, it is more like a shallow swamp, and it is cold everywhere.

This is a kind of icy cold that penetrates the soul and can paralyze the monk's perception. Over time, it may be frozen unconsciously and plunged into a dangerous situation.

In addition, Chu Yan also discovered that ghosts appear here from time to time. This is one of the greatest characteristics of ghost ancient realm. They are strongly hostile to monks and possess a certain amount of wisdom.

This means that the Shenwuzong disciples participating in the Xuantian ranking test must not only fight with each other, but also beware of ghost attacks.

Soon after, the ancient ghost realm suddenly became rumbling.

Whoops whoops! Chu Yan looked up and found that there were twenty beams of light rising into the sky.

Obviously, these are twenty treasures that belong to the ancient ghost realm and are related to the qualifications for promotion.

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