Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2478: The most difficult level

Not only that, Chu Yan also found out, but wherever a beam of light was lit, bursts of roar broke out directly.

Fire light and thunder are intertwined, sword light emerges, as if cutting space and avenues, the universe is collapsing, and the five elements are all annihilated! Seeing this scene, after thinking about it, Chu Yan didn't rush to fight for it, but sat cross-legged and meditated on the spot.

Among Shenwuzong, after all the disciples of Shenwuzong who participated in the Xuantian ranking test were teleported in, light curtains appeared in the sky immediately.

In these light curtains, the scenes in each ancient city are presented.

Seeing the dangerous situation of the ancient cities, everyone couldn't help but be speechless.

"I'm going, this ancient city is very dangerous. If you want to compete with the same family, you have to beware of all kinds of dangers from all directions!"

"These are natural traps. Even if a Nirvana monk accidentally falls into it, it is estimated that they will be completely destroyed. It is really too scary."

"Every ancient city is very dangerous. Entering under Nirvana is no different from taking the initiative to die!"

Everyone is shocked by the environment of the six ancient cities. It is no wonder that the Xuantian ranking requires Nirvana cultivation to participate. It turns out that the difficulty is so great! "I don't know if Feng Tianhou is a promising rising star in the Xuantian ranking this time?"

Suddenly, a woman in white clothes asked Feng Tianhou.

Her breath is not weak, she is actually the eightfold cultivation base of Nirvana, and is a powerful figure that can no longer be treated as a disciple like Feng Tianhou.

When asked by the white-clothed woman, Feng Tianhou smiled slightly and said: "Guo Zhenlin, Zhao Tianju, Wang Fang..." As soon as this statement came out, everyone couldn't help but discuss it.

"Guo Zhenlin, is he who has been promoted to the sixth level of Nirvana in recent years, right?

His talent is indeed high, and his strength is indeed strong! "

"It has been a few years since Zhao Tianju became the sixth layer of Nirvana, even if he really won the first place in the Profound Sky Ranking this time, it seems not too unusual."

"Although Wang Fang has only been promoted to the sixth level of Nirvana this year, he has a very good relationship with Feng Tianhou. He received Feng Tianhou's guidance and gifts in private. It can be said that he has no weaknesses except for the sixth level of Nirvana. "

Seeing this, Feng Tianhou said with a smile: "Actually, this time the Xuantian ranking test has slightly changed the rules to increase the difficulty of promotion and the rewards. Another reason is to select potential disciples. , Then go to Longyuan."

"Long Yuan!"

The Shenwuzong disciples present were shocked at first, and then all showed envy.

"Brother, what is Long Yuan?"

A girl who hadn't been in the Divine Wuzong for a long time asked the same fellow next to her.

Originally, this fellow brother was too lazy to talk to others, but when he saw that he was a very cute newcomer, he immediately explained with a smile: "Longyuan is the place where the dragon returns to the ruins. When the dragon clan feels that he has little life, he Will take the initiative to go to Longyuan, and wait until the time comes.

Therefore, Longyuan is certainly dangerous, but there are countless opportunities, if you can get a scale and a half of claws, you can fly into the sky, even if you take this opportunity to become a dominance, it is not uncommon! "

"It's so amazing!"

The girl was astonished, and felt that it was the right decision to join Shen Wuzong.

In the ancient ghost realm, the disciples of the Shenwu Sect who participated in the Xuantian ranking test continued to fight and fight.

After all, you can get rewards just by carrying treasures for one hour. At least two hours will be exposed before you reveal your position. If you are careful enough, you can get two rewards for the guarantee. This tells them how not to be moved and how not to fight for it. .

Crackling! A terrible wave hit, and a figure was submerged by sword light. It seemed that the body and spirit were gone, and there was no bones left. Some of the worried True Wonderland disciples immediately showed an unbearable look.

This Xuantian ranking test is too cruel, right?

And it seemed that the number of Shen Wuzong disciples killed was quite large.

This level of loss, even the Shenwu Sect, could not be unscathed. Is it really necessary to be so traumatized for a Xuantian ranking test?

As if feeling the doubts of some Shenwu Sect disciples, Feng Tianhou explained: "Participating in the Xuantian ranking test, although the process is dangerous, there will be no life worry."

Upon hearing this, many Shen Wuzong disciples immediately looked over, wanting to see what was going on.

"The slain disciple will be protected by the large formation at the bottom of the venue at the moment of a fatal blow, and will be directly teleported out. Although injuries are inevitable, they will not fall."

Feng Tianhou said with a smile.

Everyone knew it instantly, and some of the disciples of Shen Wuzong who intended to show Feng Tianhou immediately seized the opportunity to speak up.

"Our Shen Wuzong has too many geniuses and suffers too few setbacks. We must endure many setbacks before we can grow!"

"Feng Tianhou has broken his heart for the younger brothers and sisters. Such a good senior brother is a rare sight in the world!"

"Fonding Tianhou to be a genius among geniuses is naturally different from ordinary people's consciousness. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, nothing more!"

I have to say that these people's boasting clichés are clichés, but the smile on the corner of Feng Tianhou's mouth is involuntarily brighter, which is obviously very useful.

"In fact, the six ancient cities have different characteristics, and relatively speaking, the difficulty is somewhat different."

In a good mood, Feng Tianhou decided to say more.

Sure enough, the Shen Wuzong disciples present immediately pricked their ears to listen to his explanation.

In Feng Tianhou's introduction, each of the six ancient cities had distinct characteristics.

Some thousands of years are frozen, and there is a kind of cold that freezes the soul at all times. Once you enter, the first thing you must pay attention to is whether you will be frozen into an ice sculpture inadvertently, otherwise you will have to wait until you realize this. late.

Some are directly in the endless deep sea, and will be swallowed by certain sea races if they are not careful, and they will be reduced to a delicious meal in the belly.

Some are disciples with a vast universe and weaker spiritual consciousness.

Others are in a huge cemetery with floating dead spirits and creatures resurrecting at any time, which is very scary.

"However, compared to the ancient ghost realm, the difficulty of these ancient cities is still a bit smaller.

Because in the ancient ghost realm, there are many terrifying demon heads, even with the strength of true disciples, they may fall at any time. "

Feng Tianhou talked freely, "Therefore, I think the Ancient Ghost Realm is the most difficult level among the six ancient cities."

Everyone suddenly realized.

Even Feng Tianhou felt that Ghost Ancient Realm was the most difficult, the most difficult level, and the degree of danger was self-evident.

I just don't know who is so lucky to be transported to the ancient ghost realm.

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